May 20, 2005 11:59
Maybe I'll go against the prevailing trend here and say that I was very disappointed with the new star wars. I think my biggest gripe over the course of all three movies is that never did I get a feeling that anything EPIC was happening before my eyes. It all just felt very small and petty...and wooden. I dunno, I guess I view these as sort of like the Dune prequels that have been written. The original is so mindbogglingly orgasmic that it's worth filtering through a bit of trash because of your love for the material. But that doesn't necessarily make it good, just sit through them because you like what comes after, and it does in some ways enhance the original, but it's just shite on its own.
Dialogue. Terrible. Anything with padme was abhorrent.
The fight between palpatine and mace windu was terrible. They looked like old men swinging baseball bats at each other, no speed to it whatsoever.
Darth vader coming off the rack with his waaaaaaah yell was so pathetic that I laughed. Big epic meaningful comedic moment? Somehow I don't think that was supposed to be as funny as it was.
I also felt like they seriously skimped out on anakin turning evil. I wanted to see him being vile, not walking into a room full of kiddies, turning on his lightsaber, and then cutting away...granted ratings may have been restrictive there. His "fall" was too swift, not enough transition.
Will also griped (and I agree) that never do we seen Anakin Skywalker being a great jedi. He's spoken of in the originals as a great jedi who fell to the darkside, but all along in the new ones he's just a winy cunt that you want to see die. They should have not done the first movie, made the second one the first, and done a middle one where you actually get to see big cool epic jedi things with anakin being an awesome jedi and good guy and build on his character some. Not transition from whiny little kid to obnoxiously bad actor who whines a lot to slightly better portrayal of whiny bitch character. Bleh.