Jan 19, 2007 01:42
So made it though another hard break of sleepin and resting and general chillaxin. . . probably the last one for a while. . . kinda sad.
Actually, it wasnt THAT relaxing. Only on the days I slept 14 hours. Which was only 5 of em. The second week.
The first week was spent running helter skelter trying to get my shopping done in under 24 hours since i didnt get away from the north until christmas eve day. Fortunatly, most of the shopping was done in advance overseas this summer, so that was easy! No rushes to the mall. Except for the one on the way to my grandparents that inconvenienced everyone in the car. . .
My bro and i had a good christmas; well, except for that he was visiting someone then i was then he was then i was. . . but the times together were swell. I got a new pair of lumberjack pjama pants from carmel, which is schweet since now i blend in with any woodpile i see.
I just spent a couple days running like a crazed maniac taking care of about 20 errands before heading out of town for a three day conference on track and rail laying techniques i will use for a design project this semester. What's better than taking senior design? Why, taking a second design course on the side that probably doesnt really count as anything in terms of credit but should be educational. . . darn it, I scheduled over "get a girlfriend" time again!
My hall is getting psyched for their first official broomball game tommarrow. Too bad their playing with themselves; we have two hall teams and got randomly pitted against each other in the same league. What are the odds, eh?
We got our first serious snow since october today; driving back from madison was a 15 mph ordeal a great deal of the way. Since 15 mph means you only accomplish 15 miles in a one hour period, we had time to solve many of lifes greater mysteries. The least of which not being how I managed to steal a cash register in madison with no one around to see. Some store threw it out with this weeks garbage, since that town does garbage collection on thursday mornings and i figures to myself "why through a perfectly good and hard to come by cash register in the garbage heap that is to soon become a ski resort?" So, i salvaged the thing and walked shiftily a couple blocks to our getaway van. Madison is crawling with cops no matter what time of year it is, so im surprised in afterthought I didnt get to spend some quality time in the capitol building on the wrong side of the court stand. We snuck into the capitol after hours to take a private tour. If only facilities would remember to close the doors after they lock them! What a beautiful structure! Beats the snot outta Lansing and Austin hands down. Common guys, get with it! Turns out Madison's capitol is actually bigger/taller than the US capitol after all; an unitentional result of them humbly trying to be one foot lesser in radius than the US capitol dome and pridefully bigger and bolder than everyone else's. Heh. Cheeseheads. Stick to farming and Football and leave engineering to your more experienced neighbors!