Another big batch of article links

Apr 21, 2010 09:05

It's a busy time in the Plattcave -- probably busier than I've ever been since hanging up my freelance shingle. In addition to the regular articles, I'm been working on newsletters, PR, web content, and a whole lot more. Meanwhile, I'm gearing up for the Maine Comics Arts Festival, for which I need to draw at least one my mini-comic before May 23rd. Busy, busy, busy.

But my work is your gain! Here are this week's article links for your entertainment and education. Enjoy!

Extinction Countdown: World's rarest tree gets some help

Find an Earth Day Event in Your Area

Donuts for Darfur Raises Dough for Refugees

Florida to try a RADical new idea to protect endangered panthers

Green Tech: Is Your Gaming System an Energy Vampire?

Target Wants to Recycle Your Old Electronics

Don't eat that: Endangered quolls my benefit from aversion therapy

Later, gators!


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