I've been challenged with vehemence occasionally regarding my resistance to the notion of "favorites."
To favor a thing, from my point of view, means to rank members of a category according to a general sense derived from whatever analysis I've afforded each. To admit a favorite of anything discounts its subtlety, observed or potential. Experience of anything is interpreted, which requires a certain simplification of the real thing, but to push this fragmentation toward a binary solution simply merges all possible relationships between things into a meaningless one: the better and the worse.
I fully acknowledge, and still quite frequently indulge in the pleasure of binary judgments, these necessary moves in the game I must remember I am playing. I try, however, to maintain my awareness of what is by acknowledging when I can that, as Alan Watts has offered, good and bad, the positive and the negative, are merely abstract endpoints marking the limits we put on what is. The thing itself has no need of them.