Fandom (please specify verse): House, M.D.
"Pairing": House & Wilson, friendship
Title: Tracking Time
Author: Namaste
Summary: A look at House and Wilson's friendship over the years and how it has changed from their meeting through the end of the first season.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: deals with medical emergency and lasting disability
Word Count: @36,000
WIP?: No.
Link: Why you would rec this?:
Namaste is a prolific and consistently high-quality writer who focuses on House and Wilson's friendship. This was her first story, and it establishes the easy banter and understated wickedness of these two men's attitudes, realistically exploring their characters through very good and very bad times in their lives. It traces the evolution of their pre-series friendship, year by year, tying into the show's canon by the end.