(no subject)

May 17, 2005 09:56

Take the quiz: "What does your birth month reveal about you?"

Stubborn and hard-hearted. Strong-willed and highly motivated. Sharp thoughts. Easily angered. Attracts others and loves attention. Deep feelings. Beautiful physically and mentally. Firm Standpoint. Needs no motivation. Easily consoled. Systematic (left brain). Loves to dream. Strong clairvoyance. Understanding. Sickness usually in the ear and neck. Good imagination. Good physical. Weak breathing. Loves literature and the arts. Loves traveling. Dislike being at home. Restless. Not having many children.Hardworking. High spirited. Spendthrift.

Take the quiz: "Your Psych-Ward diagnosis"

Schizoid Personality Disorder
Diagnosis: Schizoid Personality Disorder. A pervasive pattern of detachment from social relationships and a restricted range of expression of emotions in interpersonal settings, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by (some of the following) neither desiring close relationships, preference for solitary activities, little interest in sexual relationships, lacking close friendships, and shows emotional coldness, detachment, or flattened affectivity.
Take the quiz: "What vampire would you be?"

Vampire of Seduction
Who say's killing cant be fun? As lovly as you are, you must be the Love god/ess of Vampires everywere. The opposite as well as the same sex are oeverwhelmed by you. You play with their senses before you puncture to the death. ( Ha ha ha ha. Tis funny, tis funny )
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