Jul 11, 2004 18:02
One exciting day of work after the other. Yes it is true. I have come to the conclusion that after 6 o'clock an invisible barrier is activated outside our doors to keep tourists out. Therefore leaving me with nothing to do and nobody to talk to for 3 hours. Oh how the silence kills. haha.
So in the absence of actual work to do I have decided that I will spend my evening playing mindless internet games (a la tetris) and perusing eBay. Ah eBay, the place that tempts me to spend all my money, but saves me for the fact that you need a credit card. Thank god for not having a credit card.
Tonight I think I will go home, change out of my sexy ass uniform into some normal clothes. Then run to the hills (or cliffs?) for some hot sex or something equally as fun I'm sure. Right.