Plague and Princesses - The Lucying - Session 2

May 30, 2017 13:43

First off fight 4x blighted dryads

Blighted dryads - like dryads but sick, grey splotchy skin, coughing, green mucousy grossness, falling downish

  • if dies, everyone within 10ft takes 3HP damage, and makes a fort save <10 = 2 con damage

Then - can continue tracks through the forrest, they quickly come across a blighted grove, and spend time burying the dryads decently. Tracking through the blighted forrest, they emmerge in the blightlands, and come to the small abandoned village of Willard's Creek. Obvious small creek. Creek water ok, no plantlife, small insects, but no real animal life. Tis night. They pick an abandoned house to sleep in, nothing happens that night.

The next day they can search the village, find one house cleaner/less dusty than the rest. Searching house reveals generic farmhouse, people left in a hurry, clothes/homewares/farming tools left behind, nothing valuable, no food or livestock. Eventually they find a trapdoor in the kitchen, it's well hidden and will require a spot or search of 18. down the ladder, dark tunnel, about halfway down make spot check 15, trigger exploding rune 2d6 fire damage, reflex save 15 for half. Continue down dark corridor, spot checks 20 will show a broken tripwire.

Door, enter into a bright, cheerful room, yellow, flowers painted on the walls, kitchen/dining/lounge, three doors off it, mess of blood on the floor. A little girl comes bouncing through the door on the left, "Uncle!" but stops short when she realises you are not Uncle. 7-8, red hair, black eyes, pretty dress but covered in blood. Has a dolly in one hand and a lambs skull in the other. Very wary of strangers, doesn't like them, but treating her like a little girl, being kind, and a dip check of at least 16 will convince her to talk. Any sort of aggression will skip the information gathering stage and trigger fight.

Information they can get

  • very hungry and lost

  • doesn't see anything wrong with her night time excursions, fun game

  • uncle calls her Princess, so she guesses that is her name, her name from her old world is *unpronounceable hiss*

  • doesn't come from this world uncle brought her here from outside this world 2 years ago

  • not actually her uncle, that's what she calls him

  • uncle was going to bring her a sister, left about 2 weeks ago, hasn't come back

  • doesn't know what a sister is, thinks it could be tasty

  • misses her home and family/lonely

  • has only seen uncle since he brought her here, except for one time she saw a man through uncle's special door and he was really mad

Exploration of room reveals a neat and cosy little house, pantry full of food, salted beef, now mouldy bread, barrels of fruit and vegetables, dry goods and grains. Girls room (where she came from) is messy, blood and bones on the floor, but was clearly once the room of a slightly spoilt girl, lots of toys, nice bed, etc. Next room is an immaculate and pleasant nursery. Next room is a man's room, tidy and well established. There is a door on the far wall, which will not open or break down no matter what players attempt to do. Trying to open it upsets Princess Place looks like it cost a pretty penny, and wouldn't be out of place in a well-off merchant's house. No gold/jewels/valuables.

Princess gets more and more cross/hungry/annoyed, players can't calm her down, she attacks. Fight ensues. She can turn between little girl, and a fluffy black kitten the size of a husky. Much hurt, many scary. Claws/teeth very bad, Hum/Purr can paralyse, scream does damage and causes Tabitha to run away in fright, can also punch, but does 1 damage.

Eventually Bodaway rolls a good enough dip check that she calms down. Really Reeeeeeeeeeally wants to eat Merlyn though (refers to her as Heard Beast, Drax is Ugly One, Bodaway reminds her of uncle). Bodie promises her more food if she'll be a good girl and come with them. Uncle said not to leave leave the house with strangers.

You convince her that she can leave by herself, and meet up with them, that's not leaving with strangers, so it's OK. She has a tea party with Fluffy the lambskull and her dolly, and you guys piss off and go back upstairs where Tabitha is waiting. You then have a very loud conversation about how you're going to kill her, which she overhears by hiding under the trapdoor.

That night, Drax and Bodie are on watch, when they see a shadow in the trees by the house. It is Princess. Drax wakes the others, Dom and Bodie try to talk to her, but all they get back is "you're mean, we're not friends", till they're just shouting random apologies into the night. Gre puts Merlyn on his shoulder for safekeeping, and they, Drax, and Tabitha stay in the house.

The shutters behind Gre smash open, and he is hit in the ass by a really pissed off fluffy black kitten the size of a husky. Fight ensues.
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