Yup...Thats how it goes

Apr 24, 2005 16:43

Does anyone ever say something you wish you really didn't hear?
Thanks guys.
I wish you hadn't said anything.
I really didn't want to know.
But thanks.

I worked today.
It was really cold.
I had fun though.
Katlyn and I worked together.
Then we went and picked up my check from upham.
Then we went to Albertsons and screwed around.
We put a bunch of crap on Zacky's car.
Then we came to mi casa and made nachos.
Yesterday Zack and I hung out all day.
We painted my door and put grafiti on it.
We had a paint fight (i think i won!!).
We went to Bennigans.
Then we finished the door at my house.
Then we watched TV and played mancala and uno.
Then we had my mom make us dinner (steak + Mac n Cheese).
Then we watched "Ali".
That movie was pretty good.
I had fun.
I'm super tired.
I think I'm gonna watch a movie and take a nappers.
I've got a lot of crap to do this week so I can't be tired!
After volleyball season, I'm starting boxing again.
Vegas is gonna be SWEET.
Michelle's dad found tickets for $224!!
I'm gonna start doing hospice.
I'm excited.
I start driving this summer.
I won't have a car, but I'll have my lisence.
We'll I'm gonna go.
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