2PM Quotes

Nov 11, 2009 18:39

✔ The quotes from 2PM's teaser videos. I just want to keep these in my journal for future reference.


Music makes my heart beat.
The more I sing.
The more I listen.
The more I stand on stage.
My heart beats stronger.
I want to live like this until I die.


Fans make my heart beat.
All of the fans that love me, even though I don't have much to give.
Being able to make someone happy with my music feels like a dream.
As long as there is a fan left for me, I want to sing for that fan.
It's time to stand on stage now.
My heart feels like exploding.


Trust makes my heart beat.
Even when my heart would stop because of hardships,
I lived through it all because of trust.
As long as we are together, we can handle anything.
And my heart will beat with confidence.


Anxiety makes my heart beat.
Every morning, it asks me a question.
Will I do okay today? Will I not be enough today?
And I tell myself.
I can do it. I can do it.
My heart beat feels faster.
Now, this is the start.


The people I love makes my heart beat.
The love I give, the love I receive.
My family, friends... and our 7 members.
The more I think of them, my heart gets warmer.
I want to be with you guys forever.


Struggles make my heart beat.
'Cause I know they make me stronger.
That's why I'll never give up. That's why I'm not afraid to fail.
Today I face another obstacle.
And so my heart starts beating.

Translations from 2OD

quotes, 2pm

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