Friends Cut

Jul 04, 2010 08:12

Unfortunately today is a time where I have to announce a friends cut. My first entry in almost two weeks and it's a friends cut. Sorry.

Possible reasons why you were cut.

1. We never comment on each other's journals.
2. There's just no interest in each other anymore as like friends.
3. It's one of your old journals that you're not using anymore.
4. One of those journals where you go, "Why did we add each other in the first place"?
5. One or both sides never really got to know more about the other after we friended.  Most likely at a friending meme.

If you weren't cut, then I think you can just tell because it says we're still mutual friends.

But there is a post after this. I'm not going to make this post and then just run away. There's people I must welcome on my f-list!

friends cut

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