I Bring History 8D

Oct 24, 2009 00:56

Putting this here for reference for my CMC fill. I charged all the way up the stairs to the North Tower in my school and dug through three history textbooks when I saw that the prompt was 'Propaganda'. I'm so surprised I managed to find this again XD

This actually took place a few days before the SALT I talks, I believe.


Before Nixon's visit, Secretary of Commerce Maurice Stans spent 11 days in the Soviet Union. In his visits to a tractor plant, a steel mill, and an oil field, Stans recalled "It was as friendly a meeting as if I were representing California and negotiating with Arizona." Before leaving, however, Stans requested a favor from the soviet host, Alexei Kosygin:
"There is one thing I hope you'll take care of: On the highway into Moscow there is a great big bill-board with the United States pictured as a vicious killer, with a sword in one hand and a gun in the other, killing people all over the world. I don't think that will be a good entrance for President Nixon, and it ought to come down." He said "It will."


I'm probably the only one that thinks this is funny >_>

hetalia, history, lookit what i found

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