Presents go here... kinda?

Dec 25, 2005 10:50

LOL K so um, secret santa thing?

I understand that Haine comes from a VERY obscure fandom known by only ten other people in the entirety of CFUD, so unless you're one of those ten, or you want to go and read her canon which is really only 16 chapters long so far (which would be like a present to me in itself because I LOVE pimping it to people), or unless you're just completely masochistic, don't worry about anything to do with Haine! (Though I'd love anyone forever if they did :o.)

Instead I'm going to do one of those wishlist type things that seem so popular, to help you out! (I am a very, very shippy person, ehee.)

Within CFUD:

Teh Straight:
~ Haine x Gongji, of course, shhh.
~ Russel x Meer
~ Heather x Kabuto

Teh Ghei:
~ Athrun x Anakin
~ Chizuru x Chisame
~ iShine eeeeeeeeeee.
~ Kira x Nishi
~ Kira x Lu Xun (whoa, old school what?)
~ Shinn x Lu Xun (;__;)
~ Riddle x Ed
~ Lu Meng x Lu Xun
~ Al x Ari (DON'T KILL ME ARI D:)
~ Nishi x Ari (... *running now*)
~ Haine x Haruka (how could I forget this one?)

...... AAAAND there's probably a tonne more, I'm just writing this off the top of my head so I'll add more as I think of them so keep checking back just in case 8D?

Outside of CFUD:

~ Anakin x Obi Wan
~ Near x Mello
~ Sakura x Lee
~ Hinata x Naruto
~ Sakura x Naruto
~ Iruka x Naruto
~ Neji x Naruto
~ Gaara x Naruto
~ Sasuke x Naruto (oh naruto you ho!)
~ Yuuri x Wolfram
~ Yuuri x Murata
~ Yuuri x Conrad (yuuri's a ho too.)
~ Raito x L
~ Raito x Misa
~ Ed x Roy
~ Ed x Winry
~ Al x Winry
(but no Elricest plz k & thx?)
~ Roy x Havoc
~ Roy x Riza
~ Athrun x Kira
~ Deaka x Yzak
~ Kira x Lacus
~ Ishida x Ichigo (though I've never been able to look at any pairing with Ishida in it the same way again after CFUD XDDD)
~ Ishida x Orihime
~ Ichigo x Orihime
~ Tatsuki x Orihime
~ Tatsuki x Chizuru
~ Anything DNAngel

Aaand I have other canons I like outside of CFUD I just can't remember them now so if you're not familiar with any of those then... suggest something, I suppose :D? Will add to as I think of more~.

And if you're not a drawer or a writer or you're not an anime fan or a pairings fan, then... er, you could rec me some good books (I LOVE TO READ, liek whoa) or pimp me some of your favourite songs (I'll listen to just about anything)?

I'm really not all that hard to please :D.

And now I need to go make a post because I haven't been around for so long eep.
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