Jul 15, 2010 20:42
i want your love and i want your revenge.
Random Movie Thoughts
Inception is going to be an awesome effing movie. Have avoided all interviews, reviews. bts, trailers, and the comic book prequel in anticipation of watching the movie. i didn't want to get spoiled or see too much of the movie through the trailers. like seriously all i know about the moves is that
1. its by Nolan, he of Batman epicness
2. DiCaprio is in it and looks good. this is a good thing :D
3. Ellen Page is in it. idk why. nothing against her.
4. its about .... something. idk dreams and stuff. its probably gonna be confusing but i dont care
5. it better be awesome or i will be pissed
The ATeam, big summer action movie whatever, was hilarious. seriously. it was great. I love Bradley Cooper and Liam Neeson and Sharlto Copley and JBiel. but rampage should never ever ever act. dude, seriously stick to beating people up and getting beaten up for a living.
The Grown Ups, big comedy with all those funny dudes was surprisingly not funny. it was a cute movie. but not really funny.
Still havent seen Toy Story 3. this vexes me.
Harry Potter 7 trailer was epic. made me cry and gave me the chills. the movies are gonna be so epic. but what will i do when there is no more new harry potter stuff to look forward to? seriously, i feel like a big chunk of my life is gonna be missing. i grew up with HP and ardently love it.