Note to self:

Jan 19, 2006 09:09

  • Watch Joey tonight at 7:30pm
  • Watch CSI tonight at 9pm
  • Charge cell phone battery
  • cool HGTV shows advertised on subway: Mondays at 9pm and Tuesdays at 7:30pm (i think)
  • log on to Gmail to watch video Nick sent me

Decided to start watching some TV least making an attempt to..we'll see how long that lasts before I give up..if I even start.

Last night was fuuuuun! Tony and I went to Kelsey's and we ordered this spinach and four cheese dip thing for appetizer, then we each ordered this combo that started us with a salad, then a pasta of our choice, then chocolate marshmallow truffle dessert...we were super duper full by the time dinner ended so we did our usual meeting up routine and went to TnT and walked around. This time, we didn't get the coffee jello cuz they didn't have it for some odd reason, we just got coffee neither of us had the room in our stomach to down the drink, so we took it home...hehehe

Oh, and he paid for dinner too...awww....i think that was the first time he paid for dinner :p he's so hilarious. I love it when he's single, and it's been like 5-6 years since he was last through three girlfriends about 1-2 years each one right after another with no break in between...geez! Honestly, he's like the worst back up ever because I so know he's gonna get married before 35 (he already said his next girlfriend is gonna be his wife >.<). I told him he should stay single for a while to hang out with me...haha..obviously that's not going to happen...anyway, I wouldn't be single either if the right person comes along. People tell me that I never seem to find the reight person because I'm probably not completely ready yet...but either way, I can't make him stay single if I don't actually want to be single myself, right? Heh..whatever, take one day at a time. He's definitely a lot more fun when he's not attached!

lists, recount

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