chicago was a very fun time, as per usual. lots of friend time, baseball games (!!!!), and love time. the cubs won on monday, too, which was quite exciting. missing you, chicago. and chicago. see you july 3rd.
summer school is approaching...I'm dreading it, but ready to tackle it at the same time. yes, it's math, which I'm miserable at. but I want that damn degree. it's about time. so, 7am math starts june 9th. wish me LUCK, LUCK, LUCK!
me and alison at the uh huh her show.
me and my godson, robert. he is the cutest! he slept in my arms for an hour on that visit.
me and becca at the white sox game.
me and my newly acquired child.
we kind of look rave-ish.
and gangster?
wrigley field! my first cubs game.
pretty skyline.