Some people have asked me to elaborate on my answers and so I have and I hope it's enough this time. Apologies if it's not.
- What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why? Well, in the 'real' world, I'm a nurse, so probably a healer. Although I wouldn't mind doing something like wand making either cause I enjoy making/creating things. I was at art school for three years studying glass making, and although it is rather different from wand making, it's still using your hands to create a one off and that's something I know for a fact I enjoy. That and I'm very interested in the way in which a wand chooses someone, the way the different woods are connected to the celtic calender and the types of cores used.
- You have to venture deep into the Forbidden Forest one night. Pick one Harry Potter character other than Hagrid and one object (muggle or magical), besides your wand, that you'd want with you. erm, I think I'd probably take Remus Lupin cause as a werewolf he'd be able to sense any dangerous creatures coming our way rather easily and scare them off too so we would be okay. Plus with that werewolf strength he'd be handy if we needed to fight (without our wands). And the one object would probably be some sort of weapon to use as protection, but not a sword or crossbow or anything like that as that would be too predictable and I would likely end up shooting myself in the foot with an arrow. So maybe a tennis racket or cricket bat or something like that.
- If you had the opportunity to live forever, but your family and friends did not, what would you choose? And if you did choose to live forever, what would you do with eternity? Not sure I could live forever, think I'd probably get bored. Sure I wouldn't mind living until I was old and grey cause there is so much I still want to do, so many places I want to travel to, so many things I want to learn. I've already done art school and nursing school, but I am very interested in archeology, geology and theology too, so I would like to go and study them. I saw an archeology course that also teaches ancient greek and ancient latin too and the thought of knowing ancient latin and greek is just waaaaay to cool to pass up. I'd also love to travel the world, I have a fascination with China so I would like to visit there as well travelling around Europe visiting places like Milan, Prague, Madrid, Berlin; I appreciate good archetecture and so I'd be going for that (mostly) and to visit the museums. I'd love to go back to Barcelona too and spend more time in the Gothic Quarter as that place was very beautiful and I just didn't get enough time there. So for me, living until I was a hundred or so would be enough I think. Any older and I would most definitely get bored.
- If you could travel back in time to one point, when and where would you go? Why? New York - 1920's. I've always said, in one of my past lives I was a flapper. Aesthetically, I love that period, not too keen on the whole TB and lack of proper sewage systems though. I love to dance (did irish, disco, tap & highland when I was younger) and the idea of being in the chorus line on one of the shows is something that I would jump at the chance to do. The costumes alone are enough of an incentive never mind that I actually find dancing fun. Needless to say, I love the show Chicago. It's one of the best shows I've ever seen, and I've seen quite a few. I also like the way the men dressed then, with their smartly trimmed suits and their little caps. Very handsome. I'm quite into the burlesque scene so I love all the old vintage styles. If I had long hair I'd totally have it in a Dita Von Teese style all the time, but as it is, my hair is short, so I go for the punky look, but I do slick it back when i go to my burlesque nights, maybe put a wave in it.
- What HP character do you identify with most and why? Easy, Nymphadora Tonks. Not only because of the way she dresses, the wild hair she has, but the fact that as a teenager, I never fitted in at school. Being as clumsy as she was, and being a metamorphagus she no doubt had difficulty fitting in with everyone else. But it's only as an adult, settled into an occupation that she loves, that she has become comfortable in her own skin - like me. I was bullied all the way through high school because I was 'different' and when I went to art school at 18, I finally fitted in with people, I was finally happy with the person I was becoming. Now that I'm in nursing, I still don't completely fit in - I'm covered in tattoos and I'm a huge nerd, but I don't mind that I don't fit in anymore. In fact, I'm quite happy that I don't as the alternative, I find to be rather boring.
- What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised? Probably me getting married. I don't think it's something that will ever happen. I have a very complicated history with my current partner (wouldn't even call him partner at the moment if I'm honest) and although I think that he'll probably be the one I'll end up with, I honestly don't ever see us getting married, there's just too much history of mistrust and deceit there between us that it would probably be the worst idea in the world for us to get married. So that, and probably me having a baby. Due to health reasons, the chances of me having children are very slim, and unfortunately it is something that I really want, so I would definitely see myself with my own family and a loving partner.
- Do you believe that moral actions should be judged by the intentions behind them, or by the consequences they create? Both. I don't think you can judge moral actions by just the intention or consequences alone as the intentions might not be good, but the consequences are and vice versa. I wish I could give an example to explain this further, but I've just got in from work and I'm mega tired so can't get my brain to work properly :(
- What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now? I used to want to join the army. I had it all planned out, I would sit my A Level Physics (in Scotland we do highers, so it would need to have been specially arranged for me) go to Officer Training School and then join the Royal Corp of Engineers - my Dad is an engineer so there was no question in my mind what Corp I wanted to join. However, when I was 15, I found out that for health reasons, I wasn't allowed to join. I was devastated. It was the end of the world for me and I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life after that. I then sort of fell into the whole art thing as it was the only other thing I was half decent at. And while I loved it, I realised while at art school that it wasn't what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. Nursing is. I always said that when I gradutatd from art school I would then go do my nursing degree, and so that's what I did. I chose nursing because I became inspired by the nurses who looked after me when I was ill as a child and knew that, that was what I wanted to do. It may have taken a long time to get here, but it was totally worth it. So yes, I'm in my ideal job now and I'm aware that I'm one of the few people in this world who is lucky enough to say that, so if I ever complain about my work, feel free to remind me of that fact.
- If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it? That's a hard one, I honestly have no idea. Probably something to make you optimistic and relaxed, seeing as that's kind of the way I am the majority of the time and people always want to know how I can remain so laid back all the time. I never used to be, used to stress out at the littlest thing, then I dunno what happened, it was like a light switch or something, I just became this chilled out happy person. I am really interested in Buddhism and do, do a lot of mediatation, so perhaps that has a lot to do with it, I'm finding my inner peace. Maybe that's what my potion would do, give the drinker a semblance of inner peace. I'm not really good at coming up with names for stuff, so for now I'll call it... theoricus - Latin for 'meditate' :D
- If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus? A spider. A big hairy, scuttling, freaky spider *shudders* And it would turn into Jeff from Chuck cause he just makes me laugh so much. Yes, he's inappropriate beyond belief, but that's why I love him :) If you've never seen Chuck, Jeff is basically this old nerd who has issues with alocohol and boundaries. Okay, so he doesn't sound funny when I put him like that, but trust me, he is.
- What do you look for in a friend? Mutual respect. I like my friends to want me to be friends because they like me, not just to have someone to dump all their issues on and not be there to return the favour when I need them. I am a very good friend. I will pick up the phone when you call at four am and listen to you as you cry about what you're boyfriend has done, I'll be there to help you move into your new flat, fix a new lock on the door and put the lino down in your bathroom cause you don't know how. But, if I can't talk to you, can't rely on you to be there for me whenever I need you, then our friendship isn't a friendship and will be very short lived. Unfortunately I've often found that people become my friend just to have me sort out their life for them, and then when I have a problem, they're just not interested. It's probably why I can honestly say that I only have three actual friends, people who I know will be there for me no matter what and who I will always be there for too.
An example of this happened to me just this year, a girl who I met at nursing school and who fast became what I had considered one of my closest friends, had been having issues with her partner. He was very abisuve towards her and became rather violent and so I helped her get away from him, helped her move into her own flat and was there for her 24/7. During Easter of this year, she told me that they were getting back together. I wanted her to be happy, but I knew that he wouldn't be able to do that for her as his abise towards her had been going on for two years, with me always left to clean up the mess when he was done, going to collect her when she got too drunk at the pub to find her way home, answering her calls at all hours of the night, lending her money to get away from him whenever she needed it and when she went back to him, it was like a huge slap in the face. Now I understand that you can never choose the one you love, life would be fantastic if you could, but when I told her that I wanted her to be happy but that I hoped she didn't expect me to be friendly towards him because I wouldn't be, civil, yes, but not friendly, she practically stopped talking to me. And then I started having issues of my own and I had no one to talk to about it, she wouldn't answer my texts or phonecalls, she just ignored me... until about a month later. She wanted me to go out for her birthday to a very expensive place. Now, if she had been there for me, had paid any attention to what was going on in my life, she would've known that I could've barely afforded a birthday card for her, let alone going out and spending ridiculous amounts of money on cocktails and what not. So I told her I wouldn't be able to go, that I had to work and couldn't afford not to and she stopped talking to me altogether. That was in May. I've not heard from her since, she doesn't even know that I'm moving 400 miles away in a couple of months. So now you see why I value mutual respect so highly in friendships.
- What trait most annoys you about other people? No self awareness. I hate, hate, hate it when you're walking down a street and the person in front of stops dead, or meanders to and fro, walking soooo slowly that you have to take over them, but can't cause they keep walking from side to side blocking your path. And drivers who don't indicate, because they think that they're in a car and therefore have no obligation to tell the pedestrian where they're going - I almost got knocked over because of this yesterday, driver didn't indicate until he started turning the corner, then looked at me like it was all my fault.
Also, I really don't like it when people have no respect for other's posessions. It may not mean a lot to you, but it could mean the world to the owner, so treat it with respect, don't draw on it, bend it out of shape and throw it about as if it's nothing. It's not fair, you wouldn't like it if someone did that to something of yours, so why would you do it to someone else's belongings?
- What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
1. I'm very caring - I'll always put others before me, making sure that they're okay first and that they have everything they need before seeing to myself. Also you kind of have to be at least a little caring in my job.
2. I have a lot of life experience and so can give good adivce when asked for. People often think I'm older than I actually am because I've 'lived' so much and have quite a wise head on me (I wasn't always that way though).
3. I'm very patient - although you wouldn't think it after my rant about what annoys me about others :D
4. My sister says I'm determined, which in a way I suppose I am. When I set myself a goal, I do my utmost to reach that goal and it really frustrates me when I don't do it... I suppose that could be a weakness too.
5. I have a very good sense of humour, some people say it's warped or unusual, but then they say that about most things relating to me too. But I find that if you have the ability to laugh at yourself then your life will be a lot happier.
- What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
1. I have a terrible addiction to caffeine. I usually have at least 2 cups of coffee before 9 am and multiple cups of tea throughout the day too. I get really bad headaches when i don't have enough. I've tried to cut back, I really have, but it's just too hard... perhaps that's why I'm so chipper all of the time.
2. I swear waaaay too much, so much that I often don't realise that I'm doing it. the 'F' word is a regular in my vocabulary, and now that I have a 5 month old nephew who I live with, I'm doing my utmost to cut back on that too, but it's a 25 year old habit that is very, very hard to break.
3. I'm easily distracted, especially when it concerns LJ and the interweb - when at home, I usually have my laptop attached to my knee at all times (like now) and someone can be talking to me and I'll just zone them out and concentrate on what's on the screen. I've lost all ability to socialise with real life people.
4. I can be quite indecisive, but I have devised a quick tool to remedate that, it's called 'eeny meeny miney mo'. Seriously though, I always find it hard to decide between even the simplest of things like, what drink to order in a restaurant. It annoys everyone I know, but I just tell them it's part of my lovable charm :)
5. I don't often get angry, but when I do, duck and cover. It's not pretty. As much as I'm a very mellow person, I can have quite a temper on me. I don't often lose my temper though, instead just taking a few deep breaths and letting it wash over me. And when I do lose my temper, it's usually little things that do it and then that's me in a foul mood for a good long while - I usually have to sleep it off.
- Define in your own words the following key traits:
- Courage: Not being scared to face your own fears.
- Loyalty: Being there for your family and friends when they need you the most.
- Intelligence: Having a vast knowledge on a wide variant of subjects.
- Ambition: Knowing what you want from life and setting out to get it.
- Name: Amy
- Age: 25
- Where did you find out about us? Through nowgold. I'm on her f-list and noticed her commenting about it a few times on her journal as well as at whedonland.
- Do you plan on being active in the communities once you are sorted? absolutely, I love this type of thing and have quite a bit of free time on my hands at the moment so I'll be on more than is probably healthy :D