Sort me!

Aug 13, 2009 13:59

  • What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why?

    That’s a tough one! All things considered I think we got a very small glimpse into the world of possibilities there. I’m definitely not the type that would be happy with a ministry “desk job.” I’d go insane, because if I was confined indoors in the same atmosphere all the time, even dealing with magical matters would become tedious. Especially one of those departments that goes around busting people for mundane crap like jinxing a rubber duck or something. Even being an auror would be a little hard for me because while I love adventure, I don’t particularly like busting people or tattle-tailing. I could never be a police officer and I somewhat equate the two. I suppose I’d enjoy being a professional Quidditch player most of all from what we’ve seen in the books, I’ve always been athletic and I enjoy working out and playing games. I’m very competitive as well, plus I think flying on a broom would be positively exhilarating, let alone playing a sport in the sky. I’d want to be on a co-ed team I think, I like getting down and dirty with the boys (get your mind out of the gutter, haha!) and I’d quite like the opportunity to travel, be rich and famous for a time, and truly love my “job.” I’m not a dumb jock by any stretch of the imagination, but I think I’d enjoy it the most. Although, the accidental magical reversal squad could prove quite an entertaining post, come to think of it!

  • You have to venture deep into the Forbidden Forest one night. Pick one Harry Potter character other than Hagrid and one object (muggle or magical), besides your wand, that you'd want with you.

    HARRY! I don't care if I'd be safer with Tonks, Kingsley, or Mad-Eye, I don't care if Dumbledore might just outright save the day, or that Bellatrix would be a trip and a half to hang out with (granted we were on good enough terms to take a stroll in the woods together and she wouldn't be out to kill me, haha). I have a feeling Harry and I would be great friends, and I would never pass up the chance to have a dangerous and spectacular adventure with him given these interesting options. Plus he's kind of a magnet for danger, and if I was going in the forbidden forest anyway I'd expect to at least get attacked. Knowing me, I would probably actually be disappointed if nothing happened haha.

    As for the object, I would just want us to have his invisibility cloak. That seems like the most typically canon setup for a truly exciting adventure in the forbidden forest, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  • If you had the opportunity to live forever, but your family and friends did not, what would you choose? And if you did choose to live forever, what would you do with eternity?

    I think I might actually choose to live forever, it's quite an interesting concept. It would be sad, but the opportunity to spend eons just exploring the world, learning languages, seeing society develop, and learning more and more about myself. I would hope to at some point find someone else immortal to share my life with, since the stipulation is that my current friends and family would have to "stay behind" but not that I'd have to be alone. Having a mix of the extraordinary with travel and higher learning and cultural studies and simply falling in to a community as an anonymous newcomer - even as a high school student like the Cullens do in Twilight, minus having to refrain from eating your peers, of course. I like how they have endless hobbies and talents and knowledge… it’s quite a lovely thought. I do tend to romanticize things and I’m sure there would be down sides to eternity also, but I usually don’t focus on the negative. The possibilities are so intriguing I think I'd have to take the opportunity.

  • If you could travel back in time to one point, when and where would you go? Why?

    Well, chivalry isn’t quite dead but I’d positively love to go back to a time when it wasn’t on life support. I think England circa the late 1700’s/early 1800’s would be fantastic. For those who may not know, this is when Jane Austen lived and the time period she writes of. I think the heroines in her books exhibit the fact that while women certainly had their place in the world and they might not have had much real power, they certainly were developing some wiggle room. It might have been scandalous for a woman to act independently, but I like a little drama now and then anyway. They ruled the daily workings of their homes and the inner workings of society and I think that would be fun to visit and experience. Dances, debutantes, betrothals, innocence (heh), romance… I think it would all be quite fun to experience firsthand. And oh, those dresses! And oh, the courtships! Just once I’d like to have a guy put in that much work to spend time with me, lol. I’m all about equal partnerships and whatnot, but seriously… chivalry could use a comeback. Texting is the worst thing to happen to dating since sliced bread, I want a suitable gentleman to ride into my garden on horseback and politely request to accompany me on an outing or to a party. I mean really, how fun would that be?

  • What HP character do you identify with most and why?

    It's almost an even split between Harry and Hermione, but I think my personality is a little more like Harry's. I'm just a bit more easygoing about life, I have that "I've been through worse" attitude, and I am smart and talented but there are things more important to me than school. I highly value my friends and family; I would protect them with my life if push came to shove without thinking twice. Like Harry, I am very hot-headed, I leap to conclusions, I can be reckless, incredibly stubborn when I have a gut instinct, and even when I’m not entirely sure of myself I usually know what I must do, put on my brave face, and suck it up. It’s a little bit of a reach for the metaphor because I hardly think I’m half-possessed by a portion of an evil wizard’s soul, but I have a dark side that often causes moral dilemmas. I strive to choose to do the “right” or “best” thing and be “good” (I’m using quotations because those terms are so subjective.) but there are times when I have been very tempted and even given in to things I knew were probably wrong, but got me where I wanted to be at the time… and most of the examples I’m thinking of at the moment, I never got caught or faced consequences and was left to sort out the moral implications on my own.

    I usually identify on a very personal level with Harry’s choices, reactions, feelings, opinions, and choices. I know he’s the protagonist and from a reader’s perspective the books are designed so that we identify with Harry, but I feel that it goes beyond rooting for the “good guy.” I can see the good and bad in myself in Harry, and I both admire and cringe at things he says and does often when reading the books.

  • What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised?

    This might sound extraordinarily cheesy, but I honestly think I would see my true love, my life partner, the one I'm meant to be with. I've had a few long term relationships that were great until we realized for one reason or another we just weren't quite right for each other. I would love to see and know the person who is exactly right for me, who accepts me for who I am, who makes me laugh, can stand up to my big personality and deal with my occasionally hot temper, who can be honest with me, who loves my crazy quirks, who respects not only my abilities and my accomplishments but ME, who is my all and the one I can weather anything with - and for whom I can do all of the above and be happy doing so. I'm fine where I'm at right now in my love life, but I think my heart's deepest desire is to find an unconditional, unwavering, wonderful, amazing, true love to build my life with.

  • Do you believe that moral actions should be judged by the intentions behind them, or by the consequences they create?

    By the consequences they create. You can have the best intentions in the world and cause havoc, hurt feelings, bodily harm… any number of negative things. You just never know exactly what the outcome is going to be, but the fact remains that you and anyone else involved still have to deal with those consequences. What it really comes down to is the reality which your actions create. Successful justice systems by in large does not work by judges and juries determining what the intentions behind a criminal or civil act were, they work by judging the aftermath and reality of the situation. There is no possible way to quantify or positively know what someone’s intentions are, but when consequences exist you can observe and measure them and that’s the only fair way to determine how to judge an action.

    On the flip side, even if you have neutral intentions in doing a good deed or you see it as a duty, positive results should be praised, admired, and/or rewarded as is appropriate. It is a firefighter’s duty to act and save lives and structures and land, and although scene safety/ personal safety is a priority, by nature they are risking their lives and health by simply doing their job. That doesn’t really make it any less heroic or exceptional just because it is their profession; they have still chosen to spend their lives being public servants and the results of that choice and their actions have hugely positive consequences.

    The only way we can even remotely begin to judge an action fairly is by having objective evidence of some kind - eyewitness accounts, testimonials, hard proof, etc. - not by subjective hearsay of what the intent was.

  • What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now?

    I could bore you with the ins and outs of my misadventures of possibly wanting a medical career and all in all deciding that sick people make me depressed and even if I'm kind of kick-ass at it I would rather be a happy person... I'll give you the simple version. I have explored many ideas but have really always come back to one desired profession: Interior Designer. And now I'm attending school for it, couldn't be happier. I'm creative, I love the idea of helping people have harmonious environments to live in, and I COULD NOT BE MORE STOKED to be studying this profession at a time when green and sustainable design materials and concepts are on the rise. So, yep. Interior design. Can't wait to have my own firm. Kinda want a HGTV show too, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. :D

  • If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it?

    I would invent a wealth charm. I grew up much like the Weasleys (minus my being an only child, but with the big extended family living together and uncles that were more like big brothers) and although we had a comfortable, happy home and we got by, it was always something. Some crisis that needed immediate fixing and took a heavy toll on the monthly budget. My mom struggled as a single mom when my parents divorced, and although I’ve always had my dad in the background to help me out financially to an extent, money has never exactly been readily available and has always been a concern. I don’t really want a charm like this for material gain so much as for independence, security, peace of mind, and the ability to take care of the people I love with no holds barred. My family lives a very no-frills lifestyle, and I’d just love to be able to give them nicer cars that would be reliable, repair things around the house and yard, make the living space cozier and more inviting, and give back to them in so many little ways in gratitude for always being there for me no matter what. For my own personal gain, yes, I do in fact like the finer things in life but I also like working for them. I would like to set myself up with a little place to live on my own independently, enough to get by, enough to pay for my own schooling, and enough to start some investments in stocks and perhaps real estate. An interesting catch would be to only be able to use it say, once every five or ten years or even once in a lifetime to really impress the gravity of the concept of money and finances and what they can ideally be used for on the caster of the spell. I suppose I would call it suggero opulentia which translates to “provide wealth,” and has a nice ring to it.

  • If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus?

    The most irrational phobia that I have is being afraid of moths, so I fear my boggart would be a little like Ron’s, just a giant bug! Moths freak me out, I don’t know why, I know they’re harmless, and I can’t explain where it came from for the life of me. Whenever one gets into my room I use my closest weapon at hand, which funny enough is often hairspray. So the funny image that just popped into my mind was a giant moth all stuck together and immobilized with some kind of adhesive lol. It sounds kind of inhumane, but we’re talking about a hypothetical boggart, after all. In reality I either kill them quickly or shoo them out the door if I’m in a giving mood.

  • What do you look for in a friend?
    Someone who I can identify with on several deep personal levels, who is fun to be around and makes me laugh (and laughs at my jokes, haha), who is a respectful and open minded person, who has a backbone and some spunk, who is an individual, and who can handle themselves in any social situation without being overly self-conscious or awkward since I’m so outgoing and I like to be surrounded by people who like to chat, laugh, meet new acquaintances and can comfortably spend time relaxing, being social, partying, traveling, etc. without thinking they should be doing something “more important” and being a party pooper. But on the flip side, not someone who overdoes it. Overall I like to be around other people who can balance recreation and hard work - work hard to play hard! That about sums it up. I like all kinds of people, but they have to fall into a certain realm of personality, habits, and lifestyle for me to truly enjoy having them in my life.

  • What trait most annoys you about other people? I can't stand indecisiveness, on a small, everyday level. I get that people are indecisive about big life choices, it's important to take your time on big decisions when you feel that you need to. But when on a day to day basis you can't just make a snap decision and move ON with whatever it is, I can't deal with it. Everyone has desires - you know where you want to go for dinner. You know which route you want to take. As someone who is very outspoken and up front about her desires, it annoys me when others can't simply speak up and voice their opinion. I think the thing that really irks me about it is when people don't voice their opinion on what they want when it's being discussed, then complain later about not getting what they wanted. I always just want to decide, get a move on, and get to doing whatever it is there is to do - be it a social engagement or a task at work. People who have to stop, wait, and decide instead of doing it on the fly annoy me because I'm always on the go, or at the very least, my mind is always racing ahead.

  • What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?

    1. My strong sense of self. It takes a LOT to make me truly doubt myself. I hesitate and second-guess myself at times, but I trust my instincts and I rely heavily on my own reasoning and gut feelings when it comes to decision making. If things ever go wrong, I try to remind myself that it seemed like the best idea at the time, and because I know I'm usually very sure when I decide something, it makes it much easier to not look back and regret.

    2. My sense of humor. Life is meant to be enjoyed, so why not make fun of it? Sure, there are times when we should be serious and respectful. But I usually just put off laughing about those until later. I think we all need to grow out of taking ourselves so seriously at some point, and be able to let things roll off our shoulders. My sense of humor may have gotten me in trouble a few times, but it's made a bad situation better countless ones.

    3. My big heart. I am a little rough around the edges, but my heart is full of compassion, fierce love, and adoration for those who happen to win any or all of the above. Heartbreak for me is torture, but love is pure ecstasy so I figure it's a fair trade. I've had to learn to reign it in a little and only give my heart to those who truly deserve it in order to keep the pain and drama to a minimum, but I pretty much wear my heart on my sleeve and that makes it really easy to tell who loves me for me, because it's pretty much all out there on display, take it or leave it.

    4. Being a fast learner. I'm better with hands-on and language skills than abstract stuff like science and math (except biology for some reason, I'm really good at that. It even faked me into being pre-med for a year, before discovering that I inherently suck at chemistry and should NOT try to get into med school. Ha!) but when something captures my attention and I set my mind to learning it, it comes very quickly for me. I've always been athletic, probably because whenever I tried a new sport/activity I got really good at it really fast. You know when Harry picks up a broom and just knows how to fly? That's how it was the first time I played soccer in P.E., when I decided that I was going to start dance, and when my guy friends thought it'd be funny to watch me "try" to surf. But yeah, I love trying and learning new things and I never stop seeking them out.

    5. Being a sponge. This somewhat goes along with being a fast learner, but it also pertains to random knowledge, trivia, silliness, movie quotes... my insane memory is a quirk of mine, and I love it. You know those KGB commercials that you can text a question to 542542 and get an answer? That's me for all of my friends... except I don't charge them 99 cents. (Hmm...maybe I should start doing that...) When I'm responsible and I actually put my time and efforts into studying, it applies academically too, which is a nice perk. Generally, if I read or hear something once, even offhandedly, I remember it to an oddly detailed extent. It boggles my mind when people call relatively popular books/movies/tv shows etc. by the wrong name, because usually if I've never seen/read it I know the buzz, by osmosis I'm guessing. It's fun, but I have to resist the urge to correct people all the time, haha.

  • What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?

    1. Interrupting and correcting people. It's SUCH a bad habit and I try very hard not to do it, but it's a struggle - let me tell you. I don't want to give off the impression that I think what I have to say is infinitely more important than the next person, or that I think someone is just a complete idiot and said it WRONG... but I can't help it sometimes. I don't take kindly to being interrupted and not at ALL to being corrected, and if we go by the golden rule I have no business pulling that stuff on others.

    2. Cockiness. I have a little 'tude on me if I don't watch it, and I usually bite off a bit more than I can chew when given the opportunity. In trying to "do it all" (and garnering attention for doing so, of course) I usually end up nearly failing at something, but I never seem to learn. In some ways I'm glad that I'm always so sure of myself, but at times I think a reality check would be quite helpful. On top of all that, I can never quite seem to take good advice when it's given... I usually have to try things for myself "just to see." Working on that one... I'm a very resourceful person and I usually end up pulling off what I set out to accomplish, but I can't help but think that there are probably several ways that I could make it easier on myself in any given scenario.

    3. Being kind of an attention whore. I love attention, I can't really help it. I enjoy being in the spotlight, and although I don't think it affects me all that negatively to not be in it, I certainly feel more at-ease when it's "my turn," and if I'm alone sometimes I crave the company and acceptance/adoration of others. Then again, the only child in me sometimes wants to be alone when I'm surrounded by other people... so I'm a little bit of a conundrum, but I digress. "Wanting attention" or "Drama queen" is the accusation that I get most often when I piss off someone who knows me well really and they want to really get one up on me in an argument, and I take it really personally - probably because I know it's true. I wouldn't say I'm pathological about it - I don't ever feel the need to go so far as to harm myself and others, but I could probably stand to talk less about myself, say/do fewer outrageous things just for laughs, and in general just chill the eff out sometimes.

    4. Being confrontational. I tend to jump to conclusions pretty quickly in a lot of situations, and I really have to watch what I say because I have a tendency to make it personal too fast sometimes to even know what's really going on. I'm opinionated and outspoken, and while I love those traits about myself and my personality over all, thinking before I speak/act is a MUST because my instincts are always to react immediately and challenge whatever rubbed me the wrong way. It can be really embarrassing if I just took something the wrong way, or it can badly escalate a situation that wasn't the best in the first place. I don't just get mad and stew on it, I will say something about it almost right away if I feel the need to. Not always the best approach, lol.

    5. Having a quick temper in general. I'm hot headed. Number 4 is in regard to how I sometimes badly handle myself when I do get mad, but I get there way too fast as it is. I'm a Leo, I'm very emotional, passionate, warm, intense... etc., but I'm also a firecracker. I always try to be a civilized member of society and keep my Leo-ness on the down-low since other people don't tend to like having me bite their head off if they say something that's not particularly to my liking. So I generally try really hard to keep my mouth shut, but in doing that I usually just end up storming around thinking I'm doing a good job by not yelling, haha. I'm not constantly mad and as I've made an attempt at growing up I've been able to let things roll off my shoulders much more easily, but when I decide it's okay to be pissed about something, it's not pretty.

  • Define in your own words the following key traits:
    • Courage: Being sure of yourself regardless of your surroundings. If you are truly sure of your capabilities in any given situation, you will not be afraid to try and should have every reason to succeed. Courage isn’t something you can fake, but it is something you can decide to embrace, and when you do, it’s something that sticks with you. Once you know you’ve been brave and sure of yourself in a difficult situation, confidence grows and courage builds within you.
    • Loyalty: Unwavering devotion. Not being enticed by something shiny, new, fabulous, or otherwise tempting. Doing what you said you would do when you said you would do it. Being there for those who count on you literally and emotionally. Not being scared off easily by difficult situations; staying by someone’s side regardless of your own sadness, fear, doubt, or even anger.
    • Intelligence: A combination of retaining known information and keeping your mind open to new ideas. You need to be able to keep track of your knowledge to use it to your advantage, but you can’t really be relevant or learn anything unless you open yourself to new concepts, ideas, and information. Recognizing and being able to entertain new ideas even if they seemingly contradict other opinions you hold is key to truly learning anything.
    • Ambition: Strong desire to reach any and all goals you set for yourself. An ambitious person aspires to accomplish their ends and move on to the next. An ambitious person will feel a good deal of fulfillment from meeting even small goals, and is willing to aim high and risk failure for the gamble of glory.

  • Name: Jessica
  • Age: 23 in 3 days!
  • Where did you find out about us? I just searched “sorting” interest on LJ search, checked out a few communities and decided that this one looked like a lot of fun and very active. So here I am!
  • Do you plan on being active in the communities once you are sorted? Definitely. I am in another sorting community and I love it, it’s very easy to keep up with and I have a lot of fun doing it.

sorted: gryffindor, term xiv

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