(no subject)

Jan 06, 2005 20:13

Name: Daely Andersen

Age: 20

If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? I would change the news. It's far to depressing. I think I'm depressed enough without it. I hate seeing stuff like people dieing and wars.

Who is your favorite Hogwarts teacher? Albus...he always has a cool way of putting his answers. Does he count?

Who is your favorite character in Harry Potter? Fred/George Weasley; I'm always playing and making jokes on people. I'm also well known among many people where I live because of my jokes and what not.

Who is your least favorite character in Harry Potter? Pansy Parkinson; she's always hanging on Draco, and I think it's because she wants to be known. My thing is, you are either known or not, if you are, good for you, and if you're not, too bad. Don't try to be someone that you're not. It gets old, really fast.

What makes a person respectable? Someone who will stand up for other people when they can't stand up for themselfs. Someone who will help others because they can or want too, and is kind to them.

What is your take on religion? Well, I'm Mormon...so I believe very much in Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father. That we were sent here to learn about both of them, and that we are here for a reason...and that we may never know what that reason is.

What do you think about house elves? I think that they actaully, depending on who they serve, like what they do. I also think that if they didn't like it at all, that they could find a way to get out.

What do you look for in a friend? Someone who is like me. Someone who make me laugh, who will make sure that I'm okay. Someone who, I don't know......uh......worries if they haven't heard from me in a while. Someone who will come see me if I'm sick, or will give me a call if they can't come see me. Someone who will just pick up a phone, just to say 'hi'.

Would you rather have friends and family or money and success? I would rather have family and friends, because they will always be there and make me happy when I'm sad, and money and success can't do that.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? The news. I dislike is very much. It's too depressing, I can't stand to watching it or reading it. Someone's always dieing, or there's always a war going on. I think I'm depressed enough without looking at the news to help me.

What do you feel is your best quality? I think my best quality would be that I listen and I put up with people, even when they bother me.

What are your hobbies? I enjoy reading, writing, singing, playing music, watching movies, rping in the community that I'm in, and making people laugh.

Do you want to have children? Yes I do. I want children because they're fun to watch grow up. I like to see them learn things. It's also fun to teach them new things and see how excited they get when they get it right for the first time.

Have or would you give time and money to a charity? I have, and do when I have time or money. I enjoy helping people who need it.

If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do? I think that it depends on what or who it was...but I think I would use the Impedimenta charm, which stops an object/slows it down.

What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish? The one thing that I would most like to accomplish is become a mother like my grandmother. Someone who loves everyone/thing.

Who is your role model? My Grandmother. She was always so kind to everyone...she never talked bad about anyone or anything and she always tried her best to help her family stive to be the best they could be.

What trait most annoys you about other people? It annoys me when people go out of their way to bug other people. Also...I can't stand it if someone isn't a good listener.

What do you want to do for a living?I don't really know what I live for. I know how I live, but I don't know what for.

Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason? No...I wouldn't, for the fact that I do't think anyone deserves that. No matter who that person is.

What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? (This question is optional for those who feel they just DO NOT fit in a house. Please explain WHY.) I feel that I least belong in Slytherin. Because I feel that I care a lot about people, even if I don't know much about them.

What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities? 1-Music, I have a speical ability to play/sing anything. 2-I'm a great listener, I can listen to my friends for hours, and not really say anything other than 'yeah' or something to that effect. 3-I'm a good writer. I've written two stories, I'm writing another and I'm also writing a series of one-shots about different people in the hp world. 4-I help everyone. If someone needs help, they come to me. 5-I make people laugh. If they feel bad or aren't having a good day, I make them feel better.

Where did you find out about us? I was looking at headgryffindor's lj and saw it on her user page.

sorted: hufflepuff, term i

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