Sorting 101.

Jul 27, 2007 02:41

· What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why? Hmmm, I would choose either a profession as an auror, or as a teacher. Mainly because I get to help people in both situations. But with being an auror you get the adrenaline rush from catching the ‘bad guy’ and you get to know that when you come home at night that you’ve taken another criminal off the streets, kind of like a cop in the muggle world. Lol. But with a teacher comes the pride of getting to help and educate the adults of tomorrow. And I’d get to make learning fun as I’d wish some of my teachers had done when I was in school. XD

· If you could teach one class at Hogwarts, what would it be and why? Oooo, you’re going to make me choose between my three favorite classes, Transfiguration, DADA, and Care of Magical Creatures! Oi, which too choose. Well, I guess I’m going to go with Care of Magical Creatures, just because I love animals o so very much. I think they do so much for mankind, and most don’t even realize it. I mean they are there for you when you are down, and even if you yell at them just because you’ve had a bad day they still love you and forgive you. Also, they are normally all ways willing to do what you want to do, never complaining if you take them for a walk instead of playing catch, they’re just happy to be with you. They are so wonderful, and it is extremely sad how many people treat them with such cruelty, but that’s another subject. Heh.

· This year, The TriWizard Tournament is being held once again and you're of age. Do you put your name in the Goblet? Why or why not? O my gosh yes, I don’t even need to give that one a second thought! Lol. It would be amazing to be one of the chosen students to compete in the Tournament. I mean I love sports, I love the competition of them and of course winning, but that’s not the reason why I participate. I love to challenge myself, and push myself to become the best that I can be. But if someone is better than me and they win, I would be just fine with that, because I know that I tried my best and I was lucky enough to be chosen at the least. But think of the pride and glory that comes with winning, it would be nice; but not necessary. Lol.

· If you could choose your animagus form, what would it be and why? That has all ways been a tough question for me, it’s all ways been between either a hippogriff, lion, horse, or a dog. But I think I would have to say that mine would probably be a dog. Why? I’m not all that sure why to be honest; it’s just that I feel I relate most the dog. I’m Loyal and trustworthy, all ways their for the one’s I care about, and I’m very friendly; in my opinion, although other may say differently.

· What HP character do you identify with most and why? A Mr. Remus J. Lupin. Because like Remus, many unfortunate things have happened to me since I was child. And I could have given into them, and hated life and all people that aren’t like me. But instead I chose the higher road in life, and try my hardest to ensure that the people I know (whether I like them or not) never have to endure what I have gone through. And I want to put an end to what has happened to me and what is happening to people all over the world. I want to do good, even though I have every reason to just lock myself in my room and never come out. I also have a tendency to think that I don’t deserve nice things.

· What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised? A happy family. A mother and father that loved each other, and were still together. A father that actually loved his 3 girls. A mother that acted like a mother instead of a best friend, and sisters that didn’t beat each other up. I’m not sure how much more detail you want or that I could give you with out divulging to much of my ‘personal’ life. Heh. XP

· If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it? I would make sure that my family, friends and myself are living in a well middle class environment, make sure none of them are in horrid debt, or living on the streets. But the rest would go to some form of charity.

· What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now? My first ever dream job as a child was to be President. It stayed the same for at least 4 maybe 5 years, until I realized that it wasn’t possible for me to be president because I was a women, nobody would vote for me. Not that I was told that specifically, but the way my Father treated my sisters and I made it clear at that time that women were the dirt under the bottom of the totem poll. But secretly, I still wish to be president. Lol. But my high school career kind of ended that one, lol. So I’m working on becoming a high school psychology teacher sooner or later. After I do all the things that I want to do, i.e join the coast guard as a search and rescue diver, be a fire fighter, and join the peace corp. XD

· If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it? I would create a potion that would make a person be fair, honest, and not greedy. I would use it to make the American Gov. full of good people, not money hording, two faced, back stabbing, lying gits. To put it lightly. I would call it conservative-be-gone. Lmao, no I kid! I would never do such a thing, I know some conservatives that aren’t half bad lol. Hmm, I would have to go with “The Equalizer”. Lol. XD

· If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus? My one true fear doesn’t really have a physical form. It’s more I guess afraid of being afraid? So I guess my boggart would turn into a dementor. But when I throw my counter-spell at it it would become into a Broadway singing, tap dancing, flaming baton twirling, dementor with 5 Emmy nominations and only 1 win! XD

· What do you look for in a friend? Loyalty, trust, a sense of humor. And understanding that not everyone has the same opinion and is all ways open for discussion on any subject; especially about a Higher Power and Creation. But also someone competitive, I like to debate even though I stand for the whole “everyone has their own opinion” statement. But come on, some opinions are just down right stupid. And I’m not saying that people shouldn’t be allowed to express them, but of course I’m going get a pretty pissy when some says that Homosexuals are going to go to hell, and non sense like that. Another quality that my friend has got to have, is that they need to be able to stand up for themselves and what they believe is right, cause you can’t let people walk all over you. Also, I like to have random fun, just doing fun/stupid things out of the blue.

· What trait most annoys you about other people? Greed. I hate people that wont help the needy. I mean do people honestly think that homeless people grew up saying “I’m going to be homeless when I grow up!” I highly doubt they did, things go wrong, and everyone would want someone to help them if they were homeless. So why not treat others how you would want to be treated?

· What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities? I’m not greedy; I help whomever I can however I can. Sometimes I’m afraid that it might be one of my worse qualities actually just because I’m not very good at stopping. I’d give the clothes off my back if my mother didn’t stop me. Lol. I’m very loyal, I will stick by my friends threw and threw, even if I’m not 100% sure that they’re right. They’re my friend, that’s all that really matters. Haha. I’m a realist; for example if someone I know is killed and I see it, I wont doubt that they are gone and I will grieve and cry but knowing that there is nothing that I can do at that point. And crying over them forever isn’t going to bring them back, so I’m going to enjoy my life while I’m living. Haha. I am strong Willed/leader, I will do what ever it takes to get what I need or what I want, especially if it evolves a loved one. My death is nothing compared to someone that I love or someone innocent dying. I don’t falter in stressful situations, and I persevere until the very end. Lastly, I’m truthful; I tell it like it is. But I do try and be as nice as possible about it, I don’t want to hurt anyone in the midst of my truthfulness. Haha. XP

· What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities? I am very stubborn, when it comes to nearly everything. Especially when it’s me sacrificing something of mine for someone else, i.e a jacket when it’s cold, or my drink when it’s hot. I refuse to take my own advice, even though all my friends insist that I should. Lol. I am also very insecure when it comes my appearances, not just how I look. But how people I respect see me as, I’m all ways tense and shy when it comes to speaking to them cause I all ways think that I’m going to say something to piss them off. Lol. Also living in the past at times, because of it I normally avoid older men, and in doing so I’ve learned that I’ve avoided some pretty awesome people, but we’re buds now. Lmao. XD And knowing that I can’t save everyone. Someone is going to die from starvation, hypothermia, or dehydration, etc. no matter how much good I try to do. And it kills me to think/know that.

· Define in your own words the following key traits:

o Courage: The ability to over come any fear that you may have so that you can help another.

o Loyalty: Sticking by your friends/family/loved one’s side no matter how bad any situation may it gets.

o Intelligence:. Knowing how to live your life to it’s fullest potential.

o Ambition: Getting where you want to be, but with no cheating.

· Name: Kirsten

· Age: 18
· Where did you find out about us? Fieryrogue’s profile.

term viii, sorted: gryffindor

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