May 29, 2007 05:52

Hey everyone! It's lovebuggin//Mell here filling in for Margo. So, a few things happened yesterday, and here they are:

1) I woke up to find out that my computer now has a time limit on it.
2) We had planned on going to POTC3 all week, and we went to the 5 show but it was already filled up, and so we had to wait for the next show which was at 7:25. I'm "Ohshitohshitohshit"-ing and freaking out because my mom won't take me home (although part of me didn't want too, I mean, hello, Captain Jack Sparrow!) to sort everyone and then I remember the damn time limits.
3) I got home and the computer wouldn't let me on. I explained my situation to my Dad (that was fun, let me tell you) and he changed it to allow me on for 30 minutes longer.
4) Obviously, for someone like me that hasn't EVER sorted anyone before it was very stressful trying to sort every single one of the applications by myself in 30 minutes.
5) I got signed off and had to finish this evening after I got home from a family party I "could not miss or else", which is like right now.

So now, ladies and gentlemen, I bring you our newly sorted.

morsemorde_xx is a Slytherin
kylezy is a Hufflepuff
_jenny_b is a Gryffindor
toxicoblivion is a Gryffindor
sunflower_pixie is a Ravenclaw
tinurix is a Ravenclaw
styxinen is a Ravenclaw
brambernut is a Hufflepuff
indaydreams is a Hufflepuff

lovebuggin || Mell

new members, term vii

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