Apr 24, 2007 10:08
- What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why?
I think I would make wands. I have always enjoyed putting things together and creating things, and I think the fact that being a wand maker must be like being a plumber - everyone needs one. The combination of creativity and necessity would be great for business and excellent for me. Plus I'd get to spend a lot of time doing cool things, like hunting for magical beasts so I could make the core of the wands. In the end such a career would provide outlet, adventure, fame, and fortune - and that pretty much covers the bases, doesn't it?
- If you could teach one class at Hogwarts, what would it be and why?
I think I would teach Arithmancy. The magical property of numbers seems to be a common trend and it could be incredibly useful in the profession I mentioned above. What if something only becomes magical when in a certain quantity? Or what if its potency were increased in respect to say... the number of flanges on a feather? More than that - Arithmancy is used in curse-breaking, which reminds me slightly of cryptography, another interest of mine.
- This year, The TriWizard Tournament is being held once again and you're of age. Do you put your name in the Goblet? Why or why not?
Of course I do. Not only is it expected, but being selected and/or winning the tournament could open a great number of doors for me outside of Hogwarts. More than that, it would be an excellent chance to network with non-hogwarts wizards, and forming connections with the students of Durmstrang and Beauxbatons could be extremely useful during my years after Hogwarts. Such a thing shouldn't be overlooked.
- If you could choose your animagus form, what would it be and why?
Likely it would be a Coyote. They're quick thinkers and while they do work alone or only with a mate most of the time, when necessary they work in packs. They tend to be very survival-oriented and are omnivores (like me!) and will eat pretty much anything. Included in that is that when younger, my family used to spend a lot of time in the US desert southwest, specifically in the Pueblo areas - and after several encounters with medicine men who saw me as a young coyote, I just adopted that as part of my life.
- What HP character do you identify with most and why?
This is tough, because I don't think I closely identify with any of the characters. Roughly, perhaps, Dumbledore. He always seems to be working for the betterment of his organization, to help it grow and prosper. All the while he maintains an air of benign dictatorship, and while there are those who don't like him, very few dare to challenge him or the power he wields - not only at Hogwarts, but in the Wizarding world itself.
- What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised?
I'd see myself as a successful entrepreneur, with my corporate assets spanning the globe - not necessarily a multinational company, but perhaps one with with a global reach. Personally, given my background, I would assume that would have something to do with computers, but I'm just as happy going out and selling anything, so it doesn't particularly bother me what the product is.
- If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it?
Tax-free municipal bonds. As the name implies, they are tax-free, meaning I don't pay any taxes on them, and one can generally find a bond that pays out for 30 years at 6-7%, which if one does the math, is an excellent return - 1.8m to 2.1m over 30 years, which would roughly double my money and provide an extremely adequate lifestyle without doing any kind of work I wasn't truly interested in.
- What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now?
When I was a kid I wanted to be mayor of a city. I wouldn't mind being mayor, but it isn't my goal. Instead, like I mentioned in my response to the Mirror of Erised question, I'd like to do something that would allow me a great deal of international travel. I'd like to work for myself and have my only duties be to those of my clients, rather than having someone above me dropping orders and things on my head.
- If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it?
Well, in true necessity and style, I think it would have to probably clear out clogged pipes. Who doesn't need to do that once in a while? All pipes eventually get clogged up, so I think being known as the inventor of tibia acclaro! would be awesome.
- If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus?
An image of failure. Given that this is contingent on whatever is going on in my life at the time, it's hard to say what that image might be. Of course, my nature would dictate that the counter-spell would make it in to someone else's failure; someone that I could laugh at because of their failure.
- What do you look for in a friend?
This is such a nebulous question to me, there are far too many qualities I look for in a person to be able to limit it to saying “Oh, well they have to be smart” or something along those lines. Still, for those that have to have some answer, I will go with that. Intelligence is the primary quality I look for, followed by reciprocity. There are more things as well that could cause me to pursue someone as a friend or to be particularly standoffish, but I'd say those two are primarily it.
- What trait most annoys you about other people?
Blatant and chosen ignorance. It is one thing to be stupid (also annoying), but to have the ability to know something, to learn something, to process something and to out-and-out ignore it makes it
- What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
Intelligence - this is required on a daily basis for work, involving a complex array of task and time management and creative problem solving. My intelligence allows me to accomplish all of my daily requirements without many problems, and when problems do occur, I have the brains to work over, around, or through them.
Focus - when I need to do something, I get a bit of tunnel vision until whatever it is that I've set my sights on is accomplished. I tune out other things as necessary to finish the task at hand.
Drive - in step with the prior trait, I find that I will become extremely driven to finish something. I can work at hours on end in a relentless manner, planning and executing, changing, and repeating as necessary.
Acceptance - I'm very accepting to those around me until I'm given reason not to be. I tend to look for the best qualities in people and ignore the worst ones. Often times this means I can find the benefits of people where others can't see past some minor thing they don't like.
Imagination - I can be very creative. Possibly not artistically so, but I think outside the box and look for solutions to problems where others haven't yet, or come up with new solutions where one might not have even been needed. I dream quite a lot when I allow myself to, which also requires a good imagination.
- What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
I think my top positive characteristics are exactly the same as my negative ones.
Intelligence - this one probably gets me in the most trouble. I end up talking down to people or discounting their value in certain situations because they just can't seem to grasp some concept I see as simple. Often I catch myself doing it, and attempt to tone down the pretentiousness, but only because as often as not, people are resources as much as anything else, and I can't afford to devalue them now if there's potential for them in another situation later.
Focus - I find that often I become so focused on things that I will be lacking in attending to other things. This has in the past included, but is not limited to: eating, sleeping, going to class, going to work, finishing other projects, acknowledging a significant other's existence, etc.
Drive - when I set my eyes on a goal and am determined to do it, I find that I will sacrifice quite a lot to get it done. Again, this goes along with “focus,” almost hand in hand because the goal is what causes me to become so focused.
Acceptance - Sometimes I go too far in my acceptance of other people, even when knowing I shouldn't. I simply take people that aren't worth my time or effort into my circle, and then fail to realize (or fail to acknowledge) that it is time to let them go or get rid of them all together. It has burned me more than once in the past, and while not routinely a problem, gets me in trouble often enough.
Imagination - different from the type of imagination I mentioned for my positive trait, sometimes I dream too big. I give too much value to the unaccomplishable, and then when my other top traits come in to play, they cascade on the negative side: I apply my intelligence and drive to come up with a way to make something seem reasonable, and then become so focused on it that the reasons that it is not simply get left behind. Occasionally I manage to do the unthinkable, but more often I end up exhausted, irritated, and no further along the path than would have been originally possible.
- Define in your own words the following key traits:
- Courage: Standing up for what you believe in - be it yourself, an idea, an organization, another person. Courage is the idea of putting yourself out there when some one or some thing else needs you to.
- Loyalty: Dedication to a person or cause no matter the personal cost. All loyalty, in my opinion, contains an element of courage. I think that some people simply can't be loyal because they don't have the ability to be corageous.
- Intelligence: Intellect is so nebulous, isn't it? Still, intelligence would be the choice and ability to process new information and draw conclusions from it that lead to the pursuit of more information which needs to be processed.
- Ambition: Pursuing a goal, making sacrifices, making choices that may cause problems now but will ultimately help you reach the goal you are pursuing.
- Name: August is fine
- Age: 20sish
- Where did you find out about us? Followed the breadcrumbs from some people in Hogwart's Elite.
sorted: slytherin,
term vii