My Application.

Dec 25, 2004 00:31

Name: Noah

Age: 18

If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? Wow. Suddenly I feel like a beauty pageant contestant. What would I change? I'd have there be a competency test for when you reach child bearing age and if you fail it twice, you are sterilized. The problem with my country at the moment seems to be that people are producing more children then they can afford, leading to horribly family situations and a lower quality of education. I suppose I should be happy though, because now my children will have an easier time getting a job when they are older.

Who is your favorite Hogwarts teacher? Professor McGonagall. She is a relatively unsearched character that has great presence, power and charisma. In order to be second in command, she must be an extremely powerful witch. It seems that there is so much more to her then we have yet to see and I am patiently waiting to find out what we are missing. I'd love to see her in a more prominent role with greater affect on the stories plot.

Who is your favorite character in Harry Potter? That would be a tie between Hermione Granger and Professor McGonagall. Both characters are strong and intelligent females. I am not female, but almost all of my friends in real life are like these two characters, so I have an attachment to that type of person. Hermione has played a giant role in the books so far and hope to see her part grow and Ron's part diminish.

Who is your least favorite character in Harry Potter? Ronald Weasley. I actually detest him. Sorry to all you vehement Ronald fans. He is the least developed of the trio and his importance in the series has been diminishing since the end of book 1. I like to see characters grow and develop and Ron has not. He is still the same poor, red headed boy we met on the train in PS/SS and maybe one day I'll like him, but today is not it.

What makes a person respectable? I find respect in two ways. I respect people who have confidence in themselves and don't let other people use them. They are strong on the outside and let nothing bother them. They live for themselves. However, I also find someone who puts everyone else before themselves and still keep a smile on their face extremely respectable. I'm the type of person I mentioned first and therefore I respect myself, but my girlfriend is the second type of person. Still, I respect her more than I could ever respect myself simply because of how nice she is to everyone and how she is always willing to help someone out when they need it. It's a refreshing dose of extremes that end up being quite complementary.

What is your take on religion? You have yours. I have mine. You try and shove yours down my throat and tell me mine is wrong... I kill you.

What do you think about house elves? I say it should be their choice. There may be others like Dobby who desire freedom and pay, but forcing all House Elves to be free isn't fair to them in the least. Old habits die young, but if it their definition of happiness, by all means.. let them be happy.

What do you look for in a friend? Intelligence. Good conversation. Musical ability.

Would you rather have friends and family or money and success? Family and friends.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? I would make my self a Triple Threat. I have the voice, but I can't act that well or dance all that well. In order to make it on stage you need to be a triple threat. Arr. One day it's possible. You can learn to act, you can learn to dance.. but singing is a natural talent.

What do you feel is your best quality? My confidence. I don't like leading people on. If I don't like someone, I tell them. It's not fair to the other person if you act like you like them, because then you are lying to them. How is that fair?

What are your hobbies? My hobbies would include singing, playing the piano and Hogwarts Elite. I am in college studying to be a Music Education teacher and my passion lies there and in theater. I am also the Headmaster at the Livejournal Community Hogwarts Elite.

Do you want to have children? Yes. Am I supposed to elaborate on this answer? Oh well. Yes, I do want to have children. I am not exactly a lover of children off the bat, but once I get to know them I love them. My girlfriend has two young siblings whom I love. They are incredible. I wish I had that type of energy and spirit. Also, I wish I could remember when life was so simple and joyous.

Have or would you give time and money to a charity? If I had enough money to keep my family stable and secure, then I suppose so. I need to care for them before I could provide for anyone else.

If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do? I'm not the hero. I'd pull out my phone and dial 9-1-1 while running my self absorbed behind to safety. Or find a gun somewhere. Of course, by the time I figured out how to fire the gun my friend would probably be dead. There is also the possibility of me missing the animal and shooting my friend...which would quite frankly suck.

What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish? More than anything, just have a healthy, happy and successful family. I don't think there is anything more important than that.

Who is your role model? I don't really have a role model. When I was younger I always tried to live up to the accomplishments that my two older brothers had set before me, but realized that I didn't need to just reach those accomplishments. I easily surpassed my brothers academically and musically, which are the two most important areas of my life. Both of my brothers have things that they are extremely talented at, but these two things were also the primary focus of my mother. Because of that I always felt special to be the unflinching A student who grabbed the lead of the musical, both of which were things my brothers never did. I think that they were my role models when I was young, but I found that to be limiting. I don't think you need a role model as long as you have clear-cut goals and ideas in your head that you are bound and determined to achieve.

What trait most annoys you about other people? Stupidity. That answer will probably sound extremely cliché, but I hate stupidity more than even ignorance. Of course, I believe ignorance is a form of stupidity, so it all goes hand in hand.

What do you want to do for a living? I would love to be an actor, starring in a Broadway musical, but I wouldn’t mind being a successful composer and write musicals for my life.

Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason? I don’t know. If I was hurt enough I could imagine the possibility of using an unforgivable curse, but nothing in my life so far has merited the use of one, so I have nothing to base my answer off of. I don’t exactly know what it would take to get me to use one, but I know I’d never use it without reason.

What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? I don’t know. I don’t really think I could answer this question without showing a personal bias towards one house or another. However, I feel that I am truly not a Gryffindor, because in almost all situations I look out for myself. I definitely do not have a hero complex and am not the least bit brave.

What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities? This lovely question. Lol. My top five abilities or qualities are most definitely my ability to be a leader, my ambition to strive for what I want, my loyalty to those who earn and deserve my trust, my natural intelligence and my ability to excel at music.

Where did you find out about us? ariesathena

sorted: slytherin, term i

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