Oct 06, 2006 16:07
- What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why?
I would probably go with the same kind of job that I'll probably be stuck with in the muggle world: a librarian.
I love books. Adore them. They are the one friend you can always count on to be there, as corny as that sounds. I want to have a job working with them. I am not a writer unfortunately. So the only careers left are a) librarian, b) book saleswoman, c) book restorer.
I don't think I could stand working in a bookstore - already done that with underwear. I don't want to completely ruin books. I don't think that I am good enough with my hands to be able to restore books. You never know though, eh? I bet the wizarding world has a magical way of doing that though. :P
So, I have librarian left. While I dislike people (children especially), I love talking about books to people. And what do most people go into libraries for? Besides, Harry Potter showed us that librarians don't need to be nice.
Madam Pince, anyone?
- If you could teach one class at Hogwarts, what would it be and why?
Either Arithmacy or Divination. Both are things I am interested in, and ones that I could actually teach. I am not intelligent enough, or talented enough to be able to teach things like Charms or Potions. If Trelawney could work at Hogwarts for fifteen, sixteen years, then I could defiantly do it. :)
For Arithmacy, all you need (as far as I know) is basic math skills and I have found that it is often accurate. I have been teaching it to my friends anyway, so I have a bit of a leg up, I guess.
- This year, The TriWizard Tournament is being held once again and you're of age. Do you put your name in the Goblet? Why or why not?
No. People couldn't force me to put my name in. I don't want fame or glory. I wouldn't mind the money, but I don't want people to know me! I like my privacy.
Oh, and you know, the small little fact of it being dangerous. I like living. There is nothing I like more than living. While I don't fear death, I'm not going to go and put myself in a very dangerous situation for some money.
- If you could choose your animagus form, what would it be and why?
This is going to sound like I’m pushing for Slytherin. I know it is. I'm not though, honest.
I think I would be a snake. They are very elegant animals who have a really bad reputation. Ever since I was a kid, I have wanted to be a snake. I wanted to be one so badly, because they are so adept at hiding, and most snakes have a weapon. I was not treated well as a kid. Because of few wrong actions to the wrong people, I went through elementary school without friends. I became very bitter because of it. I wanted to be able to hide from anything, and everything. If I could turn into a snake, I could hide. And if someone found me, I could bite them!
Even though I now have friends that I’m pretty sure aren’t using me, and actually like being around me, I still wish I could just hide away…
- What HP character do you identify with most and why?
While I love Luna, and I think I am like her in many ways, I have to say Severus Snape.
Severus is a really complex character. What you see on the surface is not all there is to him. I think that I am a lot like that. I am a very good actress; I can hide anything from anyone. I cut myself for years before my family found out. It was even longer after that, and a year after I quit cutting that my friends found out. They were so shocked that I was a cutter. They didn't know anything I was dealing with, and so they couldn't understand why I would hurt myself. Hell, they still don't know why I cut myself. I didn't want to disclose that information.
The way I see Snape is the same: If he doesn't want someone to know something, they will not find out. My friends only found out because I didn't care if they knew anymore. They never would have just found out. My parents on the other hand, finally figured out that the cuts I had weren't from being scratched by a cat/a bush/whatever. I'm surprised that those lies even worked as long as they did. Two years. Impressive.
... kind of going off topic.
Anyway, What really made me feel like I was like Snape was the Pensive scene in Order of the Phoenix. All through my childhood, I was ridiculed and teased mercilessly by my peers. I had no friends in elementary school. The only people who would even allow me to hang out with them used me. I was a child; I was starved for interaction with people my age. I would do anything. I had people who I called my friends calling me things like 'tub of lard' on a daily basis, and I did nothing about it. It just went on and on. By the time I got to high school, I had a very negative view of people. I still don't believe that people aren't going to start using me like they once did. I am afraid of being in a romantic relationship. Hell, sometimes I'm scared of looking in the mirror. I despise the way I look because of these people.
While Severus and I had different things done to us, and they effected us in mostly different ways, I felt rage on his behalf for what Sirius and James did to him. I empathised with him greatly after that. I understood him that much better. I understood why he would want to join the Death Eaters. I understood why he treated Harry the way he does. I understood why he hated James so much. It all made sense to me. Children and teenagers can be horrible. Without even realizing what they're doing they can honestly ruin people's lives. People impacted both Severus and I in negative ways.
I'm scared of growing up to be like Severus though.
- What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised?
I think I would see my Grandfather. He died a couple years ago, and he was the only family member that I really trusted, and enjoyed being around. He would talk to me about anything, and wouldn't dumb down what he said because I was a child. I could talk to him about religion, and even though he was Christian, he wouldn't tell me that if I didn't believe in the right God, I was going to go to Hell. :) I think that because of how open-minded he was about religion, I started studying it more in my free time, which didn't lead to me becoming religious, but defiantly got me to be more spiritual. :)
He impacted my life in so many ways, and I would do anything to be able to see him again.
- If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it?
Hmm, depends. I'm going to assume that I am just moving out of my house and stuff. I would get myself a little apartment, and bring all my furniture with me instead of buying new stuff. I would then place whatever is left in a savings account. I would work someplace, probably somewhere where I didn't have to interact with customers, and basically live off that income. If I needed to buy something, I could pull that money out of my savings account. That million dollars will increase in that time because of the interest. I would then start donating that money to charities, or start up my own soup-kitchen. :)
I would make sure before hand that I will be able to take care of all of my own needs first.
- What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now?
When I was a kid... heh, people are going to think I'm nuts. Okay, when I was a kid I wanted to be the supreme ruler of the world. No joke. :)
It's changed now though. My dream career (if you can call it a career) would be the Pope. And not just because I think the hat is worth it by itself. ;D
I think that if I was the Pope, I could change some things. Too many people use religion as a reason to spread hate. If I, a spiritual atheist, and a lesbian, could become the pope...
Of course, someone would probably try to assassinate me within a couple days of being appointed. :P
- If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it?
I honestly don't think that I would. Inventing a spell or a potion, especially if it helped a lot of people (which mine probably would) would make me famous, which I would not want. I do not want to be known by the public.
Eh. Screw it. I'm going to answer this like I would actually want the attention. XD
It would probably be a potion. I would be better with that. My dad is a great cook, and I've learned from him how to just go with your gut when cooking instead of going by a recipe. It usually tastes better. I think that would help when trying to make a new potion. I just wouldn't know where to start with a charm or spell.
Now, for what it would do...
Possibly something to help break the curse of lycanthropy though. I really felt for Remus. I know what it's like hiding something about yourself from your friends and the general public because you are afraid of how they would react to it, and how they would treat you once they found out. I can't imagine the pain that they go through each month, and the fear leading up to it. Or maybe something to turn Vampires back into humans. Whatever age they were when they were turned they would return to, and then live out the rest of their life as they should have before. -shrugs-
As for a name... I would leave that up for someone else to think of. x3 -isn't creative at all-
- If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus?
I would probably see myself old, more then likely in a wheelchair and completely alone. This is a combination of two of my fears really. I fear becoming completely dependant on another person, because they may leave me, but I also fear just becoming old in general. I don’t fear death in the least, I fear my body wearing out. I also fear dieing as an old, bitter woman, completely alone. I don’t want to go through my life without anyone.
As for the counter-spell... I don't know. How could I make that humorous? A younger me stomping on the old-me? "Ha ha, look. :D I'm killing myself. Isn't that funny?"
Yeah. Would be kind of creepy actually.
- What do you look for in a friend?
Someone who is honest, and open-minded. Obviously I wouldn't be able to be close to someone who is telling me that I'm going to go to hell because of my (lack of, i guess) beliefs, or because of my sexuality. I also couldn't be friends with someone who lied to me all the time. I am a really paranoid person. If I find out that a friend has lied to me about something, however small, I lose basically all of the trust I had in that person, and it is near impossible to get me to trust them again.
- What trait most annoys you about other people?
... Trait? As in singular? ... :/ I can only list one?
Um, I think I can narrow it down.
It bothers me immensely when someone is prejudiced against another for no decent reason.
I think this is one of those things I have touched on over and over again throughout this application. I have met so many amazing people that other people hate for stupid reasons, mainly ones they can't control. People should be judged on who they are, not what they are.
- What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
I can't really say that I have 'good' or 'bad' qualities. Pretty much all of my strongest qualities can be either positive or negative, depending on your point of view. So I'll list 10 here, and leave the rest up to you. :)
I am paranoid, tolerant, vindictive, spiritual, eccentric, self-conscious/self-hating, introverted, moody, ambitious, and... health-conscious? Sure. Sounds good.
Abilities: I don't think that I have five abilities really. I am a really good reader; I read fast, and I am excellent at remembering even small details. I can remember pointless details from just about anything for that matter. I have a large social conscience, though I don't think that is an ability...
Yeah, that's about it.
Oh. I can type pretty fast, without looking at the keyboard, and making few mistakes. Unless it's cold. 'Cause then my fingers go numb, and I can't type anything right.
- What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
Worst qualities: see above. :)
Weaknesses: My grammar. It is terrible. There are so many exceptions when it comes the English grammar. I just can't keep it straight. I am not forgiving, though I don't see that as a weakness. It keeps me from getting hurt repeatedly by the same person. Others see it as a very obvious weakness though.
I am paranoid, which I would like to fix a bit. XD I honestly think that everyone is using me for their own gains. I also have really, really low self-esteem, which I am working on at the moment. In the last five years, I can count the number of times I have honestly liked the way I look, and act on one hand.
- Define in your own words the following key traits:
- Courage: Being absolutely terrified, and still doing something.
- Loyalty: Sticking with, or up for someone, in any circumstance.
- Intelligence: Being intelligent means that you know a good bit about a lot. A person who only knows a lot about a little is smart, in my opinion. Not intelligent.
- Ambition: The drive to accomplish something, usually something great.
- Name: Winstin
- Age: Sixteen (almost seventeen!)
- Where did you find out about us? I wanted to say machinemedusa, but she isn't a part of this community. x3
It was off the user info of someone who is also a member of either _belong or hat_sorting.
term vi,
sorted: slytherin