(no subject)

May 30, 2006 19:38

    PLease be careful of my typing errors and spelling! Thanks!~

  • What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why?
    I was think somthing along the lines of a Healer or an Auror, both seem really cool. At times I like to help people with not only emotional problems but with injuries and such. But the problem with healers it dosn't seem like they work with anything other then healing spells. Auror is an exciting job because they get to work with all kinds of spells and magic. I would probably be able to meet alot of new people and get to see alot of places.

  • If you could teach one class at Hogwarts, what would it be and why?
    I would really like to teach potions even though alot of people that I know don't like the subject very much. There's alot that you can do with potions that you can't really do with a wand. Some people might disagree with that but I'm going to stick to it. You can temporarily stop a warewolf from transforming, poion somone without them knowing, cure sicknesses, and even stop death. While with a wand you can only do a few of those things. Potions is also cool because of the ingredients and methons you have to go trough just to cook somthing up. Some potions you have to brew on a full moon and others you can do when ever you want to. Potions will always be my favorite subject.

  • This year, The TriWizard Tournament is being held once again and you're of age. Do you put your name in the Goblet? Why or why not?
    As much as I love the chance to win money, be a part of history, and impress thousands of peoplem I would rather not. The adventure would be cool but I don't think it's worth putting my life in danger. Pluse even if I didn't put my name in I probably wouldn't get picked because somtimes I lack what it takes to be in any compitition.

  • If you could choose your animagus form, what would it be and why?
    Birds are a favorite of mine but somtimes I like the opposite of a bird which is a cat. Cats are very graceful and can move fast when it needs to. They can also reach high places, they have excelent balence, and can be firce when they need to protect themselves. Lastly cats seem to always avoid death and they always land on their feet.

  • What HP character do you identify with most and why?
    I would love to say Hermione because of her brains and always trying to stay out of trouble, but in the end I'm mostly like Neville. He's always very clumsy, gulible, and forgetful. That's how most people that know me would describe me. He also has alot of courage when he needs to and he always stays true to his friends.

  • What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised?
    I'm not very sure what my heart really desires but I would have to say world domination. I'm kidding if it was anything close to that it would be world peace. But I think I would see myslef suceeding in school and being able to live a good life. Not a perfect life, but one that would make me happy for the res tof my years.

  • If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it?
    Well I would do a few differnt things with all the money. Fisrt off I would buy all the matirial iteams I want at the moment. That's about maybe $50,000 or alittle more rught there. Then I would take about $200,000 for later expenses like house and bill even though it's not alot. Next, I would make sure all of my family is happy and if their not I'll do my best helping them with money. Lastly, i'll take the remining money, goto Africa, visit the poorest villages and help them with food, clothes, and selter. I'm not saying this just for the sake of looking good that is what I would truly do with $1,000,000.

  • What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now?
    Well when I was a child I always wanted to be a marinebiolagist ( excuse my spelling ). A marinebiologist is somone that studies the ocean and the life that lives there. Even though I love fish and all I don't think I'd be very good at it so I changed my mind. Right now I'm not very certain on what I want a do. I have touhg about becoming an artist, musician, and a author. They all intrest me in differnt ways but I think the best thing for me is to become a teacher because I love math and I think teaching would be fun.

  • If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it?
    I'm sure all the spells I have though of have already been around for awhile so I'l do my best in making one up. I would make up a spell that would change you into somone else for a certain amount of time. It's like that wand version of the polyjuice potion. It would be less painful and take ALOT less time then the potion would and people would prabably use it alot too. I would call it the poly spell because it's not juice so I just wacked the juice out of poly juice and because I'm not sure would kind of spell it is I'll just call it a spell.

  • If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus?
    * If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus?
    I think when I look at a boggart it would turn the room dark because I'm not to fond of the dark. Even though I know what's in the room and nothings there somtimes my imagination gets the better of me and I start to freak out. When I hit the boggart with the counter-spell it would maybe turn into a lamp, the sun, or a candle because they all give off light. Even htough they may not seem very funny these's not much more that would make me less afraid of the dark.

  • What do you look for in a friend?
    In a friend I look for humor, loyalty, friendlyness, and kindness. Even though most of my friends don't fit into all of those their still what I look for, I know people can't be perfect so I'm not so picky. Unless their bad and try to get my in trouble, then I just run away.

  • What trait most annoys you about other people?
    Well for me I'm very tolerant for about anything so I'm easy to get along with and I'm not one to get annyoed at people. But I'm going to have to say that alot of people can be obnoxious to me because they know I won't do anything.

  • What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
    My top five qualities are: kindness, love, friendship, loyalty, and humor. I'm very kind to everyone, even more to people I don't know because I always want to make a good impresion. I also have alot of love for people usually love as in friendship love, not like love as in " i wanna spend the rest of my life with you" love. I offer anyone who wants it my friendship, but if you don't want it you'll probably never get anther chance. I'm loyal to anyone who asks me to be moslty friends though, I'll never betray them. Lastly I'm humorus almost all the time, I love ot make people laugh because it makes me feel wanted.

  • What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
    I think my top five weaknesses are, friends, love, animals, japan, and nice people. Friends are somthing I absolutly can't live without and are a must have 24/7. Love is somthing that I strive for besides family because that dosn't count. Animals are somthing I love to death and I always want to help them in every way I could, they make me weak. I love Japan alot, I wish I could just move there because the culture is just alot more interesting them our and it's somthing I really want to learn about. Lastly nice people I will always like and I always feel happy when I'm around them and such.

  • Define in your own words the following key traits:
    • Courage:Being brave in a dangurous situation, sky diving takes alot of courage because of the dangers you face when you do it.
    • Loyalty:Not betraying somone and always staying true to them no matter what the situation.
    • Intelligence:Being able to solve problems and knowing alot about the world around you.
    • Ambition:having the power to accomblish somthing you want to do.

  • Name: Eric
  • Age: 13
  • Where did you find out about us?: My friend Troughgril1

sorted: hufflepuff, term v

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