(no subject)

Apr 18, 2006 17:06

  • What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why?

    I would like to work somewhere in the Ministry of Magic, most likely in the department of law enforcement, because law and being a lawyer fascinates me. It would be interesting to investigate different crimes and suspects, and maybe be able to affect to something as well. But I haven't in fact ever thought of this wizarding profession thing before, and I realized just now how I don't even know much professions from there. But yes, something connected to law would be nice.

  • If you could teach one class at Hogwarts, what would it be and why?

    I would like to teach History of magic, because I love history, and it has been my favorite subject since third grade. I find history very fascinating, because lifestyles change all the time, and it's interesting to learn how people lived in, for example, the sixteenth century. What I also love about history, is the fact that it leaves so much space for imagination, because you can never be certain about the way it was back then.

    Although in the books this subject is described as a very boring one, I think it would definitely be interesting. And in the books, I think most people find it boring because Binns isn't very inspiring teacher.

  • This year, The TriWizard Tournament is being held once again and you're of age. Do you put your name in the Goblet? Why or why not?

    No, I wouldn’t put my name in the Goblet. I’m pretty shy person, so I think I wouldn’t be ready to face all those creatures and tests or perform spells in front of everyone else. Knowing myself, I would be a wreck before every challenge. I would stress the trials way too much and I couldn’t think of anything else. I don’t think I could enjoy the experience much, because I would be too stressed and scared all the time.

  • If you could choose your animagus form, what would it be and why?

    I would be a bird, because I would just love to have the skill to fly. I don’t know much about birds, or what they are like, so I don’t know if my qualities resembles birds' in some way. But if I could choose any animal, I would choose a bird just because of the flying skill. I mean, as humans, we don’t have the chance to really fly, without an airplane, or in this case, a broom. On the other hand, if I was a witch, there probably would be a spell which could make you fly, I don’t know. I guess I’m just looking this from muggles perspective, not witches.

    But let’s just assume that I would want to be a bird also as a witch, no matter what spells there are. So, more specifically, I would want to be a humming bird. They are so small and beautiful birds, but still they can fly so fast and also backwards. If I was a humming bird, I would have access to so many places, because I would be fast and small, so it would be easier to get into different places. Plus, they’re colorful, so yay for that!

  • What HP character do you identify with most and why?

    I think my biggest resemblance is Ron, although he isn’t really one of my favorites in the series. But I think Ron, like me, has a low self confidence, and often feels like he’s left outside. He has troubles saying what he wants, and that might be the reason why he sometimes feels like such a jerk, because he just haven’t known the way to say what he really wanted to. For example, in book six, where he obviously liked Hermione, he didn’t really know how to act around her, so he went the easiest way and was with Lavender. That made Hermione feel bad, but he was too proud to correct his mistake, and apologize. That is how I act sometimes as well; I don’t know what to say to people or what to discuss, so I go the easiest way, and ignore them. That makes some people think I’m arrogant, but really I’m just frightened, and don’t know what to do in certain situations.

  • What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised?

    Little while ago I would’ve definitely answered that I’d see myself with this girl, Laura, I got to know in my three week long language course in London. I think I really fell in love with everything about her; her personality, her sense of humor, her opinions, everything. When we got back to Finland, I missed her so much, and just wanted to see her all the time. But we live in different city's, and she has a boyfriend and other stuff going on with her life, so we just didn’t keep touch very often. But we did see each other few weeks ago, and I realized that even though I enjoy her company more than any other persons, I think I’m finally “getting over her”.

    But on to the actual question. I would like to see me standing hand in hand with someone I love, and that someone would love me in return. Maybe it would be Laura, but it could be any other person as well. Seeing me like that with someone, would mean that I’ve really found someone who makes me happy and vice versa.

  • If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it?

    The first day I would have the money, I would just spent them like crazy. I would go shopping and buy lots of CD:s and DVD:s because I’m just crazy about them. I’m such a TV & music geek, and I always spend my money on those. My friends and family always ask me why I don’t buy more clothes, but I just think that clothes don’t keep me company when I’m bored. At least I can do something with my Buffy the Vampire Slayer DVD boxes, right? ;> No, but seriously, I would probably spent hundreds of euros to media related stuff, and after that start to think what I would do with the rest of the money.

    I’ve thought that If I’d win the lottery, or be very rich someday, I could give some amount of it to charity. I’ve always been very lazy person, so I don’t think I could be that selfless and actually do something concrete to help poor people in Africa or something. I couldn’t go there and help them, but if I had lots of money, I could give it to some organization, and not feel so guilty about living pretty well myself.

  • What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now?

    I’ve had so many “ideal jobs” when I was younger, that I don’t even know where to begin. But I’ll guess I’ll say the biggest one, journalist. I wasn’t actually very little when I realized that that’s what I want to be, I guess I was 12 or something. I was sitting in the dinner table with my mom, and I remember saying “Wouldn’t it be cool if I could meet my favorite singer and ask her questions?”. She told me that if I was a journalist, I could interview people, and maybe even my idols. I got so excited, and since then I have paid attention to my writing, and wanted good grades from Finnish (my mother tongue). It wasn’t until last fall when I realized I’ve never really wanted to be a journalist. I don’t enjoy writing that much anyway, that was just me wanting to interview Geri Halliwell or someone else I liked back then, not me wanting passionately to write into newspapers or something like that.

    So yes, it has changed. My ideal job now is to translate books from English to Finnish, because I just love English. I wish I could speak it like a native, and that’s why I want to learn it as much as possible. I’m also very interested in psychology, and something related to that would be very interesting to do as well. But I honestly have to say that I don’t know yet what I want to do in the future, so it’s good that I still have two years left in high school.

  • If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it?

    I would create a spell to freeze time, because in my life there are too many times when I would've just wanted to freeze everyone else so I could have more time to think what to say. The spell would also be very handy, because I'm very, very careless, and I tend to break a lot of things because I've dropped them in the ground or something. So, if I had some spell to freeze time fast, I could freeze the falling object, and save it from breaking. Ah, it would be so handy (now I'm actually becoming bitter that it isn't possible!). I don't think it could be a spell that I had to say out loud, because I couldn't do that in a public place. I guess it could be some very small gesture, like snapping fingers etc.

  • If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus?

    My boggart would definitely be a social situation, if that’s possible. Most likely me standing in the front of the class, supposed to make a presentation of sort. I hate speeches and presentations in front of class, they always make my throat dry and my stomach is full of butterflies, so to speak. I hate to perform, and though I may have practiced my presentation beforehand, I always make it very much shorter because I just want to get away from the front of the class, and back to my seat. I usually also forget some important things I was going to say. So hopefully when I’d yell Riddikulus, all the people would pass out or something. Or it would make them think that I've already done my presentation!

  • What do you look for in a friend?

    I find the ability to listen important. Just listen, without looking bored or awkward. I find it very hard to tell people about my personal stuff, so I think it’s important that when I do tell somebody something, the person doesn’t judge me, or look like s/he could care less. It’s not important for that person to comfort me, or say anything at all, but just the fact that s/he’s there for me, is enough.

    Being trustworthy is also important and I couldn’t possibly respect a person who is so bored in his/hers own life that he has to babble my personal stuff to people who shouldn’t be hearing it.

  • What trait most annoys you about other people?

    Hypocrisy. Let’s take parents as an example; they tell their children that cursing is bad, and they should never do it. However, they still do curse a lot themselves, even around their children. I just hate the “Do as I tell you, not as I do” policy. It is unreasonable to forbid others of doing something, but still doing it yourself. It just shows that people like that don’t have any spine or sense of what is right and what is wrong.

  • What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?

    Open-minded - I think every single person is worth the same, no matter what color or gender they are. Everyone should be thought as an individual, not as a woman or a man, or as an African or European etc. Everyone is born with the same qualities, and it’s such a shame that this world is so full on prejudices.

    Independent - I like working alone better than working in groups or pairs, so this quality has also made me more independent. I just hate it when people are telling me what to do. Although it would be good if I was better at accepting advices, but I still like it that I’m not always reliable on others.

    Trustworthy - I don't tell peoples secrets to anyone who shouldn't be hearing it, because I wouldn't want that someone else would do that to me. And besides, what good is it for me to tell them to other people? I don't get anything from it, so I don't see any reason why I should tell. And I really don't want to make someones life miserable just because I was bored and told his/hers personal stuff to others.

    Giggly - Is this a quality? :D Because I do laugh a lot, maybe too much actually. I don’t have a “poker face” especially when I’m feeling hysterical and laugh at every single thing that I hear. But, most of my friends has told me that I cheer them up when I’m feeling happy, so I guess this is a positive quality then?

    Intelligent - Uhm, I’m really not sure of this one, since my school grades have actually gone a little bit worse lately. But I guess I’m still pretty good at school, and I enjoy going to classes. It’s nice to have some basic knowledge, so that you can make a decent conversation with people.

  • What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?

    Selfish - I’m not very good at being in someone else’s shoes, so to speak. I always whine about my own problems and I’m very bad at comforting others. It’s very hard for me to be happy for someone else, if the thing s/he’s happy about doesn’t include me. I have this friend, who is very good at school, and gets the best grades almost always. So she is very disappointed if she gets the second best, but I just make fun of her, when really I’m just jealous and totally incapable of comforting her.

    Curious - I know most people would put this into positive qualities, but I just hate this about me. It really annoys me that I’m always asking questions and listening to other peoples conversations, just dying to know more. I always want to know everything about everyone, and sometimes it feels like I’m living through them.

    Impatient - I hate it when I have to wait for something, and I don’t know what to do with the time. I’m very bad at just being still, and when I got too much time in my hands I get really frustrated and angry.

    Shy - Being shy really makes my life a lot harder. Avoiding social occasions isn’t easy, and it makes me feel lonely. It’s also hard for me to tell personal stuff about myself to other people, because I can’t get right words out and I’m somewhat scared that they are not at all even interested about what I’m saying.

    I have no imagination, at all. I suck at making fictive stories, even though I'm pretty good at writing, but the plot is always something very boring and ridiculous. When we have to write short stories in school, I take the subject always from my own life, because no matter how hard I think, I can't come up with anything more unique. I would love to be able to write songs or something, but no can do. Arg.

  • Define in your own words the following key traits:
    • Courage:

      Courage can be understood in many different ways, but to me it’s the ability to stand behind your opinions, and always being yourself. It is important not to change yourself, just because some people aren’t pleased with the way you dress etc.

    • Loyalty:

      Loyalty is being there for the people you love, and not letting them down when they feel worse. It means that you trust the people you love, and they trust you.

    • Intelligence:

      Being able to survive different situations in life, not just school tests and such.

    • Ambition:

      When you really want something that is hard to achieve, you need to have ambition to succeed. I think it's a mix of wanting something and planning how to get it.

  • Name: Laura
  • Age: 16
  • Where did you find out about us?

    laynie was very nice, and recommended this community to me. It was actually a long ago, and I feel so bad that it has taken me so long to apply.

sorted: ravenclaw, term iv

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