Feb 06, 2006 05:38
- What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why? While I'll admit a career as something such as an Auror is high on my list, I believe I would choose to do the same as I am doing with my Muggle studies -- and that is teach. I am one of those people who honestly believes what they say, no matter how corny is sounds, and that is, "To teach is to shape the future." I believe I can touch more lives as a "Professor" (and maybe even save them before they enter into danger...or equip them to deal with it) than as anything else.
- If you could teach one class at Hogwarts, what would it be and why? Defense Against the Dark Arts. Is there anything more important and applicable to a witch or wizards life? This is the way I see it anyway. This transfers outside of the academic; it even moves beyond the practical. It is absolutely necessary. To properly use the resources and skills that a student learns in the other classes, they must understand what they're up against. This, in turn, will give them the understanding they need to apply the other things they learn. What other subject faces issues (so much as DADA) of life or death? Not only this, but the subject fascinates me. As someone hoping to go into teaching, I want to teach something that will be hard for my students to disregard as something they will never use (I am a language major).
- This year, The TriWizard Tournament is being held once again and you're of age. Do you put your name in the Goblet? Why or why not? Yes. I see the Goblet of Fire as an honor, if chosen, to represent my school. When someone competes, they are not only competing against the reps. from other schools, but they are competing against themselves. If I was chosen, I'd want to prove to myself that I could do it. I also have a very hard time believing that my life would truly be lost if someone like Dumbledor was near (granted after HBP things have changed, but so has the future of the magic world). I'll be honest; glory, by means of competition and proving myself, is not such a bad thought, and I really don't think there is anything wrong with that.
- If you could choose your animagus form, what would it be and why?
A horse. This has always been a very easy question for me to answer for several reasons. First, I was born (in the city) with a crazy love of horses. Sometime around age six my parents started me in riding, hoping to get the "horse-craziness" out of my system. Unfortunately for them, I found my life's passion. I have come to understand and connect with horses to a degree in which their language, as far as herd behavior, is something I speak fluently. Horses understand a person with out words. Their reaction of "fight of flight" is something that is unfortunately common to me (although flight seems to be rather uncommon); I don't have much of a middle ground. Horses are huge creatures, but it takes only takes the tiniest of movements to communicate to and move them. It's funny -- there are days I prefer my horses to my fellow humans. ;)
- What HP character do you identify with most and why? If you asked my friends this question, they would tell you Harry, himself, and until recently, I might have disagreed. I am, however, starting to see their points. If you took a look at those graduating "the school of hard knocks," my name would be on there somewhere. It really is one thing after another in my life, but I am stronger in the end. Quite often I can take the huge things in stride, and then I fret over the smaller things. This is a question that deserves so much more elaborations, but quite honestly, a lot of it comes down to the way we think and react (both to people, conflict, and inner-thought).
- What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised? I would see my family healthy. My father would not have M.S. and would not struggle through each day. My mother would be well, also. She would be healthy...no more questions, no more tests...the doctors would know what was wrong with her, and she would no longer be in so much pain. My youngest brother would be able to walk normal. The tumor in his leg would be gone, and his childhood would be a little normal. My sister would be alive. My family, in short, would be whole, and I could watch contently from the sidelines.
- If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it? Honestly? A lot of that money would go toward helping find a way to see, in person, what I see in the Mirror of Erised. Doctors' bills aren't small. I would take care of my family first. I would set my parents up for the rest of their life, because I am amazingly blessed. I have a rare, wonderful set of parents who have been there for me and my five brothers through ever storm, despite what their personal battles.
I would attend one Pat Parelli's Natural Horsemanship schools, AND finish college with a BA in Spanish and Education. Can you imagine no student loans? I would help give the country horse rescue the resources they need. A lot of the money would go toward family and horse related causes, come to think of it.
I would donate money to causes such as the M.S. Society, and I would hopefully spend and save wisely enough that having the money to have a family (someday) would not be a problem.
- What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now? I wanted to be a marine biologist when I was a kid. Mostly I wanted to swim with the marine life (dolphins esp.). A childhood in Hawaii will do that to a kid. Somewhere near age 12, my teachers began to express how well I'd do in a career involving people, writing, and language. I did not pay much mind to them at the time; I'm definitely one of those people who has to come to an idea one her own, but eventually I saw the ability to touch lives through teaching (I teach riding). I've always had a passion for language; it was only a matter of time until I decided I was going to teach English or Spanish, and that's the plan. As odd as this might seem, I feel it is what I'm called to do with my life -- like to do anything else would be using less than the potential I have.
- If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it? This is a question that you might get a different response from me each time you asked, depending on the time, but I believe I'd make a potion. It would be a potion you drank before sleeping that allowed the sleeper to dream only good dreams. [I work in customer service, and I really think people would be a lot more pleasant if they were able to sleep through the night dreaming of wonderful things!] I would use it carefully (as so it would not be abused like a Muggle drug) and administer it to those who had been through traumatic events. I would call it "soñada."
- If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus? Much like Molly Weasley, my boggart would take the shape of my immediate family dying. I may have nasty relatives, but my parents and five brothers have my heart. I don't know what I'd do with out them. Yes, seeing them die -- that's the form my boggart would take. The counter-spell? When I speak "Riddikulus" THEY would start laughing at me. My brothers love to play pranks; I might want to chase them down, but faking their deaths just to get on my nerves? That's pushing my buttons. Something about them knowing how to push my buttons so well is strangely amusing to me. It's really the only think I can think of to counter the boggart: my brothers' pranks turning from annoying to amusing (in my eyes)...because it really is funny to watch us go at it.
- What do you look for in a friend? I look for someone who is first and foremost, honest and sincere. I need someone who is not only real with me, but is trustworthy, someone I can count on and confide in. If I'm your friend, I've got your back, and I expect no less from you. I look for someone who is naturally kind to others. Other than what I've mentioned, I believe friends come in all forms. I enjoy getting to know people. I think you find things in friends, just by chance, that you never would have thought to look for, and in that way, I hope to keep open.
- What trait most annoys you about other people? Snobbery. I mean seriously, what makes you better than me? Truly? Better yet -- have you not flaws as well? Your foolish snobbery only makes you look like an idiot. That's all I've got to say.
- What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
-I am nothing if not determined. My parents say I was born this way. For the most part, I've known (or at least thought I've known) what I wanted from a very young age. It's just a matter of time until I figure out how to get to where I want. This quality can be both a negative and a positive thing; although, I would, by no means place it on my top five worst qualities list, determination can turn into blind stubbornness, if I don't keep it in check. For the most part, my determination combined with another of my top qualities (my fight), assures that I will land on the stronger end of the trials that come with life.
-I am a fighter. Every once in a while someone dear to me has to remind me of this (or life has to piss me off enough to see), but it is not in my nature to give up when life gets trying. Life is full of injustices, but that does not mean I need (or will) stand idly by when I see injustice being done.
-Loving. I love fiercely. It is truly something I know I can live for and could die for. I cannot live with out it. As cliché as it sounds, love is the core of who I am. It influences all the good I do. I would be absolutely hopeless with out -- hopeless as in there would be no hope for the other good qualities in me. I don't have a hard time find reasons to love potential friends. It just comes naturally.
-Sincere. I've never been very good at being anything other than what I am, but I value what is true. I value my ability to be sincere. I get tired of second guessing people and their motives (trust is not one of my stronger points), and the only way I know of countering that is to be real myself. This trait is pretty self-explanatory. ;)
-I am a very hopeful person, if that makes any sense. I suppose this is really where it is helpful to know more of where I've been to know how far I've come. In understanding that, it is easier to understand what an amazing trait it is to still be hopeful...and still a dreamer. To be able to hope, in the midst of darkness has carried me through so much.
- What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
-Although, I'd like to hope for the best in people, I'm very untrusting. It comes from experience. Instead of letting go of the experiences that led to such an untrusting nature, I've built walls. I hold up shields. Life seems safer this way.
-I'm rather impulsive. I'm working on it, but really, it's not uncommon for me to act first, regret later. Part of this comes from the fact that I'm moved more by emotion than logic.
-I can be a little too intense at times. Often it's one extreme or another -- no happy medium, no balance. It can work to my advantage, but I really believe I need to be able to find a balance in all things.
-I am, often, very sarcastic. I have a sarcastic sense of humor, and I have to remind myself that not everyone finds it as amusing as I do. However, I have five brothers, all of them sarcastic. It's a hard habit to break.
-I have a hard time following or working for someone I do not respect. I realize I'm not always going to respect those in places of authority, but I have to push five times as hard to give my all to someone I do not feel deserves my respect. This also reflects a somewhat judgemental nature within myself.
- Define in your own words the following key traits:
- Courage: is the ability/trait to do what is right in the face of adversity. True courage is not with out heart; for if it were with out heart it would not be true courage. True courage overcomes an obstacle whether environmentally physically, ideological, or emotional. The poorest man alive is truly rich if he has but courage.
- Loyalty: goes beyond "reliability" to the very heart of a person. It is that inner strength that allows a person to weather a storm, to be faithful in the difficult times (when something extra is demanded of that person).
- Intelligence: may be the hardest for me to define, for it comes in so many different shapes and is gained in so many different ways. I could very well get lost in it's depths. In short (or overly simplified), I believe it to be just one way of describing a person's capacity to apply reason, something often intangible, on a very tangible world.
- Ambition: is necessary to living a life that can be classified past that of simply "surviving." It is the drive to reach, meet, or achieve a goal, dream or desire. Ambition is the driving force behind passion; at least, it many ways, passion with out ambition is passion that simply burns out rather than burning on.
- Name: Jewelz
- Age: 22
- Where did you find out about us? lj search
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term iv