If you could change one thing about the world, what would it
be? I would like to remove the human desire to push others down as a way to work their way up. I had a teacher who treated me miserably because I came into her class with a solid knowledge of sewing and she felt threatened. Her entire ego rested on making beginning sewers feel worthless by comparing their skills to hers. I suppose this is working its way (in a rambling fashion) to eliminating unfairness.
What makes a person respectable? A person is respectable when they stick by their word not only when people are watching them but when they are alone and have to govern themselves. Some one who won’t compromise themselves for any reason and will never ask anyone else to do so either. Of course no one is perfect, so when they do mess up they need to have the courage to stand up and admit their error.
What do you look for in a friend? I never really look for friends, they just kind of happen to me, but my good friends can all make me laugh even when I am in my worst moods, are there for me when I need a shoulder to cry on or someone to cheer with and they are willing to try new things which means they are willing to participate in all of my random adventures at a drop of a hat.
What are your hobbies? I have a ton of hobbies depending on
the time of year and what I stumbled across at the art store! My
primary loves are sewing, which I have been doing for about 13 years,
camping, rock climbing, scrapbooking, reading and doing puzzles.
Have or would you give time and money to a charity? I don't
have much money to give to charity; however, I do help organize Relay
for Life every year, I volunteer with Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, and
I was part of a Co-ed Service Fraternity (APO) at my first college.
I suppose you could say I like to give my time to help people :).
What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish? Aside from the usual have a family and become a psychiatrist? I would like to do two things: travel Europe and backpack the entire Appalachian Trail in one trip (and have the guts to shave my hair to about and inch long at the start of the hike).
Who is your role model? My role model is my 89 year old grandmother who is patient, understanding, intelligent and doesn’t believe that you have to stop being active when you are older. The real reason I admire her is for the way she handles her beliefs and values. She has never once lectured me, preached at me or told me I had to do things her way simply because she said so because she has always been too busy following her convictions in her daily life and showing through her actions what her children and grandchildren should do and she has let the results of her actions govern our choices. I hope that I will always be able to hold on to what I believe in while still being that open and tolerant of other people’s choices and opinions.
What trait most annoys you about other people? I can not stand deceitful people or cheaters. Rules are meant to be bent, trust me, but not absolutely ignored. I hate it when people cheat and throw off the curve on a test, I hate it when people take credit for others work and I get annoyed when they only half cover for themselves and still don’t get caught. I can’t understand why they do it, sure there are short term gains, but eventually it comes back to bite you so just suck it up and do it the first time.
What do you want to do for a living? Hopefully I will make it through the next year and a half, pass the MCAT and go to medical school for psychiatry. Failing that I would like to be a psychologist, a seamstress, a stage manager, a mom, an interior decorator, an expedition guide, an outfitter, a travel writer, an heiress... you get the general idea.
If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic
world) beast), what would you do? Quickly assess the situation and fight like hell to save them if I am there for the attack and if it was a hit and run I would make sure my friend was alright, alert the proper authorities and then start tracking whatever it was down.
Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason? If it is ever me or them I will always choose me, so yes, I would use one in a life or death situation to save myself or a friend. However, I feel there has to be balance to everything so there must be equivalent spells on the good side of things. If I had the ability I would use those instead because they would come from a place of enlightenment rather than hatred and therefore be stronger.
What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
- I am a natural leader
- I can assess a situation and problem solve quickly
- I am fair and understanding so I am a good listener
- I am patient
- I can make pretty much anything, often with very random supplies
What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst
- I don’t always remember to let others help lead
- I have to work really hard and not being late to EVERYTHING
- When I get tired I have a tendency to be very cranky
- I don’t enjoy admitting I am wrong
- I get so wrapped up in school, work and taking care of other people that I forget to take care of myself
Define in your own words the following key traits:
Courage: The willingness to do anything you have to do, even if you are terrified.
Loyalty: Remaining true to your word and your friends which means you don’t sell your friends out to benefit yourself in any situation.
Intelligence: Having knowledge and knowing when to apply it. It requires both study and common sense to be truly intelligent.
Ambition: The drive to achieve a goal.
Age: 22
What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? (This question is
optional for those who feel they just DO NOT fit in a house. Please
explain WHY.)
Where did you find out about us? Hogwarts Challenge