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Oct 12, 2005 12:31

If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? I would make a law that screens would be parents. If you're going to pop out baby after baby and not do anything to support them but mooch off the gonvernment then you're going to get a big fat no. Basically if you're just a big dumbass who would spawn off more dumbass people to clutter the world then no.
What makes a person respectable?Their all around aura. They need to respect a person who deserves their respect and not be a pansy and bow to anyone who's higher up just because of their rank. Basically just treat someone how they deserve to be treated by their actions and how they conduct themselves. Don't expect me to bow down and kiss your butt just because you're my boss or you think you're better than me because chances are you aren't.
What do you look for in a friend?You have to have at least one thing in common with me. If not then there's nothing we have to talk about and I don't like wasting my time. You have to be acceptable of my sarcasm. If you're easily hurt by casual jabs that are just for fun then you wont like me much. Don't talk behind my back because you wont like me when I find out because I will find out, don't disrespect me because you will eat your teeth, and don't ever knock my friends because one knock to them will earn you a trip to either the hospital or therapy.
What are your hobbies? My number one hobby outside the internet has to be reading. I've always had a book to read as soon as I learned how, and I'm always reading one or two books at any given time. I consider myself a graphics queen as well. I'm constantly making icons, headers, or layouts. Sometimes I even randomly make stuff for people to give me something to do or if I'm inspired by a certain picture. I lovelovelove movies and music. I have tons and tons of both, which I indulge in all the time. I'll give anything a chance but if I don't like it then I really don't watch/listen to it anymore. I love to play pool as well and even though I don't get to play often I consider myself a mediocre player. Most of the balls I sink are by accident, heh. I'm a big homebody so most of my hobbies are things that I can do in the house but I do venture outside to hang out with friends. When that happens, we usually go to the movies or over to someone's house to hang out or play video games.
Have or would you give time and money to a charity? Not really, no. The money I get per month is very limited. The first thing I do out of the month is pay bills and stock the kitchen with food. After that I make sure I have enough to get gas during the month. I'm trying to budget so that I can save for things I'd like to do in the future (birthday/holiday presents, trips, and the Wicked play that I'd like to see this coming spring) but I'm a horrible budgeter so sometimes I find myself indulging in new movies and/or music. Honestly, most charities don't interest me. The only kind of charity that does is cancer research. I've known people who've had family members/friends with cancer and one of my favorite musicians is a victim of a cancer that has very limited research in the age bracket his cancer is in.
What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish?Right now, going to school. My parents are going through a big divorce at the moment so my college money is locked down. So my goal right now is to be able to go to school. After that, it would be to graduate college and find a job that I could use my degree. The major I'm most looking at is paralegal studies because I love to debate and I've always been very good at giving legal advice. Being a lawyer is very competitive, which is fine with me because I have no problem fighting to be the best, to win. I've always played sports and I've always strived to be the best and the top dog at what I do. I'd also minor in English because I love the English language and literature. I love knowing why an author put something in a book and what it means. I like figuring things out that someone else already hasn't and with books there's always something to figure out or some secret to find because one person can find something that someone else hasn't because they have an entirely different view point. I've always loved to write and I hate making mistakes in my writing so studying English would help me to become a better writer.
Who is your role model? My Momma for sure. She's survived on her own no matter who she was married to or what she was doing. She went to college, worked, and raised two boys all the while being in a semi-abusive relationship with her first husband, and I believe she came out on top. She doesn't take anyone's crap and she has no qualms voicing her opinion. I find that every day that passes I'm becoming more like her and that doesn't bother me one bit.
What trait most annoys you about other people? Guilt tripping. I absolutely hate it when someone else guilts you into doing something or giving them attention. Which just leaks into my other pet peeve, attention whores. Don't try to guilt me into giving you attention because if I'm interested, I'll ask. If not, I don't really care. Guilt trip me or try to be the center of attention all the time and you will not get my attention at all.
What do you want to do for a living? My dream job has always been to work with marine animals. Something along the lines of a trainer at Sea World. But I'm terrible at Biology and I do not want to live in Florida again. Realistically, either a lawyer or an English teacher. Moreso a lawyer because I love to research things and argue my point. I like to prove that I'm right and you're wrong. I'm not really cocky about it and I will admit if I'm wrong but I will argue my point until I am given a very good reason on why I'm not right. I don't think I could be a teacher because there's no way I could handle bratty children all the time.
If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do? If it was feesible, I'd fight back. I've always been a fighter. I was taught at a very young age to defend myself no matter what and to never run away. I'd rather stand my ground, to protect myself or my beliefs, rather than tuck tail and run, even if it means being defeated. Although, if an animal were to attack me I probably wouldn't be able to fight back because I do not like the idea of hurting an animal because most of the time when they attack you it's because they're scared and they want to defend themselves and/or their home.
Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason? Considering using one of those could land my butt in Azkaban I'd say none. But if I were 100% sure I wouldn't get caught, I'd use it on anyone who was in direct threat to kill me as long as there wasn't any other means to protect myself.
What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities? I'm a good listener. I've always been a quiet person and I love listening to people because I enjoy learning what makes a person tick. I'm very loyal when it comes to my friends otherwise I couldn't care. I'm very protective. If you hurt my family or my friends then you most certainly will have to deal with me. I consider myself to be exceptionally witty. I'm always cracking jokes and I usually have a sarcastic quip to say about most things. My humor is more often than not very dry. I stand up for what I believe. If I think you're wrong then I'll tell you and give you reasons why. I do not just lie down and take it. I'm very independent. I've been more or less living on my own for the better part of three years and when I'm not alone I'm usually taking care of my brother. I can cook, clean, take care of bills, and a brother who suffers from seizures. I have no problems stepping up to the responsibility and making sure everything is as good as it can be.
What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities? I'm a very big procrastinator, which I get from my Momma. Her motto is 'If you can do it tomorrow then why do it today?' and I find that I use that if I'm feeling particularly lazy about a certain chore. I have little next to no compassion. My belief is you make your situation what it is and you can always do something to improve it. I don't like hearing how people whine about being down in the dumps. Don't whine about it, get up and do something about it. I have very big trust issues. It takes awhile for me to trust people because I've always been back stabbed by someone. And most times, if I trust you then I'm still wary because I've trusted people explicitely and they've still turned on me. I have no budgeting skills or next to none. If I want something then I get it, even if it means staying at home because I have no gas money. I've always been an impluse buyer. I have a very bad temper, which unfortunately I get from my father. If I'm angry then I'm really angry and sometimes I get very pissy over the smallest things.
Define in your own words the following key traits:
Courage: The ability to stand up for what you believe in no matter what, even if it means breaking the rules or losing something over it. Having the fear of losing but still standing up for something because it's what you believe is right.
Loyalty: Standing by someone despite you not agreeing with them on certain aspects of things. Supporting someone and helping them to achieve anything by giving a helping hand or merely just encouraging them. Not backstabbing them no matter what. You're loyal because you don't do anything to hurt them and you support them 100% in all their endeavors.
Intelligence: The ability to understand what you don't support or believe in. You can understand something without having to respect it. Lack of ignorance. Know what's happening despite you not encouraging it. For example, you can understand and except that a person is a homosexual because that's how they are and not by choice, but you don't have to accept it. As long as you don't bash something because you don't like then you're intelligent. To me, intelligence is about respect of other peoples views not about all the knowledge you possess.
Ambition: Fighting for what you want no matter the odds. Believing you can do something and going full throtle to accomplish it even if you have to neglect things along the way.

Name: Whitney
Age: 21
What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? (This question is optional for those who feel they just DO NOT fit in a house. Please explain WHY.) I believe I have attributes to fit each house. I'm very versatile about what I believe in and what my qualities and hobbies are. I've never fit into one specific group without having something in common with another so I don't believe I wouldn't be able to fit into any house.
Where did you find out about us? quidditchkiss mentioned something about it in her journal but I don't think she's a member just yet.

term iii, sorted: gryffindor

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