Name: Catherine
Age: 16
If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
If I could change (my small corner of) the world, I would make family more important to people. It seems like nowadays kids have so many problems because their family life isn't what it should be. Mamas don't stay at home anymore. I understand that, in some cases, it is not practical or even possible for a mother to be a stay-at-home. But often it is possible, and the taste of the extra income is too sweet to renounce. Many parents don't read to their children, but rather let them park in front of a t.v. all day long. Sex ed. comes from the impersonal media of books and t.v. instead of from mothers or fathers who care about the decisions their children make. The way I see it, if you can't do it right, don't do it at all.
Who is your favorite Hogwarts teacher?
Although he didn't technically teach at hogwarts, I loved Mad-Eye Moody. Okay, if you want to split hairs, the real Mad-Eye was locked in somebody's trunk for ten months, and Bartemius Crouch Jun. was teaching in his stead, but for my purposes I'll just pretend it was the real thing. His is the sort of class I would want to take. His teaching methods were obviously effective (that spider sure learned its lesson). Teaching abilities aside, Mad-Eye was funny, unique, a little bit abrasive, extremely intelligent (he was an Auror, after all!) and highly skilled. And he's got a cool scar.
Who is your favorite character in Harry Potter?
Although there are aspects of each character that I enjoy, my current favorite is Luna Lovegood. She is wispy and vague, but she has a heart of gold. Always in the shadows, Luna doesn't have very many good friends, or even good acquaintances, which is something I can relate to. But when it comes to the important stuff--embarking on a death-defying hero mission or simply defending a fellow crazy--Luna is completely reliable. She endures everything: rumors, snide comments, pranks. Yet she never lets it get to her. She accepts the good things in life for what they are and tries to block out the bad things that can't be changed. And when the opportunity comes her way to improve the world in small ways, Luna always does the classy thing.
Who is your least favorite character in Harry Potter?
My least favorite character is Firenze, but not for any obvious reasons. I am the sort of girl who hates to see any person out of place, because then I start thinking about how terrible it must feel to be cast out, alone, thrust into a society in which you don't belong. Just seeing seeing a stranger eat alone makes me want to crusade for outcasts everywhere; it's even worse for a noble, intelligent creature like Firenze to be forced to leave his people just for the sake of a few forbidden friendships. Therefore, although I like centaurs in general, I do not like to read about Firenze or think about him, because he reminds me of actions and feelings I despise.
What makes a person respectable?
To me, a person is only respectable if what she says and believes is in accordance with what she does. Also, I cannot respect a person who believes something simply because it is easiest or because everybody else does. For example, I hate the philosophy "It's my life and it's the only one I get, so I'll do what I want," because that is the same as saying "I am a self-centered wretch and I take myself way too seriously. Watch out or I'll get my Snotty on you." The flaw with my basis of respect, of course, is that I have my own opinions and it's not necessarily fair for me to judge the motives of a person's beliefs or actions. But I sure have fun trying.
What is your take on religion?
I may as well say it. Organized religion rocks it. Mine does, at least. I'm not a fan of fundamentalist holy-rolling Bible-eaters, but that's just because they're idiots and I don't like idiots. If your religion believes that it has a responsibility to bring the gospel to all ends of the earth, more power to you. And if your religion thinks it's a good idea to sit on a mountain and think about fire, that's cool too. In the end, all that matters is that we try to be good people. I won't say nay if you go about it differently from me.
What do you think about house elves?
They obviously don't mind being slaves, so I say let 'em be slaves. Human rights is one thing, but house elves really do love being in servitude. I mean, Dobby was a secial case. I wouldn't like touching Lucius Malfoy's underwear either. But other, more normal house elves seem to think there's some huge stigma on being freed. The house-elves themselves should make the decision--it's their life, liberty and happiness we're talking about here, and only they can know what will make them really happy. It wouldn't be right to liberate them against their wishes. If they fought for freedom, they could almost certainly get it. But they don't need it or want it, so I think they shouldn't have it.
What do you look for in a friend?
I can answer that by looking at my close friends (rather limited in number but unbounded in worth). Each one is basically decent. They are all completely loyal--I know that none of my friends would ever stab me in the back, and if I ever heard that they were talking about me behind my back or spreading rumors, I would know right away that it's a lie. They all support me in my beliefs, and none of them would ever try to make me do anything that I am against. None of them drink or do drugs or sleep around or swear excessively or tell pervy jokes or anything of that nature. They are kind, and they put as much into the relationship as I do, if not more. They are not exactly like me--many of my friends differ from me greatly in matters of principle--but we all complement each other perfectly.
Would you rather have friends and family or money and success?
I would have friends and family. It's what I'm used to. I wouldn't know what to do with fortune or success. Besides, nobody's happy without friends. It can't be done. Money makes me smile, but friends make me laugh. Success comes and goes, but family stays around forever, no matter what I do to make them go away. There's no contest. Wealth and success won't be much use when I'm old and decrepit, but dozens of snot-nosed wee grandchildren will.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I would be able to breathe underwater. I would be able to survive any amount of pressure, and heat or cold would not affect me. Maybe I could even have fins, but not ugly ones like Ariel has. They would be so black that your eyes slide right off of them, and so smooth they feel like water. Maybe that's not what you meant, precisely...
What do you feel is your best quality?
It is hard to look at this objectively, but I will say that my desire to make people happy is my best quality. Don't get me wrong: there are people I hate, and I take particular pleasure in pissing them off. But when it comes to those that I love--my family, my best friends--I cannot be happy unless they are. Certainly that is an unlucky trait for me to have; it's dangerous for my personal happiness to depend so strongly on the mood swings of my dearest beloveds. But on the other hand, it works wonders for my interpersonal relationships. Because it means a lot to me to see my loved ones smile, I take care not to say anything mean or callous, and I love to share my possessions with them. I'm not perfect; I'll be the first to admit that. I say careless things, things that hurt without my intention or realization. But the fact that I try gives my relationships that much more depth and endurance.
What are your hobbies?
I read A LOT. Every chance I get, in fact. I go to as many concerts as I can afford, which is not many. I ride my bike to pieces. I listen to music, and watch movies with friends, and of course I love acquiring new possessions, mostly clothes. I don't do it very often though (apparently you need "money" for that).
I love acting, and I don't just mean starring in plays. I love pretending to be someone I'm not--the ultimate freedom is surely the ability to make people believe me, always, and to know that they are believing a projection. In the same vein, I love creating. I create people on paper. In one simple combination of graphite, lead and tree pulp, I can create an entire existence, one that only I know, and need not share. In other words, I analyze human nature and push small parts of it out through myself.
Do you want to have children?
I'm in two minds about this. I really do want to have children, because it seems a little pointless to go through life living only for myself. But then, there's the danger that my children will turn out like me. I guess that eventually, when I am married, I will give in and birth a few young'ns. I'm too much of a mother inside to be happy without any children, ever. What else would I do with my life?
Have or would you give time and money to a charity?
Yes I have and yes I would. It just depends on the charity. For instance, I recently helped paint some cabins at a summer camp for kids with limited resources. I did it because I knew it was helping kids with limited opportunities--that's a mission statement I can totally agree with. I would also support cancer research funds and educational funds--or anything else that I really feel is important. I don't usually have much money to give to charities, but when I do I usually don't get too stingy. The only reason I would really hold back money from a charity is if, upon looking at their statistics, I find that they keep half the money that I donate. To me that is sneaky and manipulative, and I will not support a "charity" like that.
If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do?
It depends on the friend. If it was my best friend in the whole world, I would throw sticks and rocks at the beast until it came after me. Then I would run as fast as possible in the opposite direction. If a beast were attacking a friend to whom I was less emotionally attached, I would probably be thinking more reasonably, and I would think out some strategy. Maybe I'd shoot some spells at it, transfigure it into a bedsheet or something. If a human attacked a friend, no matter what, I would jump in there and pull him off--I'm not afraid of anything that doesn't have claws. Or I'd levitate him upside down like James did to Snape...either way, I would never just sit there and watch my friend die.
What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish?
I want to go to Ireland more than anything you know. There is no logical reason for this...I don't have family there, and there are no colleges there that I want to go to in particular. I think the biggest motivator is a desire to get up and go, to be on my own. Everybody feels that at some point, although most people, as far as I know, don't just get the sudden urge to leave the country. But I know that if I don't do it soon, I never will. And if I never do, I'll always wish I did.
Who is your role model?
I refuse to squeeze myself into somebody else's mold. So if you mean "role model" literally, I can give you little satisfaction. I do listen to the advice of trusted individuals in my life, like my papa and my brother and my friends. But I spit upwind of the person who cannot be, but must imitate.
What trait most annoys you about other people?
I loathe, despise, abominate, abhor and detest people that are false. It gets under my skin every time I see a girl playing dumb just because it makes guys want to protect/sleep with her. I can't stand it when people change for their boyfriends or girlfriends. I hate it when people dye their hair or get a carrot-orange tan just because everybody else does it. I hate it when a person pretends to be friendly and then spreads lies, or when a person says or does something mean just to get a laugh.
What do you want to do for a living?
In a perfect world, I would be an art restorer. How amazing that would be! To hold works of art in my hands when everybody else is behind a velvet peel away years of grime and dust, layer by layer, to reveal at last the visible manifestation of thoughts, ideas, emotions, memories. I would learn so much about art, but I would also learn about beauty and ideals, about what people long ago deemed worthy of immortalization. Unfortunately, art restoration is only marginally useful to society. It would be hard to find a good job, and hard to make a living from it. But I can dream.
Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason?
Absolutely not. The three Unforgivables are, in plain English, Control, Pain, and Death. I admit, I do like to control people. But I prefer manipulating people who are too stupid to suspect it, like teachers and small children. I would never attempt to take advantage of somebody I view as an equal. Besides, the use of magic is like cheating; it lessens the enjoyment of twisting people's minds. Therefore I would never have need of the Imperious Curse. Because it insults me to see a human being reduced to a mere physical reaction to pain, I would never use the Cruciatus Curse. And I would never presume to play God, which means I would never use Avada Kedavra. The consequences would kill me--the guilt, the regret, everything. I mean, I lose sleep over buyer's remorse. Murder is beyond me.
What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? (This question is optional for those who feel they just DO NOT fit in a house. Please explain WHY.)
I don't wish to rule out any particular house. You can tell better than I can where I belong. There are things about me that belong in each, and things about me that preclude membership in each house. I am tough and unafraid, but I generally keep it hidden, so I could hardly be a front-line Gryffindor. I am honest and loyal, but I am unmotivated and derive little pleasure from the challenge of endurance, and so I could not be a stalwart HufflePuff. I am clever when it comes to understanding people and reading their actions, but I rarely use the information I glean to get ahead, and so I could not be a sharp-minded Slytherin. I am talented and intelligent, and I like to be around others who are the same, but I get too stressed out by high expectations to be a brilliant Ravenclaw.
What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
My talent with art is in the top five. It's nothing very grand, but it defines so much of who I am--my obsession with visual expression makes me see a hidden layer in things everywhere I go, a layer that nobody else ever notices.
I am also very curious. What I lack in understanding I make up for in inquisitiveness. I want to know the why's and the wherefores of everything around me.
I am intelligent; I learn as much as I can because I know that knowledge is independence. The biggest factor in my ability to learn is my affinity for reading. Reading is enjoyable and easy for me, and because of that I am able to comprehend things with comparative ease.
I am tough. I would rather hate myself than let myself cry. I accept physical pain, frustration and heartache as challenges to be met and conquered and, without exception, I have always emerged victorious.
I am happy. Does that count as a quality? No matter how much I hate the people around me, and no matter how frustrated I get with the world, I am still incredibly grateful for my life.
Where did you find out about us?
A dear friend of mine,
frozen_regret, told me about this excellent community.