WELCOME TO SLYTHERIN!! votingmodFebruary 12 2023, 01:58:43 UTC
Congratulations! You've been sorted into SLYTHERIN! First thing you should do is accept your invitation to the main community here. Once you've done that, be sure to join your common room at cunningfolk. You must be a member of the main community and your common room to be accepted into any others.
Now that you're a member, you may vote on new applications and join the following communities listed below (please read the userinfo provided in the links for more information):
Congratulations! You've been sorted into SLYTHERIN! First thing you should do is accept your invitation to the main community here. Once you've done that, be sure to join your common room at cunningfolk. You must be a member of the main community and your common room to be accepted into any others.
Now that you're a member, you may vote on new applications and join the following communities listed below (please read the userinfo provided in the links for more information):
Hogwarts is Home Main
Hogwarts is Home - hogwartsishome
Hogsmeade Weekends - hogsmeadewkends
Diagon Alley - Read A Newbies Guide to the System to find out more.
Great Hall - hih-greathall
Clubs - hh-clubs
Flourish & Blotts - hh-flourish
Stamping - hh-stamping
Not happy with your sort? Don't panic. If you still don't feel settled into your new house after one month, you can put in an appeal at hih_appeals.
Thank you for applying! We hope you enjoy your time here at Hogwarts is Home!
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