EDITED! :) And again. This is hard work.
If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
Fanaticism scares me, I don't know if it's ever brought anything good. I'd like to remove it somehow. And generally some prejudice and hostility. Religion is a part of human nature, but people who are fanatic about it make me nervous. It would be interesting to know how many wars could have been avoided if people had been less fanatic about their beliefs. Or if the commanding people had been less fanatic.
What makes a person respectable?
A will to try to make right decisions every day. Caring about other people, not just being indifferent. It takes a lot of guts to do something and not just talk about it. Intelligence also, and determination to reach something they dream about. And humbleness! All those put together should definitely earn my respect.
What do you look for in a friend?
Same interests and trustworthiness. Although now I realise that description doesn't fit to the majority of my friends o.O We've just ended up together somehow. But luckily I do have one friend who really shares my interests and understands me. I didn't know two people can be so alike in many things. There are a lot of things I can't talk about to anyone else than her. I consider myself really lucky to have at least one good friend like that.
What are your hobbies?
Internet, movies, books and music. Fangirling :P When I was younger I used to have a lot of hobbies, like dancing, riding, playing piano... I was also a girl scout. Or actually for a year I was the only girl in our group. I've left all those hobbies and now my time is filled up with things mentioned before and school and friends. My parents are history teachers, so it's quite natural that I've always been very interested about it. I'm especially fascinated by ancient Egypt, Greece and Mesopotamia, Middle-Ages and Renaissance. I really love travelling, although I haven't had many chances to do it. My favourite places so far have been Athens and Paris. I couldn't picture myself travelling to for example the Canarian Islands to relax and sunbathe, that's just not for me. Instead I would always choose some old and interesting city with plenty of museums, galleries and ruins ;) No point in wasting money if you don't learn something on the trip.
I spend too much time on the internet, but I can't help it cause I like it here so much :) I've met some great friends through LJ. Movies, books and music are my passion. And I don't want to think about the amount of money I've already spent on them o.O And fangirling, well... Let's just say that I can get pretty excited about things, hah.
Have or would you give time and money to a charity?
I give money when I see folks from Red Cross collecting it. But I don't think I'd use my time to charity work. And I'm planning to join WWF soon because I'm so concerned about the nature. I don't want to sound cold or anything, but rationally thinking saving our nature is way more important than making sure every single person here is doing well...
What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish?
Probably to gain experiences abroad. And I'd like to be able to look back when I'm old and not regret too much the things I didn't do. I don't know if it's because it's spring again, but I'm having this odd feeling that I need to get somewhere. That's why I'd really like to travel again and not just stay in here. At this point of my life the thing I absolutely want to accomplish is to get good grades and to be accepted to a university. I haven't had to experience any great dissapointments in my life so far, so I hope I won't fail now.
Who is your role model?
I don't think I have any... I haven't thought about it and I can't come up with anyone now. I suppose it could be someone who's done a lot for our country, for example, or some historical person like Leonardo. I don't know. It could also be my father, mostly because what he has accomplished. He was born to quite a poor family and he was forced to leave his home twice when he was a child. After that he's never felt like belonging to anywhere, but he's still had enough determination to achieve a lot.
What trait most annoys you about other people?
Narrowmindedness! I'm annoyed when I see prejudices around me, but I'm aware that I also have some prejudices myself. But at least I'm aware of them and really try to do better. Homophobia is one of the things that make me see red, I can't understand it. I'm also going to say ignorance because it's often the very reason for people's narrowmindedness.
What do you want to do for a living?
It has to have something to do with history, there's no question about it. I couldn't... or scratch that, I could work as a cleaner or in a factory, but I would be miserable. It would not make me happy. I need to have a profession where I can use my brain. I will have to spend a big part of my life working, so I want to do something I like. I want to learn something all the time and share my information with others. I think I would go crazy if I had to do some boring work and not think and learn. :( I rambled about this for a long time with a friend some days ago :D When I was younger I did occasionally dream about being an artist or a writer, but I know I don't have any gifts in those areas.
If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do?
I would simply do my very best to save him/her. I wouldn't want to seek revenge or hurt the person/animal/beast afterwards. I would make sure somehow that the person would never again hurt my friend. I just wouldn't use violence. I don't belive in violence as a solution.
Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason?
I wish I could say that no, not for any reason. But if, for example, someone was hurting my family, I believe I would use the Curse to save them. I'm pretty protective of my family. But for punishment? Never. I don't accept death sentence. I do think I would be capable of hurting someone if they threatened someone I love
What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
- I'm open-minded. I try to accept people as they are.
- I'm sensible. At least that's what people say about me. They say I think before I act, or something like that.
- I'm intelligent (or I hope I am). At least I'm intelligent in the way that school doesn't bring any problems to me.
- I have an ability to learn languages (I speak English, French, Swedish and German. And Finnish naturally.)
- I'm also a good listener, I think. Many of my friends like to talk to me about their problems. It just often ends up where I don't say a thing about myself and they babble about their things, but I don't mind. I like to keep things inside me and think about them.
What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
- I am too quiet. I can chat with my friends, but I have a hard time talking to strangers.
- I don't have a strong enough self-confidence. Too often I'm thinking about what other people will think of me. It doesn't get me anywhere.
- I'm bad at making new contacts, I really am. When I see some new person I can't get my mouth open. I should stop thinking and simply start chatting to someone, but it's so not easy for me.
- I can't get rid of some fears. I have one or two fears I think about almost every day. I wouldn't want it to be so, but I can't stop it.
- I'm a bit too emotional :/ I just cry so easily. Like when listening to a sad piece or music... or watching a movie or reading a book (end of OotP, anyone?).
Define in your own words the following key traits:
Courage: Err, simply doing something you know is right even though you're scared. Not giving up.
Loyalty: Not betraying anyone. Doing something you've promised to do even when you don't profit from it.
Intelligence: Hm... having knowledge in many areas. And just generally being smart.
Ambition: Ambitions are good to have. They give purpose to life, something to reach for. But it's not good if ambition goes too far. I'm ambitioned in the way that I don't like failing. And I when I do something, I want to do it well even if I didn't necessarily have to.
Name: Maria
Age: 17
What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? (This question is optional for those who feel they just DO NOT fit in a house. Please explain WHY.) While I adore the Gryffindor house, I don't think it's the right for me... I'm more of an observer and thinker. I don't know, I've just never pictured myself in there.
Where did you find out about us? From a friend's LJ.