(no subject)

May 05, 2013 16:19

  1. What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why?

    I’m a history major, and I’ve always been fascinated with ancient mythologies and civilizations. Therefore, being a curse-breaker is a natural choice. I think learning the ancient runes and arithmancy would be really cool, but I’d like to have a practical application for the knowledge. I’ve always envied the characters in movies like The Mummy or National Treasure because they’re able to find practical uses for their history knowledge. The thrill of solving a riddle thousands of years old or unearthing some new mystery with my life at stake would be more than enough to draw me to this job. I like the idea of always having a new challenge to tackle and a new world to explore.

    The way this job is handled in the books fascinates me. I really like Bill’s character, at least the snippets of it we’re given, and I’m completely in love with Fleur. I think it was genius of Rowling to make Fleur a curse breaker, because she was able to defy society’s expectations of what a “pretty woman” should do. I’m not sure I would want to stay in one place for as long as Bill did with Egypt, but I think it’s important to finish the job, so I could understand why he was there for years. I think I’d prefer working in Rome, Iceland, or Ireland best. I’m sure the curses in Iceland are amazing.

  2. You have to venture deep into the Forbidden Forest one night. Pick one Harry Potter character other than Hagrid and one object (muggle or magical), besides your wand, that you'd want with you.

    I would definitely bring Neville Longbottom and a ball of string. I would bring Neville for two reasons:

    1. He’s brave. It may not be a strong, showy type of bravery like Harry or Ron, where they act first and think second; but he is genuinely a brave person who will stand up for what he believes in and never run away from a fight. One of my favorite parts of the Harry Potter Universe is when Neville stands up against Voldemort, who could obviously kill him with a flick of his wrist. Bravery in the face of death is important if we’re going to be walking into a forest with giant spiders and angry centaurs and a loose Ford Angelina.

    2. He’s loyal. Neville remains loyal to his parents, even after the go insane. He remains loyal to Dumbledore’s Army, even when the role of leadership pretty much falls into his lap. He remains loyal to Harry, even after he’s presented with Harry’s “dead” body. If I get trapped underneath the hoof of an angry centaur, I know Neville’s not going to cut and run. He’s going to stay and save me.
    The string is from Ariadne and Theseus. Theseus goes into the labyrinth to kill the Minotaur. In order to not get lost inside the labyrinth, he uses a ball of string. I think string is innocuous enough to not attract the attention of the animals in the Forbidden Forest, while serving the purpose of not allowing us to get lost. The worst thing that could happen, as far as I’m concerned, is getting lost in the forest forever.

  3. If you had the opportunity to live forever, but your family and friends did not, what would you choose? And if you did choose to live forever, what would you do with eternity?

    I’m pretty sure I’d take eternity. I’ve always been a pretty independent person, and while I love my family and friends, I think I’d be able to survive without them. I don’t believe in life after death, so it’s not as though I’d be reunited with them once we were all dead and buried. I think watching the world change would be really interesting, and I’d have the time to complete a bucket list ten times over. I would get to see every inch of the world, which would be great because I love to travel. I’d be able to perfect my German and Latin, and learn all the languages I’m fascinated by, like Hebrew, Gaelic, Icelandic, and Sanskrit. I could teach forever and write scores of books and finally perfect my poetry. In terms of philanthropy, I could see that gay marriage be legalized around the world and devote a lifetime to securing human rights for everyone. With decades upon decades to devote to learning, I could solve the problems of HIV/AIDS and cancer, world hunger and poverty. I think eternity would be a great gift.

    I think it’s important to understand that I don’t feel like I would be giving anything up by choosing eternity. My family and friends are going to die whether or not I die as well. Every death is going to hurt and I’m going to miss all of them with every fiber of my being. However, because I don’t believe in life after death, I don’t feel that living forever means sacrificing eternity with them. In my mind, this gift would be all gain and no loss. The only way it would be better is if I could keep one or two of my friends alive with me as well.

  4. If you could travel back in time to one point, when and where would you go? Why?

    You really can’t ask a history major this question.

    I would absolutely love to be in Alexandria prior to the burning of the library. Ever since watching Agora, the story of Hypatia, I have been completely in love with that library. Now that I’m studying Latin, the fact that so much art and information is lost to us forever is something I really cannot wrap my mind around. It’s more than that, however. I would have loved to be one of the heathens fighting the Christians, hanging on the remnants of a religion and a culture quickly being overran by this new sect of Judaism. I love the tension palpable at this time, and the way people didn’t fight for themselves, but for the cause, for something bigger than what they are individually.

    If not Alexandria, I think I’d like to be a part of the Crusades. Fighting for something you believe in seems to slowly be going out of style or becoming radicalized in today’s world. I would love to be a part of that war. Of course, as a female warrior, probably passing as a man. Even if I’m not a Christian, it would be fun to join in the pillaging. (Not the raping. I’d probably the one protecting the Muslim women from rape. And then seducing them )

  5. What HP character do you identify with most and why?

    Everyone, and I do mean everyone, has always called me Hermione. I think it’s about more than my intelligence. I’m also a bossy, micromanaging Know-It-All who’s a bit of an elitist when it comes to knowledge and a bit too compassionate when it comes to the plight of the underdog. I’m a Community Assistant at my college, which is a bit like a Prefect, and I’d totally want to take every class available. I think I definitely show the world a very Hermione-esque personality with my penchant for rules and my love for books.

    Having said that, I’ve always identified more with Charlie or Percy. Both of them are the black sheep of the family, always slightly apart from the rest of the Weasleys. Like Percy, I don’t really agree with my parents on many things and my sense of decorum is much more refined than theirs. As I’m getting older, I’m starting to respect their views more, but I still don’t agree with them. Like Charlie, I’m the type to follow my heart and travel, even when that takes me away from home. Both of these Weasley brothers appear to be very independent. They were both super smart and I think I share Percy’s desire for structure and Charlie’s desire for freedom. A bit of a paradox, but it makes sense in my head.

  6. What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised?

    My grandfather and I dancing at my wedding. I’m a lesbian (in case previous allusions didn’t clue you in to that one), and he’s a Sicilian man with really conservative morals. I haven’t come out to him yet, even though I’ve been out for almost seven years at this point. I don’t really know how to have that conversation. I don’t know how it’s going to pan out, because he’s said things almost supportive of gay rights before. Eventually, I’m going to have to tell him, and I really hope he’s accepting enough to come to my wedding. I’ve wanted to dance with him at my wedding since I was a little girl.

  7. Do you believe that moral actions should be judged by the intentions behind them, or by the consequences they create?

    I definitely think intentions should be the basis upon which moral actions are judged. Even though “The Road to Hell is paved with Good Intentions,” I think that holding someone accountable for the consequences of their actions is ridiculous if the consequences were not intended. For example, if I set the house on fire while trying to light the fireplace to create a romantic atmosphere for my parents, it would be unjust to hold me accountable for the house burning down. Recently, a young girl had a science experiment go wrong and was charged with setting off a weapon on school grounds. I think this is unfair because the girl was simply mixing chemicals, unaware as to how the chemicals would react.

    Because I believe actions should be judged by intentions, I think it’s important for people to be informed of the possible consequences. Ignorance is a valid excuse if it is unintentional ignorance, but not learning possible consequences is not an excuse. For example, a person who opens the chimney of the fireplace and uses the correct wood should not be held responsible if (s)he slips and sets the house on fire. A person who does not open the chimney and uses wet wood should be held responsible if there is a smoke fire, because (s)he should have looked up how to work a fireplace prior to setting the logs on fire.

  8. What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now?

    As a kid, I wanted to be a lawyer. I thought it would be a lot of fun to argue for a living. After starting college, I realized that I don’t have the patience for learning legal theory and laws and courtroom etiquette. I’m not good with authority and I don’t think I’d be able to deal with a judge. Now, I really want to be a history professor at a small liberal arts college, where I can really make a difference in each individual student’s life. I think that my mentors throughout my college career have been the biggest influences on my life thus far, and I want to be able to do that for future generations.

  9. If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it?

    I think I’d be best at a charm because it seems to have the most theoretical work and I suck at chemistry, so I’d probably be terrible at Potions. My charm, therefore, would be a communication spell. I think the rarity of two-way mirrors is absurd, and I hate that wizards and witches don’t have an equivalent to text messaging. To rectify this, I would place a charm upon a smooth slate that was the size of a person’s hand. The wizard or witch would tap the slate with his or her wand and say the recipient’s name and the message. The words would appear on the recipient’s slate and the slate would heat up, much like the coins used for the DA. I think this is faster than owling and more private and universal than Dumbledore’s patronus trick.

  10. If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus?

    I’m 90% sure my boggart would be all of my bosses and professors telling me that I’ve disappointed them. I can handle failing a class, I can’t handle being a disappointment. I’m the type of person who bends over backwards to live up to people’s expectations of me (or what I perceive are people’s expectations of me) and so letting these people down would absolutely destroy me.

    Once throwing Riddikulus, I think the boggart would turn into all of these bosses and professors doing the tango. I think it would be absolutely hysterical and the first thing I would think of when trying to stop the disappointment. I doubt I’d be thinking clearly enough to think of anything more sophisticated or elaborate than tangoing.

  11. What do you look for in a friend?

    Intelligence, loyalty, and humor. I don’t need someone to be book-smart, but I really value people who can reflect on situations and ideas and offer intelligent reactions to them. My best friend doesn’t like to read and can’t write worth a damn, but I value her intelligence because she has deep philosophical ideas and she’s always up for sharing them. I value loyalty because I know how difficult it is to be friends with me. I’m a bit of a loner and I have social anxiety, so it’s rare that I’ll seek out my friends to spend time with them. I need loyalty because I have to know they’re going to want to be friends with me even when I’m being cold and aloof and when I’m an emotional mess. Finally, humor is really important to me because I take everything way too seriously and I need people who can balance me out. Someone who can meet my anal-retentiveness with a quick joke or sarcasm is always a good friend, as far as I’m concerned.

    I don’t have many friends. I don’t think it’s because my standards are too high, but rather because I don’t make much of an effort to cultivate friendships. I’d rather spend my Saturday nights with a good book and chocolate than out with friends. While I do enjoy spending times with those I’m close to, I value my alone time, which can cause people to think I’m neglecting them. The people I consider friends are those who know about my independent tendencies and love me anyway.

  12. What trait most annoys you about other people?

    I can’t stand intolerance. I grew up in a town that was really big on accepting diversity because we had race wars a few years before I started school. I was raised to accept everyone, regardless of race, and I grew to love everyone regardless of religion, sexual orientation, or gender. I’m really a live and let live kind of person. As long as you’re not hurting me, I will protect your right to not be hurt by anyone else. I also hate intolerance of intolerant people, which I think is hypocrisy. If someone is homophobic or thinks I’m going to burn for being an atheist, I try to find common ground and work from there, building an understanding based upon similarities instead of focusing on what makes us different. I’ve learned that most people come to accept me, once they realize that I’m just as human as they are.

  13. What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?

    Diligence I’m a really hard worker. I have three jobs on campus and I maintain a high GPA while also balancing an internship. I love everything I do and I pour my heart into every project assigned to me. My father’s the type of person to bring his work home and focus on perfecting every single detail, and that’s one of the few traits that I inherited from him that I’m proud of. Sometimes, I have a tendency to overstep my position and annoy my supervisors, but for the most part I’m proud of my willingness to go above and beyond to get the job done, and I think it’s appreciated.

    Patience After I have a goal in mind, I have no problem waiting and planning for as long as necessary in order to achieve that goal. This is especially true in my relationships, where I will make detailed outlines on how to get the girl before beginning the journey. I’m also the type of person to knock a paper out in a day because I have the patience to sit there for eight to ten hours and write it.

    Audacity I’m usually the one people rely on to say what everyone else is thinking. Usually, this gets me lectured for not being personable and having no filter. I’m very much of the mindset that it’s better to hear the truth than to believe a lie. Although I have a firm respect for rules and regulations, I’m also the type to bend or break them in order to have fun or prove a point. On the surface, I’m the type of person to uphold law and order and maintain policies, underneath that, I’m always down for fun. I think even Percy enjoyed the Prefect’s baths more than he should have 

    Independence My independence can be seen as both a strength and a weakness. While I am able to amuse myself and complete my goals without relying on others, I also tend to pull away from relationships and make it hard for the people who love me. I value my independence because I know I’m capable of holding my own against most obstacles, but I detest it sometimes because I know that people see me as prickly because I’m afraid of depending on anyone.

    Compassion As a Community Assistant, it is my job to be there for my residents and build community on my floor. While many of the other Community Assistants are the sweet, cuddly types, I have never really fit into the mold. However, my residents know that they can depend on me to listen to their problems and offer whatever advice I can. They know that I will fight their battles alongside them and offer whatever aide is possible. I have a very deep believe in the universal nature of human suffering, and I feel that fighting for the rights of all happiness is the only way to be truly happy.

  14. What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?

    I’m physically incapable of saying no to people I’m a people-pleaser. When my boss calls me at 4am, I answer the phone and I get out of bed. When a resident asks for help with a thirty page paper, I help them, even though I’d be perfectly within my job description to send them to the Tutoring Center. It’s usually not a bad thing, but I can end up juggling fifty things at once, and then things tend to slip through the cracks.

    Infidelity While I’m really loyal to my friends, and would go through hell and back for them, I have a tendency to cheat on whomever I’m dating. It’s hard to keep my interest, and sometimes I go looking for amusement elsewhere. I’m really working on this though.

    Boring Even my best friend calls me boring. It’s not even that I don’t like parties or I read too much, it’s that I shut down and don’t really know how to talk to people. I’d elaborate, but I don’t see how to explain this further. I try, honestly I do, I just…get scared I’m going to say something stupid.

    Nostalgia I usually blame this on the fact that I love history and the past, but the truth is, I’m afraid of not being remembered. I remember everything, dates of anniversaries with my exes, the shape of the scar on my friend’s chest, the taste of Grandma’s house after she’s made lasagna. I’m afraid that because I don’t remember, everyone else is likely to forget. Even more, I’m afraid that I’m forgettable, which is the worst thing in the world, as far as I’m concerned. I don’t want to be famous, I just want to be remembered. The problem with this is, I tend to live in the past, I don’t get over things-ever, and whoever I’m dating is usually ridiculously jealous of my exes, even though I no longer have feelings for any of them.

    Martyr Complex I have the habit of taking the blame for other people. I would rather suffer than let those around me suffer. I don’t usually complain about it, but sometimes I snap at people after I feel like they’ve taken advantage of me. My anger only lends to this complex, really. I can be a bit explosive.

  15. Define in your own words the following key traits:
    • Courage: the willingness to walk into danger with your head held high, even though you’re afraid and the odds are stacked against you.
    • Loyalty: the willingness to sacrifice yourself for your friends or beliefs, even when the cost is more than you want to pay.
    • Intelligence: the willingness to search for knowledge and utilize this knowledge in the appropriate capacity.
    • Ambition: the willingness to do whatever it takes to reach your goals, even if it means sacrificing your own beliefs or other’s dignities. The idea that the ends will justify the means.

  16. Name: Nicole
  17. Age: 21
  18. Where did you find out about us? I applied a few years ago and got squibbed for pushing for a house. I like to pretend I’ve matured since then.
  19. Do you plan on being active in the communities once you are sorted? Now that college is over, most definitely.

term xxvi, sorted: ravenclaw

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