(no subject)

Apr 30, 2013 16:25

  1. What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why?
    I would like to be a History of Magic professor. History is something that I have always been very passionate in mainly because of just how complex it is. There are so many layers to it as well as so many different ways of perceiving what is happening or what has happened. Looking at History of Magic and seeing into the complexity that is the History of the wizarding world from all corners of the Earth sounds like a real treat. The fact that I am also working to be a History teacher adds to this. It is something I am very passionate about and I want to help people create an appreciation for what has happened in the past, and also see how it could affect their future. Also, Professor Binns probably should retire and let someone else pick up his job. Then again, I only assume that Hogwarts probably would not have to pay Binns so the likelihood of them hiring me is slim to none.
  2. You have to venture deep into the Forbidden Forest one night. Pick one Harry Potter character other than Hagrid and one object (muggle or magical), besides your wand, that you'd want with you.
    I would want to go out into the Forbidden Forest with someone who was not too loud, but had a good eye and the ability to keep quiet whenever something that could eat us is around. More than likely I would venture into the Forbidden Forest with Luna because I feel like she would be very interesting to go wandering in the woods with. She would give an interesting insight on creatures seen and not seen in the woods and make the experience a lot more adventurous and fun. Something that I would take with me would be a broom in case we were to get into any sort of danger in the woods, I would want to be able to escape as quickly as possible.
  3. If you had the opportunity to live forever, but your family and friends did not, what would you choose? And if you did choose to live forever, what would you do with eternity?
    I would not choose to live forever. While being able to experience all that the future holds, the future freaks me out enough as it is. I would not want to be able to continue living my life if it meant that the people that have made a long and lasting impact on my life not be there. Besides, I feel that I would eventually run out of things to do for eternity and I would become so aged that I would not be able to do anything at all. Like, I would be confined to a wheel-chair or a nursing home for eternity and yeah that does not sound ideal.
  4. If you could travel back in time to one point, when and where would you go? Why?
    The period between the fall of the Romanov empire and the start of the Russian civil war. Or just the period of 1905 until 1922, starting with the end of the Russo-Japanese War. Granted, it would not be that safe of a safe time, but to see the downfall of Nicholas II and the rise of the communist party would be very interesting. The growing dissatisfaction with the Romanovs and their rule, to them being overthrown, the Russian Civil war, the Romanov family's execution, rise of the communist party, etc. It is just a very complex and interesting part of history and to see it unfold would be interesting. The Romanov family has always been very interesting to me and seeing more about them and seeing how the Russian peoples were at that point in history is fascinating.
  5. What HP character do you identify with most and why?
    I identify with two characters for a few vastly different reasons. The first one being Nymphadora Tonks. Ever since I have first read Order of the Phoenix, I completely fell in love with her character and everything about her. I mainly relate to her because of how passionate, playful, and loyal she is. She is passionate about her profession and does all that she can to do well and succeed. Playful in what she says and how she acts, mainly with what she says and her mannerisms. Finally her loyalty and how she cares so much about the well-being of those she cares about the most.
    Another character that I relate to is Ginny Weasley. When we were much younger, we were both very shy. Much like her I have grown into the confident young lady (I use that lightly) that I am now. We are also both very independent, energetic, and are able to have a nasty temper.
  6. What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised?
    I would see myself several years from now with the person that I love the most and a pug, cuddling on a couch in a home that we own that is beautifully decorated. Something that I want the most in this world is to live a long and happy life with someone that I love and who loves me just as well. I have always been someone who has been in love with the general idea of love and being able to experience it is a wonderful thing. Also, I just really love pugs.
  7. Do you believe that moral actions should be judged by the intentions behind them, or by the consequences they create?
    Truly, it varies with every situation. Overall though I'd have to say that moral actions should be judged by the intentions. While not all consequences equal to the intentions behind them, the intentions are what give the focus and drive to those to cause the consequences. It really does vary in each situation and there is not set answer to it, but personally I do believe moral actions should be judged by the intentions behind such.
  8. What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now?
    My ideal job as a kid was to be a Disney Princess. In retrospect, it was not really a job as it was something that would be particularly wonderful. I would have gorgeous flowing hair, animals that would dress me, a singing voice that would make men fall at my feet or chase me down in the woods, and be a role model to girls who were like me.
    My ideal job currently is to be a high school History teacher. As mentioned previously History is something that I am very passionate in. It has been my favorite subject since I have started school back when I was just six year old reading those American Girl books. I mainly want to teach high school because I want to create a better appreciation for History among younger generations. I want to mold young minds into seeing what I love about it and that there is always a different way to view things.
  9. If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it?
    I would create a potion that gives someone the ability to retain a large amount of information for a short period of time. It would mainly be used for someone trying to prepare for a speech or a test and they needed it as an effective way of achieving what they need to. Preferably I would want to make a potion mainly because it is more difficult to brew a potion than it is to cast a spell or a charm. A name for it, however, I really cannot think of one.
  10. If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus?
    Boggarts tend to take a more concrete fear rather than something like falling to my death. That would probably be my biggest fear, but a boggart being able to execute that would just seem difficult so the next option would be an oversized wasp. Wasps are absolutely terrifying to me and even just a little one flying near me sends me into a panic. When I use Riddikulus, the wasp would just turn into a balloon animal form of it that eventually pops. Less scary, more humorous, and it would get the job done.
  11. What do you look for in a friend?
    In a friend, I look for someone who is caring, thoughtful, has a good sense of humor, and able to hold a conversation. I have found it is best to have very generic qualities to look for in a friend that differ in each person. There are other qualities to people, but those four things can make or break a friendship to me. It is all about how someone is with each of those and it does vary with each person. Everyone's sense of humor is different, everyone has a different level of caring to them, everyone can only be so thoughtful, and the ability to hold a conversation differs on your personality. Having three out of four are good as well to me and I am not really picky with who I consider my friend. I am however picky with those who I consider to be my close friends, but that I cannot really describe. For that, I just have to click with someone.
  12. What trait most annoys you about other people?
    One quality in a person that annoys me more than anything is disloyalty. When someone goes behind a person's back that they have grown to trust and spill some of their secrets, it pisses me off to no end. If someone trusts you with information about themselves that they do not want to be shared, you do not spread it to anyone. The only exception is if one person's life is in danger. If it is in a malicious or gossipy manner, it is not acceptable.
  13. What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
    Observant: I’m able to notice things and see in-between the lines that most people just look over as if it’s nothing. I’m one of those people that as you’re talking to them, they’re able to tell what you’re like, whether they like you or not, or if you could possibly be a really good friend almost instantly. Also, I look at almost everything as if there is a double meaning to it. This leads me to be cautious and guarded, but at the same time open and accepting. Sometimes, what I expect, after more than likely misinterpreting something, is the complete opposite or it is correct. I do check my facts before jumping to conclusions though. Though I love to leap before I look, it’s always best to make sure that you’re not completely wrong about something.
    Artistic: I am a very artistic person. I draw and paint a lot, so much that there is a pile of drawings on top of my television that I’ve done in the past two years. I’ve gone through them so many times to compare with more recent drawings to see just how much I’ve improved and I love doing that. I love art more than anything in the world. It's a way for me to express myself and make my mood completely change.
    Welcoming: This was pointed out to me by one of the newer ladies within my sorority. We had a conversation at lunch one day where she told me that I was one of the few sisters that made her feel truly welcomed and that she belonged. Which, is true. I like to make people feel welcomed and that they are not below someone just because that they are a new member. I like people to be viewed as equals in an organization and not looked down upon for being new and not fully understanding what to do. I like to help them and guide them through whatever may be difficult to them, and help them learn the ins and outs of an organization.
    Passionate: When I become involved with something that I truly care about, I put my heart and soul into it. Over the past two years of my collegiate education, I have become very involved in my sorority, my major, and outside of class. The reasons I keep mentioning stuff like that is because I am so proud and so zealous over all that I have achieved and determined what it is that I want to do in life. Something else that I have always been very passionate about is Disney. Ever since I was a kid, Disney movies have enthralled me and for a large portion of my life I wanted to work for the company as a visual development artist. Being more realistic, I came to terms with the fact that I am not that good and that I should do something with my life that I am also passionate about and focus on a history degree.
    Driven: Everything that I have done the past few years have been to better myself and my future. I have planned out my next two years in school with everything that I need to do, how to get into the Teacher Education Program, and how to get my license to teach. I have also been planning for various leadership roles throughout originations on campus that I am planning to run for in the fall of 2013. I want to be fully involved and have more on a resume than just one little thing there. While being driven in what I do, I also want to be sure that it is everything that I enjoy and not just things that will make me look good to a future employer.
  14. What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
    Indecisive: It’s a curse, I swear it. Whenever I have to make a decision between two things, I can rarely ever make up my mind. Which leads me to ask for help from any of my friends and I usually pick what they suggest. Everyone has the ability to not be able to make up their minds, but for me, it’s just sad. It has been improving slowly, but surely with the help of my current significant other who is constantly pushing to have me decide what to do when we go out. I usually takes a while before we get anywhere, but it does help.
    Stubborn: This is more so with personal interactions than mentally. I can be very stubborn at times, mainly involving my pride. I do not like to do something that involves me asking others for help unless I truly need it. I like to do things on my own and not feel completely helpless by asking for some assistance. I have gotten better with this over the years, but as a whole I am still very stubborn.
    Disputatious: Whenever someone says something that I do not particularly agree with, I will more than likely reply back to them. Particularly if the topic is a hot-button issue. I like to debate and discuss issues that are serious and important at the time. It is fun for me. In a way, this is viewed as a negative trait simply because I know some people who do not particularly like this side of me. However, I have found that having a debate with someone who feels the opposite of you can be very fun and interesting at times.
    Worrisome: This partially goes into my jealous trait. With every little issue, I worry about it more than any sane person really should. When it comes to my grades, how I am going to be paying off my debt after college, what I am going to do after school, if I will have to stay a fifth year instead of the average four years, etc. Little things bother me more than they should and I spend so much time devoted to letting a small thought fester in my brain until it is a large problem to me.
    Jealous: One of the worst things to me is how jealous I can be. I can be fairly possessive of my friends in the sense that I do not want them to leave me for people who are probably much better in terms of being a friend. Also if I know how one person can act, like if they are very vindictive and hurtful, and hang out with a friend of mine often it worries me that they would be able to change the opinion of someone that I am close to. It annoys me to no end and I really just want to be able to be friends with someone and never be jealous when they hang out with someone else. Granted, it does not happen very often and it is mainly concentrated towards those who have a high importance to me. It is still probably my worst trait.
  15. Define in your own words the following key traits:
    • Courage: The ability to do what is right even when you are afraid to do so. Courage is doing the right thing because you believe in your heart that you need to. It is standing up for those who do not speak up for themselves, making sure other's work does not go unnoticed, and being strong in any rough situation.
    • Loyalty: Standing by those who mean the most to you. It means to stand by an organization that you are a part of no matter what is going on internally, and defending them to anyone that you hear bashing them.
    • Intelligence: Aside from the obvious, not being a moron, intelligence is about being a well-rounded individual mentally. As someone who goes to a liberal arts college, I have learned that it is best to immerse yourself in various subjects and to know more than just one in particular. It shows that you know more than just one small thing and are able to hold various conversations.
    • Ambition: The drive to succeed. Ambition, to me, shows that you have direction in the world and that you are passionate in what you do. It does not mean that you are ruthless to achieve your goals, but rather that you know what you want in life and just how to achieve it.
  16. Name: Katie
  17. Age: Twenty
  18. Where did you find out about us? I actually used to be a member here, but due to a lot of personal reasons and how busy I was I was not able to be as active here as I wanted to. Because of which I have not been active in this community since 2011 and I have really missed it and the people here. I also wanted to try my hand at resorting because I have changed a lot since I was first in this community (I first applied here when I was sixteen) and I was curious to see where I would be placed.
  19. Do you plan on being active in the communities once you are sorted? Definitely!

term xxvi, sorted: gryffindor

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