(no subject)

Jul 08, 2012 20:14

  1. What sort of profession in the wizarding world would you choose and why?
    I think I would want to be a Quidditch Player, probably a Goalkeeper. I absolutely love sports; Football(or Soccer if your American :)), Basketball, American Football, love them all! I play Soccer semi-professionally and I'm a Goalkeeper so it would be pretty cool to take my skills in Soccer and see if they helped me be an awesome quidditch player. I would have said the role of Seeker but I'm not quite the right build for that I don't think considering the quidditch players in the book were a little skinnier than me. A seeker needs to be light so the broom can moved faster so I say I would fit the role of Goalkeeper better.
  2. You have to venture deep into the Forbidden Forest one night. Pick one Harry Potter character other than Hagrid and one object (muggle or magical), besides your wand, that you'd want with you.
    I would take Hermione. I would take her because she would be able to identify all the creatures we came across with the incredible brain she has. She would probably be able to navigate us out of there come morning as well. As for the object I would take, I would probably take Dittany just in case either of us got attacked or had a serious injury, though a bed would probably be handy too but I probably wouldn't sleep in the forest because I would be worrying about our safety. There are alot of things in the forest that could harm us and the possibilty of other wizards being there too would mean the dittany would cure any spell harm that may come of us.
  3. If you had the opportunity to live forever, but your family and friends did not, what would you choose? And if you did choose to live forever, what would you do with eternity?
    I don't think I could live for eternity without my family or my friends. In the life I lead now family and friends are the most important people in my life and I think in a wizarding world that wouldn't change. Friends can become like extended family so it would be too much to lose for an eternity. I would be lonely yes, but I would miss making memories with my friends and family to add to the one's I already have. I would feel guilty too, eternity for me at the cost of my friends and families lives is too much of a cost in my opinion. If I did live for eternity I would want to do something memorable but something that had an everlasting effect but I wouldn't want to be famous for it. I would want to know I did something special but not have anyone else know. I would like to change something in the muggle world aka the human world rather than something in the wizarding world. Not that I think the wizarding world is flawless , I just believe there is so much good that can be done if you have all the time in the world.
  4. If you could travel back in time to one point, when and where would you go? Why?
    A time in my life would probably be a final I played in. We won on penalties. It was the most amazing feeling ever and just to be in that moment again would be phenomonal. I saved a penalty and it was an amazing team effort just to get to the final. We were 1-0 done in the semi-final and came back to win 2-1 in the last 5 minutes. It was an amazing tournament and just to get to the final was an achievement but winning it was a whole other accomplishment. I don't take credit for the win but everyone jumping on each other after we won felt amazing because we had done it and everyone was happy. No frowns. But a historical moment would have to be 9/11. It's odd I know but I would like to be on the plane and try to make a difference by not letting it take off or maybe stopping the guy on the plane. It sounds cheesy but just to stop the heart break that happened that day.
  5. What HP character do you identify with most and why?
    I would have to say the character I relate to most is Luna Lovegood. She seems to be a bit mad but she is loyal and caring. She is smart and she doesn't really care what people think. She is willing to fight for her friends and stand up for what she believes in, I also share this trait. You insult my friends, you insult me. You badmouth my family, you badmouth me. She has had loss but she got through it and she is strong and has a good head because of it. She is quite ditzy but she is incredibly bright. She has a great sense of humour and doesn't take herself too seriously. She also gives great advice, I might not give great advice but people ask me for it sometimes and I try my best to help them. Although I'm not blonde so I do fall at the last hurdle in that comparison. She is an amazing example of a friend.
  6. What would you see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised?
    Me and my family at the Women's World Cup. I'm the England Captain and we just won the Cup on penalties. My mum and dad look proud and I have the cup in my hands surrounded by my siblings, nieces and nephews in a almost huddle like stance. We are all smiling and my youngest niece is on my back and my youngest nephew is on my brothers shoulders. We are posing for a photo with everyone in it and it's a perfect family portrait.    
  7. Do you believe that moral actions should be judged by the intentions behind them, or by the consequences they create?
    I think what we intend to happen usually happens. So if someone intends to do something bad and something bad occurs I think that is worse than someone doing something good and something bad occurs. I think someone should be judged by their intentions and not the consequences. But I do believe if someone intends for something bad to happen and something good occurs, I do believe they should still face the consequences of their action although the outcome was good. Our intentions define the action but the consequences define the fallout. Some consequences can be unpredictable so we shouldn't be judged if something goes bad. 
  8. What was your ideal job as a kid? Has that changed? What is your ideal job now?
    I wanted to be an actress. It has changed but only because I believed it wasn't possible. I wouldn't mind being an actress now but it's unlikely. Ideally I would like to be paid to play football and be a footballer but women don't get paid to play football so I guess I wouldn't mind being a game tester. I always thought being an actress would be amazing, it's a dream job I think for most kids. Getting to play dress up and pretend. Getting to act naughty and not get in trouble because it's your job. Football is my passion and my love. I would do a paid career in the sport in a heartbeat because it's the one thing I'm good at. But being a game tester is probably still as unlikely but it pays. I love video games all of them so it would be a dream job.
  9. If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it, and what would you call it?
    Dream for a Day. It would be a potion and it would put you into a deep sleep for 24 hours and you would be living your dream in your sleep. I would make it for St Mungos so dying patients get to pass peacefully and get to live out their before they passed away. I would use it also to help people figure out what they want to do in life but it would be a milder form, Dream for an Hour. It would make death a less painful ending to life with the potion. Although I would be at a loss because it would be a tad cheeky to sell to a hospital so it would be worth it just for their to be a positive outcome. 
  10. If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus?
    Wasps and Bees. I hate them with a passion and wasps are vile creatures. I have never been stung by one but they always seem to attract themself to me. They always buzz around me and follow me. I would never wish a human to die but those insects, I wish they were instinct and there were no wasps and bee left in the world. It would turn into someone in a yellow and black striped coat still with a sting in their backside to make us laugh but the sting wouldn't be sharp and harmful. They would be dancing around funny and buzzing around like they were actually a wasp. They would be jumping up and down flapping around, it would make everyone laugh.
  11. What do you look for in a friend?
    A friend needs to be someone who is loyal, funny, doesn't take themselves too seriously, trustworthy, fun, easy to get along with and someone who would be willing to be nice to my family because they are important to me. They need to be loyal to you and not tell anyone any information you pass onto them. They need to have a good sense of humour, they need to be able to take a joke and not take offence if I'm sarcastic, although they can tell me to shut up if I'm too sarcastic. They need to be trusted with any secrets I tell them. They need to know how to have fun and not be too serious. They need to be easy to get along with and willing to get along with my family because family stays forever and friends are like a second family so they should be kind to the people I love.
  12. What trait most annoys you about other people?
    People who are too confident about themselves aka cocky. They flaunt it in your face that they think they are better than you. They pick on you because they think you are weak compared to them. It's almost like they flaunt it in your face because that's all they have, they are really the weak ones.
  13. What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
    I would like to think I am loyal and trustworthy. I keep my friends secrets and they can always rely on me. I'll do what they ask and won't betray them. I have a pretty decent sense of humour. I like to laugh alot and tell lots of jokes, I'm very sarcastic but that is mostly what I use to make people laugh. I stick up for my friends. I don't let anyone put them down, I won't let them be sad if someone is picking on them. I am very protective about the people I care about. You upset them, I take it to heart. I stick up for the people I care about more than I stick up for myself. I'm a good goalie, not the best but I'm alright. It's the position I'm best in, I love to be part of a team. 
  14. What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
    I'm a huge fraidy-cat when it comes to bugs and insects. I squeal and squirm. I tend to ask my parents to get bugs out of my room. I have alot of fears. I fear growing up, I hate heights, I fear being alone and I fear dying. I'm quite sensitive. If someone upsets me, I take it to heart. I tend not to pick up on sarcasm so I think people are always being serious and become offended, but I'm getting better. I don't trust easily. I've been let down alot so I tend to always have a guard up around new people. I'm very sarcastic. Some people say I'm too sarcastic but I'm working on it.
  15. Define in your own words the following key traits:

    • Courage: Being able to stick up for something you believe in without a fear.
    • Loyalty: Sticking up for those you are closest to and love.
    • Intelligence: Learning and working hard to always learn new knowledge.
    • Ambition: Working hard to achieve what you want to achieve and having the drive to do it.
  16. Name: Kelly
  17. Age: 17
  18. Where did you find out about us? My friend Erin is in Hufflepuff and she told about it.
  19. Do you plan on being active in the communities once you are sorted? Definitely. I love land comms and Harry Potter. 

sorted: gryffindor, term xxiii

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