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Mar 13, 2005 22:17

If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? Injustice and oppression. There are some things that nobody, but nobody, should have to endure for no valid reason. Everyone, for instance, should have a right to a fair trial. I'd continue that comment... but they do say that one should never discuss either religion *or* politics. ;)

What makes a person respectable? Being prepared to say what they think and not just bend and change themself to fit in with the "in crowd", but also knowing when to keep quiet. Tolerance of different colours, races, creeds and opinions is vitally important too - we are all equal in this world.

What do you look for in a friend? A quirky sense of humour, trustworthiness, a certain amount of tact and the courage to really say what they really think. And if they're going to be around me, then a thick skin is somewhat essential... I have something of a sharp turn of phrase. :P I like to make people laugh, and I like it even more when I can laugh along with them! I'm suspicious by nature, and could never become close to anyone who I didn't trust utterly. It sounds bad, but I like to have intelligent friends, people I can have a really good conversation with.

What are your hobbies? Horse riding... why? I'm not sure - just saying 'It's fun' is rather lame. I like to test my boundaries of power; it's fun and fulfilling to bend another to your will considerately and to mutual advantage, without breaking them. I also do judo, which I enjoy just for the physical activity... being idle, I'm not all that sporty. :P But I like judo's emphasis on the way that technique can outweigh raw strength; brains over brawn. I'm keen on music, and play the piano and the French horn. When I was 9, my teacher asked if I wanted to learn the horn as they had a slot spare... I shrugged and said "OK". I turned out to love it, though I don't really practise enough... I love being creative and write music from time to time. I also write fiction for pleasure and I read almost obsessively. I love settling down with a good book - even the odd textbook on something interesting like medicine or philosophy, but only if I have a lot of time to waste. ;)Much of my time is wasted in RPG forums... LOL.

Have or would you give time and money to a charity? Yes. I feel that just feeling sorry for people really isn't enough - and if my pound or fifty pence can help someone worse off than me, then it's money well spent.

What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish? Ack, what a question! There's so many things I want to do! But the one thing... This sounds awful, but at the moment I want to pass every exam I ever take with the highest possible grades. Le sigh. Yes, I am competetive and a perfectionist... what can I say? I don't see the point in half measures; I want to know everything! Lol.

Who is your role model? Errr. I don't really think I have one... I see too many faults in everyone! Wait, yes I do - one of my friends, though not a close one. She works incredibly hard, though she doesn't always get top grades. I really admire her for that - working hard is not my strength.

What trait most annoys you about other people? Many things annoy me about other people, lol... but I hate boasting. Basically, people who think they're great - they're sooo cool, and far too cool to follow the rules. They're cool enough to disrupt lessons, they're cool because they're not sufficiently independant-minded to break away from the trends. Ugh. Anyone who thinks they're better than everyone else just because of the clique or "class" or "group" that they're in really, really gets up my nose.

What do you want to do for a living? I want to be a barrister. As you may have gathered, I have strong opinions and I love to argue. I love the idea of arguing for a living! I'd have to have a stimulating job, I think, or I'd get bored very quickly.

If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do? Attack whoever was attacking them. I don't always think straight in situations like that and I charge in... If I knew for certain that there was no way on earth that I could help by intervening, then I'd go for help.

Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason? Yes. I believe in situation ethics; in some circumstances, anything is justified. Torture one to save many? Kill or control one to save many? Yes, in a very extreme situation.

What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities? Have I mentioned that I hate questions like this? I always feel like I'm blowing my own trumpet. OK... 1) Intelligence. 2) Creativity. 3) Assertiveness. 4) Loyalty and staying true to myself. 5) Ambition and perfectionism; if something's worth doing, it's worth getting right!

What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities? Let me count the ways... LOL. 1) Far too competetive, and I'm not a great loser, though this isn't always apparent. 2) Bad temper and contrary when I want to be. 3) Vengeful. 4) Too willing to indulge a sharp tongue; somewhat tactless. 5) I'm lazy - sad but true. I won't work unless I ahve to, or unless the work interests me. I have a short attention span for the dull.

Define in your own words the following key traits:

Courage: Standing up for what you believe in - even not following the crowd can take an awful lot of it. Doing and saying what you mean, and meaning what you say. (Within reason. :P) Being willing to risk things for what you believe in or hold dear.

Loyalty: Sticking to what you hold dear no matter what, be that people, beliefs, countries or Quidditch teams. :) No matter what anybody says.

Intelligence: Being able to grasp a concept, and apply it to out-of-context situations. Memory can go hand-in-hand with this. Also knowing when you're beaten, and being able to see both the wood and the trees. Ability to work out solutions to a logical puzzle, or invent them in an illogical one. ;)

Ambition: Wanting to be something passionately - whether that is to be the top of the class, to be a pop star, simply to be the best that you can, or to make a really good Black Forest Gateau.

Name: Ellie.
Age: 15
What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? (This question is optional for those who feel they just DO NOT fit in a house. Please explain WHY.) I'm fairly certain that I'm not considerate enough to be a Hufflepuff, but otherwise... No comment. That's for you people to say, not me.

Where did you find out about us? Just browsing! Lol.

term ii, sorted: gryffindor

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