If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? This problem that seems to plague many an individual and goes by the name of stupidity. If given the option, I would probably make it painful. With all the vast amounts of knowledge in the world, it never ceases to amaze me when I'm presented with someone who appears to have crawled out of the proverbial gene pool lacking a few necessary dendrites and synapses.
What makes a person respectable? I believe this to be incredibly relative to the individual. Generally, if someone treats me with respect, they will receive it in kind. However, I do not hold the opinion that just because someone happens to be in a position of power they should naturally be respected. There were plenty of dunderheads mucking about in the middle ages running around screaming about some random propaganda or another, killing people because they held a difference of opinion.. These were kings, mind you.
What do you look for in a friend? Honesty. I'd rather have someone who told me that, yes indeed that dress makes my arse look gargantuan. Excellent sense of humor. I'm generally very sarcastic, always quick to make a joke when the opportunity presents itself. My sense of humor can be a bit cruel at times, but it is all in good fun. I appreciate people who can appreciate that. Also, not taking oneself too seriously. If you can't laugh at yourself, you're doomed to forever live a life of humorless misery.
What are your hobbies? Don't really have any. Although when I'm not doing homework or attempting to catch up on sleep, I like to read, write when the mood strikes, video games, wander around the bowels of the internet, take pictures, spend money I shouldn't be spending.
Have or would you give time and money to a charity? I have done both, and I would do both again. I'm fond of environmental agencies, and like to volunteer when I have the time to help them work on various campaigns and whatnot. I'm also into tutoring younger children - middle schoolers and highschoolers. I do it because I like it. I think it's fun. You meet people you'd otherwise never come into contact with, and that is always a learning experience.
What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish? Becoming a successful anthropologist and ethnographer. Anthropology is my major, it is also my passion, love and personal obsession. I would do almost anything to be given the opportunity to follow in the footsteps of the likes of Margaret Mead or Collin Turnbull. To spend the rest of my life buried up to my nose in cultural research would mean the culmination of all of my dreams and desires.
Who is your role model? My mother. Due to lots of messy issues involving my father which I won't get into here, my mother was forced to raise me on her own. She's the strongest person I know, having had 2 back surgeries and refusing to let that dictate how she lives her life. I can only hope that when I am older, I can be as steadfast as she is.
What trait most annoys you about other people? Stupidity. Ignorance. Lack of intelligence. I can't stand it. Makes me want to crawl up walls and perform other such cliched acts to exhibit annoyance. It is one thing to be young and not have experience, it is quite another thing entirely to be a full grown adult and simply refuse to educate yourself. If everyone sat down and read a book every once in awhile, the world would be a much better place.
What do you want to do for a living? Anthropologist. Ethnographer. World traveler. Eventually, a professor of anthropology. As far as I'm concerned, there is no better job than one that pays you to research the subjects in which you are interested. Research funding, how I heart you.
If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do? Try to help them, but seeing as I have very little experience with defending against wild animals - or people, for that matter - I do not know how much help I would be. If I was unable to be of any assistance, I would find someone who could do something about the situation.
Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason? Oh yeah. I would. Imperio. On a friend. No doubt. If for no other reason than the pure amusement it would provide for all involved. Well, maybe not the person under the curse. But everyone else would be amused, anyways. Myself included.
What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities?
1. I can listen. Really well. All of my friends come to me for advice because I actually listen to them. I just let them talk. And talk and talk and talk until they feel all better.
2. I'm very analytical. Some would say to a fault, but it definitely helps me win arguments.
3. I can stay impartial, even when discussing a topic very close to my heart. Try to piss me off, I dare you. My friend D has been trying for years. He still can't do it. He ends up the frustrated one and storms off while I chuckle. This has proven beneficial when I have friends who are fighting over something or other, and pull me into the mess for an assessment.
4. I'm very persistent. I'm a capricorn, and this is the one area where it really shows. I don't give up. Period. If I have a goal in mind, I reach it no matter what it takes. In that same sense, I'm very methodical, taking as much time as is necessary to get where I want to be.
5. I have an iron will. I can ignore temptation by simply refusing to glance its way. Screw you temptation!
What do you think are your top five weaknesses or worst qualities?
1. I'm incredibly stubborn, to the point that it has gotten me into trouble in the past.
2. I'm rather cold to most people, especially the first few times I meet them. I have had several friends tell me how much they thought I despised them when we first met, mostly because they said I appeared to be irritated by their presence.
3. When I do become attached to someone, I have a tendency to get clingy. I'm loyal to a fault, it would seem and this has chased away some people.
4. I can be very antisocial. I'm perfectly happy sitting in my apartments on the weekends, having little to no contact with anyone, and I'll even get pissy should someone interrupt my solitude.
5. I'm a procrastinator. I write all of my papers the night before they're due. I make all of my appointments at the last available moment. In fact, I'm procrastinating right now! Yes, yes busy little procrastinator is I.
Define in your own words the following key traits:
Courage: The ability to do what no one else will.
Loyalty: Understanding the difference between blind allegiance and an informed decision.
Intelligence: To sort of (mis)quote Socrates on this one "All I know is that I know nothing."
Ambition: Realizing what you want, and not being afraid to go after it.
Name: Rose
Age: 21
What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? (This question is optional for those who feel they just DO NOT fit in a house. Please explain WHY.)
Where did you find out about us? followed a link from the marysues community