Apr 19, 2010 22:21
So yes,
It's been nearly 4 years since my last post and life still finds me in Augusta, GA; Adrienne and I are still happily together, and we are both performing members of Pyroteque, (The local Fire Troupe,) though I have become bored with performing...
I've been unemployed since 1-14-10, I was laid-off from Progress Rail Services, and have been on unemployment insurance ever since. I cannot complain though, I have few financial responsibilities and the insurance covers them. So I spend my time off currently applying for new work and helping a friend with a small business catch up on work until I go for my GED this week, and put in applications for all the local Sheriff's Departments, (That's right, I want to be a LEO.) There are 6 different departments within a 30 minute drive and I know 3 are desperately seeking new deputies and jailers. I also have to complete the COMPASS and ASSET test to turn in with my applications... (Yay Tests! -.-)
Life is good, I have no real complaints. Only a wish to get settled and secure. Adrienne will be graduating with her Bachelor of Fine Arts in the next two weeks and after a couple of months off for relaxation she can start looking for work and help with finances and we can get another place together. Still need to teach her to drive though, that will be one of the things to remedy during her break.
Anyway, that's enough for now. Maybe I'll update again sometime in the next 4 years, eh?