The Trip in Pictures[Santo Domingo, RD].

Sep 01, 2006 17:29

||- I've finally gotten around to typing up a little something about my trip. This is also going to be lacking a lot of detail because I simply cannot get into every little thing... and well, when laziness is strong [as it is in me], you know how it is.
Yes, this entry's public on purpose. I'm not going to repeat myself 294718 times when asked online about my trip. There will mostly be some picture hilights of my days there, but since there are so many... you can go through the entire album [here] at your leisure. Be warned that I've not gotten around to describing every situation because time doesn't allow me to do so in one shot. Some are out of order too... but oh well.

There are a ridiculous amount of pictures, so I suggest that if you click... leave the page alone for a while so it can all load. So sorry for those with slow connections >_>;;.

And so, let's begin...
|| August 11th: The Flight||
As is my custom, all packing was done at the last minute. Gavriil* came by the house at 2:30am in order to help take some of abuela Dulce's luggage. We left a little after 3am in order to have enough time to go through immigration and all that and catch our 6:30am flight out of the USA.

...we're not so flattering in the morning...
[[This is all Adra: BEFORE the sun-molestation]]

but abuela's just fine! so's Kenneth.

the boys in the car when picked up by tia Edda & Edwin
[Gavriil; Kenneth; Kevin O.]

my tia Edda laughing. She kicks.

my cousin Edwin & mater mea sharing the front seat.

random motorist.

Let me just say a few things that Gavriil and I noticed about my country: many motorists don't wear helmets, many bikes don't have rearview mirrors, and the rules of the road in some areas are so lax that we didn't know whether or not we were being driven down one-way streets... People drive crazy.
I fucking loved it.

And the first stop.... tia Arabella's house.
Arabella & my brother Kenneth... abuela in the corner.

Myself, my cousin [I cant spell her name] & her son Kevin

....Dropped our things off at my tia Edda's house...

Gavriil & my cousin Edwin [14]

With the puppy Sachi... RIP little thing.

my baby... little Kevin Alejandro [11]

my lufflets... the brothers:Gary [16]; Edwin; Kevin A.

After we were settled in.... off to grandfather's house.

My adorable great-grandfather [93 years old and more kickass than you and your face.]

with my tio Orlando...grat grandpa & little brother

Kevin A.; moi; great-grandpa;brothers: Kenneth & Kevin O.

Gabrielito :D

with mater mea:

my grandfather Orlando. Wonderful wonderful!

Kevin A. ; Gabrielito ; Kenneth

|| August 12th: Jardines Botanicos||
The botanical gardens were absolutely BEAUTIFUL.

Gary <33.

With my boys. <3 primitos.

Enter, if you will.

Back at the house, Gary took my camera for a bit.

Then we saw Kevin A. being so cute after his shower so we HAD to:

|| August 13th: Natalia's Apartment//Random Home Photos||

My cousin Natalia is the sister I never had. It's uncanny how similar we are o_o. I mean, I've heard about the similarities, but I didn't pay it any mind... until I met her. We're so alike. She's my tia Magaly's daughter. 

tia Magaly and her husband Danny


! I love Kevin A.

Sigh. Kenneth. He'd look nicer if he'd wear clothing that's his SIZE.

Sorting through something...

Aw how cute!

And more cuteness.

|| August 14th: Zona Colonial||
With the slightly darker side of my mater's family. My abuela's been married twice, so that'll explain why my mother and her two sisters Magaly and Edda look similar [with my grandfather], whereas Susanna [who's now in the states], Soledad [the near black one], Arabella [I think] and my uncle Roberto [in Germany] look like their father [who died so I never met him].

At Arabella's house...

at the Zona Colonial...

The children. I can't remember my cousins' names >_>;; The angry looking one is my little brother Kevin O.

The real streets xD.

abuelita's so cute.

a mama and her cubs.

They called him "Superman"

||August 16th: The Beach||

Sachi [the puppy] died that morning =(. RIP little pup.
The water was so clear and warmish that even I just HAD to get in and I even started to learn how to swim. And when I was too lazy to try and swim, my cousins carried me around xD.

The boys.

Home.. after...

:O Oh dear, my hair.

The babies...

And I HAD to have my baby eating a mango.

||August 17th:Visiting Tia Salima||
She has such a niiice apartment.
[This is AFTER I got color]

The sisters.

My cousins.... Francisco on the right, and I forget the left xD.

with Malisa [their older sister]

Outside. Their neighborhood

Back at the house....

Silliness :D

I love my Lyssa [laptop] -pets it-

||August 18th: Around Tia Edda's Neighborhood||
We took a little stroll... saw some trees and platanos. Then some random photos at home.

Sigh. At home, I was jumped on and Edwin began to hump my leg... then Kennth jumped on him and I was stuck with NO HELP.
Here I am yelling at them to get off... but it looks wrong xD

Haha,Kevin A. is too cute.

I was much too kind... letting everyone use Lyssa on this trip...

I give up on my hair. And I'm sleepy.

"Cati... don't take a picture of me"
And so I did.


||August 19th: El Zoologico Nacional||
The zoo where the animals are BARELY behind bars - something I'm not used to and found to be amazing. We could just take a few steps and actually be so close to interact with the animals... then to tia Magaly's house for dinner... where I met a hot cousin I never knew existed until then >_>;;

bear. We had to test out all of the settings in Gavriil's camera before we found the right one for this.


We're not going to talk about how close I was to this.
Mighty Close.

..back at the house..


The baby!

Gavriil then put him to sleep as they all go to sleep the same way.
[They're so adorable..why can't my brothers be adorable!] Magaly's...

Gods bless Esteban. -proud-

Natalia in the middle of a story.


Mater, Natalia & her husband Jochi* [said ho-chee]

We were made to laugh. I tried to keep it in.

Mmm, we're too nice looking for the States. Hah. My cousin Esteban <3.

THEN.... we hopped on over to Arabella's [where my abuela stayed] and we took a detour to my grandaunt's [Norma] house... where I met 24786 more relatives I will never know. I didn't even bother to try and remember their names.

The sisters. Tia Norma was in the middle of a speech.

Arabella & her family.

..back at the house..
My brother Kenneth got my cousins addicted to the way he bakes brownies. We were so fat. At least two hearty meals a day with fresh foods, and delicious brownies every other night. Oi!

Kenneth being a dumbass [read: himself].

Kevin A. imitating him xD

haha...Funny moments




||August 20&12st: Out w/ Padrino||
The 20th, I met my godfather [who is one of my pater's best friends], his wife, their daughter, and their daughter's daughter.
The 21st: He took us to a different part of the Zona Colonial

[gasp, with teeth!]

She is a VERY smart two year old. She'll be a handful when she's older.


Market... where we saw the people making the paintings you see in the background. They're so talented. I got two paintings, and Gavriil got one too! :D

mater and the tour guide

Gavriil and his anchor lol

||August 22&23: The Last Days...||
23rd: random roof pictures from when Gavriil and I baked in the sun... I swear, the sun molests people.

The market:

I look really odd here with the lady that helped us get a shitload of souvenirs.

Gavriil and "Arepa" xD

24th: First we went to tia Gladys' house where I met a memeber of my pater's side that he DIDN'T disown. Heh. After hearing a few stories about how much of a menace my pater was, we then visited my grandfather and said goodbye to them.

In the middle of a story.

At abuelo's house...

Great grandpa showed me his room.. he showed me his closet: on his side, he has his clothing neatly placed [the entire room is VERY neat], and he still have my great grandmother's clothes in her side of the closet. She passed away three years ago, and when he spoke of her, tears came to his eyes and I gave him lots of hugs. He also showed me his .45 in the closet, the mini-machete under his pillow, and another blade hidden in the armrest of the chair by the door. He said "no one will surprise me" in spanish and I laughed - he's so cute and paranoid :D.

I love them. They're so adorable.

||August 24th: Goodbye.||
Sadness... I really didn't want the trip and vacation to end. We're lucky that the little one didn't come with us to the airport otherwise tears may have been shed.

Edwin had just returned from school.

Gavriil with the last time :D


No, his hands aren't on Petey, they joked to make it look like it. My pervy little cousins.

mater's such a cutie in her skirt


Our flight was set to depart at 6pm, so we arrived a little after 4pm.. only to learn that te flight was delayed three hours and left at 9:30pm. 4 hours in an airport is not fun when you have my brothers... and are hungry x_X;;. We arrived home by 3am and I crashed... I didn't unpack until it ws time to pack for my return to college. Heh heh.

Because the trip was much more successful than I had thought, Gavriil and I are planning on returning next summer for maybe three weeks in early August. I need money. A lot of it.
*For those who comment that don't have LJ: leave your name so I can know who's who.
*Things were left out... but I'm much too tired to go back and type even MORE when a lot of it loses it's humor in translation.

santo domingo

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