(no subject)

Feb 27, 2008 16:46

omggg im lolling so hard at the latest "what i wore today" community post; SO MUCH DRAMZ over a black girl ("glowface") wearing a shirt that says "i <3 black people"!!!
there are like 3 pages worth of comments with 79857397935 threads of people arguing about cultural history and shit.

my favorite part of one of the threads:

What the hell is wrong with you and where the hell are you schooling at? Oppression land?"
'No one is telling you not to be proud of who and what you are.'

up yourself on some freshing brewed sayang_annabel intelligence :)"

Listen blowface, I'm an honors international affairs major. Don't go toe to toe with me on politics.
We protected and became economically involved in Latin America's affairs in the 20th century so it wouldn't fall into communists hands. They're still suffering from the plight of cultural imperialism. The argument swings both ways. Anyone who studies comparative politics will tell you that there is no definite solution: should we let a nation stabilize itself or extend our foreign policies and imperialize it?
it's a double fucking edged sward."

rofls.. blowface.
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