Hmm. I was a bit disappointed by the lay out of this entry. I wanted to actually take them into the forest for these shots. Alas, the only time I could actually take pictures was the day that it poured. That backdrop of carpet kept falling over too. It was also a bit on the dark side so I'm not so sure I got the quality I wanted.
Ah well, I had a lot of fun with Eileen anyway. Makes me really want to get a doll to permanently zombie-fy.
Alas I shall shortly be broke, as $4,000+ of my life's savings will be going to a car I just committed to buy. I'm worried I'm over paying, but what can you do? I'm nervous as hell hoping it will be a good buy. Cherry red Grand Am GT Coupe, 1995 (It's the year making me nervous) 90,000 miles. Car is in beautiful shape though, she really is a looker. And ZOMG she works! Like, I have a radio, and AC, and the power windows work! Did I mention the brakes are awesome too? And she actually accelerates, and doesn't sound like a beast with laryngitis! I might just name her Cherry. First there was Shadow (Dodge Shadow), then there was Patches (Best car EVAR in the world, Dodge Spirit, was many colors from repairs), and now is my dying Gundam (1992 Pontiac Grande Am SE sedan).
Got a little side tracked there, hunh? I'm SO NERVOUS! That's a lot of money. For me. I'll be left with a couple hundred dollars to my name afterward.
Teh Chosen One:
Eileen: "Ima eatchoo brainz!"
Dakota: "Cut it out Eileen, you're being creepy!"
Eileen: "Don't worry guys, I'm perfectly fine and back to normal! Check out my costume makeup though! Sick right? Hehe!"