So DeadlyNova had this little issue with an obitsu arm breaking off in a type 3 body, thus making both of them broken. So I sent her out an obitsu and a type 3 I had laying around to help her. Of course while I was packing though, Katie Rose demanded to know what I was doing. Curiosity will get that girl in trouble someday!
Katie Rose: "Hey! What're you doing? What's in the box?"
Me: "I'm packing up something to send to a friend on the dolly forums!"
Me: "Here, you can help!"
Katie Rose: "If I help, do I get to see what's inside?"
Me: "Sure, sure. C'mon, here we go!"
Me: "There. You stay here and I'll got get something to wrap the box up in!"
Katie Rose: "Ah ha!"
Me: "Now ... you might not want to look in there. You might get scared."
Katie Rose: "Pshaw! You're silly. Nothin' scares me!"
Katie Rose: "..."
Katie Rose: "...!"
Katie Rose: "...??!!?!?"
Katie Rose: "I am SO out of here! I'm not gonna be an accomplice to MURDER!"
Me: *giggle*