I have been looking at phones for a while now since mine died. I'm with Sprint, who has the shittiest phones, but the most awesome coverage area, ever haha. I have been looking at free phones as I don't want to spend a million dollars on a phone I hardly ever use haha.
Tonight I looked through the more spendy phones and I fell in love haha. Now I'm not the kind of person that has a phone for any other purpose then to call and txt msg, so all the new fangled internet's and stuff on phones is just stupid to me, which I have stated MANY times before, but this phone is the new love of my life haha. I really wish I could warrant/afford spending $80 on a new phone because this one is pulling at my heart strings *pouts*
The phone I'm IN LOVE WITH *drools* is the "Samsung Upstage". It's basically Samsung's rival to the iphone without all the touch screens. It's a tad bigger then the ipod Nano and has all the features of an ipod music player along with a phone. It has built in software that syncs up with itunes when plugged into the computer so you can transfer music from the PC right to the phone. It has a lot of short comings, like only one speaker and a built in battery, but it's pretty awesome for what it is.
It's defiantly not an iphone *fancyhands*, but it would be a kick ass birthday present to/for myself, and I've wanted the LG Chocolate since FOREVER and this is the closest thing I can get to that, so I think I might be persuaded to buy one in the end haha.