May 29, 2004 10:09
i am such a busy person. i hate it so mch. i werk 7 days a week. and hang out with people or at least try to. i feel like a chicken with its head cut off. but things are gonna get better. i soon am gonna have sundays off so that will be great. sara has sundays off too so we can lay in the sun and go swimming in her lake. its gonna be great. i also love my new job. i get paid relly good and its not boring like i thought it would be.
i went to the 89x B-day bash and it was great. Get Up Kids were awesome. i got some relly good pictures too. and some good ones of Motioncity soundtrack. they were okie, didnt relly dig the live shoow but they are a good band. i am going to see Fall Out Boy with Davis on the 9th. that is gonna be great. i am way excited. they are so good live.
Tomorrow is the memorial day bash at the CCA. i am helping out. Boink is playing. its gonna be so fun. i relly like that band and the people in the band are great. its gonna be lots of fun times. i have the day off werk so i am going early to set up. fun shit!!!
My 21st b-day is in like 1 month. i am relly excited. i am going to the CCR concert at DTE on my birthday. that should be tons of fun. there is a bunch of people going with me and we are gonna have a blast. i love CCR they put on such a good show. OHHHH EXCITED!!!!!!
Kimi if you read this i love you tons and i hope you have fun on all of yur trips. be carful and if you get a chance you should call me and tell me your okie. i cant remember when you said you were leaving. so i thought i would put this in here. Love you Sweetie!!!!<3<3<3