Yesterday morning, I was one of the first 3 people to walk in to my Math Models in Biology class, which is team taught by a bio prof and a math prof. The chair-desks were arranged in a big circle, so I picked a seat that was kind of near the door and on a "corner." About one minute later, the bio prof came over and sat at the desk next to me. We exchanged pleasantries and then started flipping through our respective planners. About 3 more minutes passed, and the math prof walked in and plopped all of his stuff down on THE OTHER SIDE OF ME. At this point, the room looked something like this:
(EDIT: The desk on the other side of the bio prof was actually empty, and therefore open for the math prof to sit at. I just kind of made random ones green...)
This guy didn't even talk to me - he just started conversing with the bio prof while I awkwardly avoided eye contact with both of them. They continued on in oblivion for a few more minutes, during which I decided which of them was in the seat that made the least sense for a professor to sit in (obv the math guy). So I turned to him and asked if he would like to switch with me so they could sit next to each other. His response was "oh, would it be awkward for you if we didn't?" to which I emphatically replied "YES." So we switched. The end. It was so random, I feel like they MUST have planned to do that and make one person feel uncomfortable on the first day =P.
Anyway, that seemed like something I should share, and it was far too complex for a 140-character summation. I may or may not start posting here regularly again.