¡ Ladies ! Gentlemen ¡ Children of ALL AGES !
In attempt to make the money for my travels back to the circus, I have decided to sell ALL OF MY CLOTHING at the Philadelphia Park Flee Market . It could be good... for you !
Here is all the info:
Philadelphia Park Flee Market
http://www.philadelphiaparkfleamarket.com Friday, July 30th from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Sunday, August 1st from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
¿ What's for sale ?
Tons of Skirts, Shirts (Tinkerbell, Betty Paige, and more), Jackets, Dresses, Pants...AWESOME 80's Prom Dresses, Lipservice, FunHouse, CyberDog....SO MUCH!! Also ~SOME~ Fake hair....
¡ Nonetheless, flee markets are wicked !