yesterday was intermeresting
I went to the store with my mommy then later me and Eash went to Great Skate OOO YA
These are the fun filled things that happened at Great Skate:
- First we got thurr and these chicks inline in front of us were talking about us being all "goth" and stuff lol...it was funny...
- Then we got in thurr and we were supposed to be ingnoring Matt ref for being an ass last friday but I couldent lol...I suck at life...
- After that one of the chicks from earliers friends tried to plow thru us lol so I tripped her...then she told us to watch out lol...wow...
- after that Greg and Cassie showed up...they didnt stay long tho *tear* but I huggeded then good bye...
- then we went to go amuse John ref....that had to be like the most intermeresting part of G/S... we went over thurr and he asked EAsh where her braclets were and she was all like im not aloud to where them and john ref was all like why yer mom wont let you and she was all like no because they mean sex and he was like wat? and I was like if you break one of the jelly braclets off someone it means yer supposed to have Sex with them and he was all well in that case and he tried to break one of mine off...he didnt succeed...then we lefted him...
- then we were over by the skate rental...my arm got molested 3 times...lol wen matt ref came over thurr he like...slide is hand cross my braclets lol and then did it again wen he left...then john ref came and did it and got EAsh to lol...then he was asking us our names and we were trying to make him guess...he should have atleast known my name...ive told him...and I knew his name WITHOUT looking at his name tag...that fag lol...then he tries to move his leg off the counter because he had been fixing his skate and he hurt his crotch lol it was funny he was like holding them...we were trying not to look but we just couldent contain ourselves lol
- then me and Eash went to go get napkins to make our own name tags and we saftey pinned them to our shirt so then he read them lol...and if he forgets again ill KILL him...
so ya that was Great Skate...then we got home...that was very intermeresting...we went and sat on my porch and we were talking about stupid things...I accidently knocked Eashes cupcake down....so I had to get the neighbors hose and hose my porch down...so we went to go sit on the other porch but instead we went to the park...we swang and stuff then went home and went online...we tried watching the Guns N Roses video for welcome to the jungle ...but then Shawns alert came up and made it go away lol...so we yelled at him...I accidently told him to go away lol...and we felt bad so we made him a picture...its in Eashes journal...so then a little later I imed Dave and harrassed him about never talking to Eash anymore...probably scared him away from cupcakes....I was trying to make him be my friend but he kept saying he didnt kno me lol...I made him look at my baby...spankey lol...he said he coudlent see him...how you can miss spankey...ill never kno....lol...were going to be making Shawn chocolate cupcakes with pink frostine and sprinkles lol...and ya that was out nite...besides the stupid whore **Mary** iming Eash and being fucking retarded....she should just die...