Nov 28, 2007 02:43
BOO Pascal is leaving this Saturday to go back home. At least we're going to go to Six Flags before his flight that day since he leaves at 8:45pm. Dammit, I hate goodbyes even if we are going to have the rest of our lives to spend together =/. Well, the plan is that I go for some time in the summer and he is going to move here in August. First we have to find out all about the paperwork and make a bunch of plans. And my family is going to move in the summer while I am away (or at least that's the plan) so I have to pack my shit up (which I always do when I leave).
My German hasn't really progressed. It's weird. This semester I took a fitness and a German class to improve in both and I have retrogressed. My ass and thighs have only gotten bigger and my German is poor. It's too bad that I didn't take German 3 right away but I don't regret it. It just happened. I'll just have Grandma Neubert give me some German lessons in the summer again. lol.
And we're not sure yet when or where we are getting married. We're thinking about getting married in Germany since his family is losing a son and my family is gaining one here. Also I think it would be cool to get married in a foreign country, but first we have to see about the immigration stuff to see if that's possible. We want to get it all set up right away so when he comes he can go to school and/or work and save up for a place of our own.
And thanks for all the nice comments guys! I appreciate it! =D
Hehehe.... I'm going to be a wife....