I've been up and down a lot over the last few days. Not in totally extreme ways, but much moreso than is normal for me. I've also been really agitated with people. I can't seem to converse with anyone except Will for more than five minutes. Even phone conversations with my girlfriend feel a little bit forced. hmm. Though I guess with Alex it's not so much agitation as it is lack of subject matter. After you've been together for 3 years, there's not always a new subject to discuss, I guess.
Spring Break starting on Monday. I'm not doing anything. Just playing a lot of video games, I reckon. I'll probably kick it OFV-style, too. I recorded a pretty sweet OFV track Thursday night --
http://ofv.yetionabudget.com/OFV-TheHardWayToLovin-c.ogg -- It's okay to laugh at my vocal style. It's meant to be fun. However, I will probably remove this from OFV and use it for my new metal band.