Location:new york
Single/Taken:Taken =]
Televison show:Lost
Movie:Center Stage
Bands/singers:Dashboard Confessional
Quote:The Greatest Thing You'll Ever Learn Is To Love And To Be Loved In Return
Clothing Store:Aero
What is the meanest thing you've ever done?: one of my friends had told me who she liked and she made me swear on my life that i wouldn't tell but really i did tell! i told my boyfriend because i had askeed him if he knew the guy and then after wards he wouldn't shut up so i had to tell him. now she clams she is going to kill me =0
What's the meanest thing someone else ever did to you?:my ex boyfriend had broken up with me during the middle of lunch and he said that he didn't want to be in a relasionship and then he went out with this other girl less than a week later!
Tell us about your most embarrassing moment: back in sixth grade my boyfriend and i were sitting on this hill with bunches of other people and then just like all of a sudden everyone left and we were sitting there. and then we thought we had to head back in but it ended up being that my teacher wanted to talk to us and then afterwards all of my friends were like "ohh what were you guys doing?"
A random/interesting fact about you:i am obsessed with eljay and myspace
Describe yourself in 3 words:outgoing, up beat, hyper
What are you wearing right now?:brown pants, star socks, tan tank
Where did you hear about us?through another community
If you found us by a LiveJournal interest, what word did you search?:
Comments on the communtiy/members:it looks like i would fit in
Do you know any members here?:nope
What would you bring to this community?:mean stories of things i did
Promote us to three places and post the links: BURN BOOK
Say something mean about these people. Be creative!
Your best friend:she can be such a bitch some times for no apparant reason. sometimes she doesn't have taste in clothes too.
Your worst enemy: she is such a bitch i just wish she would die. we are in the same homeroom and i want to kill her. she acts as though she is my best friend and then like the next day she is a bitch to me when i did nothing to here. plus she is fat and has absoultly NO taste in fashion.
Your current boyfriend (or an ex, if you're single): i love him to death
You are only required to post one picture of yourself, but you may post more if you'd like! If possible, please post a salute (a picture of you holding a piece of paper) that says: your username @ plastics_x3